I'm Fed Up With My Hair

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Sep 14, 2005
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It's so freakin' baby fine and thin! I hate it! :mad: :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I was trying to grow it out again for like the hundredth time but I just don't think I can handle it anymore. It's getting so scraggly and I thought it might grow past this stage but I was told by a hairdresser the other day that it's gonna continue to get thinner and scragglier looking the longer it gets. Boo hoo! She recommended I use Nioxin. Has anyone used this or know of anyone that has? I'm curious about it but kinda skeptical.

I know my hair looks it's best short but I really love and want long hair so i'm seriously considering extensions. I know they can be damaging and i'm wondering if they are out of the question since my hair is already so fragile, fine, and thin. I don't wanna jack it up more but which kind would be the best and least damaging for my hair?

I've also considered getting some wigs but i'm afraid that if I like them too much, i'll wear them all the time and what's left of my poor lil scrags will fall out.

I don't know what to do so any input would be greatly appreciated. :icon_chee

I love your hair! It looks sexy as hell on you.I want to get extensions too, but they're expensive.I've seen Nioxin in the beauty supply stores and never knew what it was:icon_eek:

My hair is super fine as well and always looks better short but I went this weekend and got extensions because my husband wants ne to try and grow it long but it got all nappy scraggly looking so I had my etensions put back in. I had them before and they looked so natural but this time, I am noticing that although the hair is a very perfect color match, they are not blending mith my own hair as well. My hair dresser (who is not the one who put them in, told me she would layer them around my face this week so they would match my own layers but if I still dont like them in a week or 2, they are gone. I had them before though and LOVED them so maybe it takes time to get used to them. THey are very baby fine when you first get them and then get thicker as you wash them repeatedly so maybe after a weeks washing, they will be a little fuller and hide my own hair?

Umm, I was trying to make this a poll but I screwed up. I tried to go back and edit but I guess it's too late, oh well.

Thanks, Michelle! :icon_chee

LuckyMe, how long are yours and what kind do you have? Can I see some pics with them? Do you mind me asking how much you paid?

I cant do a pic right now but I will soon. THe Hair was $40.00 and the woman I went to (was a place who did african american hair, but she said it was not problem to do caucasion. The reason I mention this is because I have been to 5-6 places to get it done and they all say they dont do causcasion hair) charged $20.00 per track and I got 3 tracks. Tracks are braids they make in your hair using your own hair and something else like burlap to make it strong and then they sew the hair into that braid. I bought it in 18 inches because that was all they had but it was way to long! I have already cut off 3 inches

In Kansas when I had them done it was $100 for the hair and $1.00 per minute to sew them in which was usually $75.00.

You only have to buy hair every 9-12 months but you do have to have them tightened every 6 weeks.

i love your hair lisa.. i guess there is always something that we dont like that others do, try to see how much extensions would cost either way you would look hot with or without short hair.. regina (luckyme) gave you some good advice :icon_chee

Thank you for all that info!

Is it difficult to wash your hair and does it feel strange or anything? I'm sorry for bombarding you with all these questions. :icon_smil

You are fine, dont worry about the questions. I finally know about something on here that someone else does not! It does not feel weird, the first day the braids are really tight. You can feel the braid if you rub the back of your head, but personally I dont let people get that close to my personal space. You wash and dry as normal as it os 100% human hair. You do need to use a heavier conditioner on it than you and I would normally use on our thin hair. If you think of anything else, let me know and if I think of anything else, I will post here.

I have extentions now but not this kind. I tried this method and it weighed down my hair big time and was really itchy. I dont like the way they are sewn it and they kinda hurt. I took mine out after a week!

The extention I have now are amazing! Sewn in strand by strand and although VERY time consuming to put in and kinda expensive They really feel like your own hair. They are so soft and I do anything I want to them (curl, straighten, dye, ect) and they always stay nice. They stay in about 4-5 months. Even if someone touches my head, they wouldnt know I had them in! I think you'd look super hot with long hair Lisa!

What are they attached to? What is your hair type? I'm just trying to get an idea here of which would be best for my hair type.

My hair lady told me about these and called them fusion style. Only thing is these are $1000 for the exact thing I paid $60. Lisa you may want to at least try the cheap way to even see if is is something you want before you break the bank. If you like the sewn style, then go for fusion! However, she did say they dont look any less fake (*either style or way) until your own hair grows to the same length as the extensions.

They are actually looped through your own hair and sewn on with a needle and a special type of thread that matches your hair color (so you dont see it even if you wear your hair up). My hair is pretty fine although I have alot of it. I love this method so much this is my 4th set and I'm getting another in May. I'm taking this set out in another month and a half and then I'm gonna let my hair breathe for a bit. I recomend these extentions- no one will know they are extentions at all!!

Honestly hun, they really aren't the same at all- I've had them both and this method with the track is so uncomfortable. Its so heavy and if you touch the back of your head you can feel a huge bump. If it works for you thats cool, but sadly my experience with it wasn't so happy :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I couldnt imagine having that in for months

Lisa, in your av and profile pics i think your hair looks great. It's really healthy looking u know.

I don't know the technical name for it actually - they are just hair sewn is strand by strand. The price depends on how much hair you need- I get about 4 rows which is about $680 and worth every single penny- they are so great!

Thanks for all the input girls!

Thank you, Jennifer and Becka for your compliments! :icon_love

I think I will go the cheaper route first just to see how it works and if I like them. Does it damage the hair having the extensions weighing down on your braided hair like that, though?


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