Uh Huh Her
Originally Posted by calexxia /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hopefully that will NOT inspire you to BITE them/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
The funny thing is that this is one bad habit that has never even *occurred* to me to develop. Even as a kid, I've never understood biting nails. It used to drive my mom crazy because she didn't think it was fair that I had nice hands/nails (she inherited her father's hands, just like all four of her sisters: carpenter's hands, just like their dad. My aunts *still* give me crap about taking all the good hands and lips in the family) but refused to chew them (trying to gnaw the edge down because one has broken when there are no nail clippers, scissors, or files available to smooth the jagged edge doesn't count since that's a necessity rather than a habit. I would much rather use a nail file or clippers, but when I have a broken nail hanging off my finger and the options are chewing it or ripping it off, I'll pick chewing because that typically leads to less bloodshed).
Now, picking at peeling nails (the actual nail, not polish. Peeling polish off my nails is another habit I've never developed)? That's a whole 'nother story. It's actually one of the reasons I try to keep my nails painted.