I'm Fed Up With My Hair

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It did not the last time I had them (do any damage) and I had them for 1 1/2 years so I think you should be fine.

Hmm I'm not sure-- I think when I did it the other way it was 1 big peice of hair which she cut in half and doubled it. Then it was sewn on-- just like yours it was really long and I cut alot off. I dont think mine was real hair though-- she claimed it was but it didnt really curl nicely so I think she had lied. The hair itself didnt look bad- it was nice too, the only downfall was that it just didnt feel nice on my head. I know a lady that does it this way for years and loves it though- I guess it just depends on the person

lisa i voted for shave it all off hehe, hey at least you dont have to worry about long or short hair :icon_chee

Jenny as soon as I saw that 1 person had voted "shave it off" i KNEW it was YOU before I read your post LOL

I voted for shave it all off too!! Start from scratch and see if it grows in any better this time around!

Ok I used to be bald and NO do not shave it off if you want my opinion. Doing that won't change your hair texture and sometimes(this happened to some people I know) your hair might not grow back. I have no idea why but it has happened to people. I think you should try the extensions. I personally don't like wigs, they make my head feel hot and really itchy.

LMAO @ yall! Although I have an obsession with shaving things, i'm NOT shaving my head! I just put that option to see how many people would vote for it. :icon_chee

I would just let it grow! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> lol Keep up with little trims, but otherwise I think your hair looks great! It looks so healthy! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Nioxin was originally used by men with thinning hair. It help to rid the scalp of impurities, and unclog any blockages that are preventing hair from growing (most likely DHT) You can try this - I'veknown people who used it and got good results... it's not Rogaine, but it helps if you have that problem. I'm not too familiar with extensions, but honestly I think they would drive me nuts - no matter how they're in! lol


Don't Shave Nothin'!!!! O.k. I am hair obsessed. Hair is Power. Just Like Teeth are Power. I have Baby Fine Damaged As Hell Hair. Colored, thin, etc. But when the stylists talk about "Cutting it off so it will be more healthy" I just plug me ears and go to my happy place. My hair is not that long, but I will not have short hair. I have also heard of Nioxin, and know I must have tried it, but don't remember it. It could not have been that good. Hair Extensions would not be good for me..as I personally have to go either all-natural or all-fake. The combo of the two would look really scary-ass on me. I actually Not Mindin' the Wig Idea for you. Maybe actually give your hair a rest. I also have worn wigs on occasion ( We won't talk about those occasions here) and have loved them. But If I were seriously going to check out wigs...I would go to one of my fashion and personal idols...Raquel Welch's....website...I hear she makes awesome(ok..cha ching, too) wigs and that they are as "natural" looking as wigs can be. I think she may even have a store in Vegas.

We could wear wigs to the convention:icon_razz!!!!

I aint shaving my head, no worries!

I have looked at Raquel Welch's wigs before and I want one. They are expensive but they look very realistic. So are we seriously planning a Vegas convention and when? I soo want to get in on that!

I can't find anyone in my town that will do the weaved in extensions. A couple of people told me they would do the glued in kind but i'm waay too leary of this. :icon_eek:

I have a hair appointment tues and i'm going to get a color and cut. I don't know exactly what i'm gonna do with it. :icon_conf

I love your hair the length it is now! It would probably also look good a few inches longer but I wouldn't grow it out or get extensions to make it a lot longer if I were you -- the length you have now is very age-appropriate yet still very sexy and young! And because your hair is so fine, it looks so healthy (at least in your avatar) -- it doesn't look all dry and fried like people who damage their hair with heat styling and coloring! (Of course, I have been flat-ironing my hair several days a week now, so hopefully I won't damage my own!)

Hey wait, I just realized you said you colored your hair.... when was the last time you had it not colored? If you quit coloring it, would be healthier and thus easier to grow out? I have very fine hair that I have never colored and I've never had a problem growing it out -- but my hair is also very thick (ie I have a lot of it) so that also probably helps!

Lisa I think you would look awesome with short hair! If you don't want to cut it, then I would go ahead and invest in some nice extensions. You'd look hot with long hair too! Seems like all you need to do is decide. You can't lose!

I haven't seen my natural hair color in a looong time. I used to be blonde and that was alot of maintenance and damaging to my hair. I color it different darker shades now and it's not really damaged anymore but it's just fine and thin like it's always been. My hair doesn't grow slow it's just that when it's longer it looks scraggly and when it's shorter it looks like it has more body to it. I don't know why. I'll trade ya your thick hair for my puny thin strands!:icon_wink

O.K. I know I am no expert, but I will share one story about weaves, glue and extensions with you. You are very wise to be "leary" about extensions. I had many, many co-workers in Tahoe who had them. One girl sort of looked like a well-groomed Cousin It while at work, with long, always very oddly Shiny hair. One day, she invited me to her home to pick up some Mary Kay makeup I ordered from her and..she opened the door..and...:icon_eek:..she looked like Phyllis Diller on a Bad, Bad, hair day. Short, uneven, scraggely, gross gross gross hair that loooked like it would never, ever be long, pretty again or recover. She did not even look like a woman, she looked like she had just been released from the Gulag or something. Also, I have had a few drinks with men (straight men) who have told me in weak moments that ther is absolutely Nothing Erotic about putting your hands in a woman's hair only to feel fake hair. They were talking only about weaves, specifically. Wigs actually did not bother them as much, as I think they are often associated with sex play and a woman's mystyque in general. But all, not just a couple of them, but all ,said they were not fond of extensions. Just my 2 cents. I can't make this stuff up, I just report the facts. I know there are a lot of women that love them, and I respect them for that, etc. I'm just telling you what some men told me. If you want to try them, though.....also, I agree your hair looks really Natural and soft and pretty around your face the way it is now. Some people say, if you don't know what to do, do nothing for now.


P.S. Hell Yeahs we's trying !(o.k. gail aka gamaki from BC Canada and I) think a convention in Vegas 2006 would be cool. We need as many peeps on board as possible. We haven't talked to Tony or Reija yet, and Gail thought that for us Euro and Asian girls we would need at least a year to prep. It's a crazy idea, but any ideas would be great! We have already figured out to pull it off we would need mondo sponsorship as there are a lot of young gals and students here who don't have a lot of lettuce and even those who do are not going to want to spend a fortune. At this point, it is still in the incubation stage...but I think it could be like the "Thousand Points of Light"...of MUT!:icon_wink:confused:????

I think that's normal to some extent, when my hair was super long in high school (like down to my waist) it was really scraggly on the ends and was straight. Now that it's shoulder length, it's thick at the ends and wavy -- I never knew I had wavy hair until I cut it off a few years ago! I guess your hair just starts getting scraggly at a shorter length than most other people's though :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I don't really have any other advice for you, but I understand being frustrated with hair so I hope you figure something out! (I hate how the whole right side of my head is noticeably wavier than other side -- the only way I can make it look good is to flat iron it all! :icon_evil)

Just having the ends cut blunty - and straight across can help them to appear less 'straggly'... so you can keep the length, but help keep the thick look to it ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />


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