I want a boyfriend with an accent

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Oh I'm the same way. I work at a movie theater and this guy around my age with a scottish accent is a regular and not only is he gorgeous and VERY kind and courteous, but his accent is so sexy.

Originally Posted by Jinx /img/forum/go_quote.gif I think a Mexican accent is different than a Spanish one. I could listen to Antonio Banderas talk about dirty socks because his voice is so smooth and romantic. The Spanish they speak in Mexico and the Spanish spoken in Spain are wildly different and it really does show in their accents when speaking English too.
Originally Posted by isometh /img/forum/go_quote.gif The Spanish they speak in Mexico and the Spanish spoken in Spain are wildly different and it really does show in their accents when speaking English too. Actually, the language itself isn't "wildly different". It's not different at all, just the way it's spoken, like the accent and the order of the terms are different. The words are the same in translation.
Originally Posted by RockerTori106 /img/forum/go_quote.gif Actually, the language itself isn't "wildly different". It's not different at all, just the way it's spoken, like the accent and the order of the terms are different. The words are the same in translation. of course I meant the way it's spoken
Originally Posted by isometh /img/forum/go_quote.gif of course I meant the way it's spoken
Oh okay lol sorry if I came off like a smartass. Didn't mean to.
Originally Posted by Retro-Violet /img/forum/go_quote.gif i really love austrialian accents.
my friend david has one. but ive never told him i totally love his accent or the fact that sometimes over the phone i occationally cant understand what he's saying cause it gets kinda thick.

because of my parents though i can understand middle eastern accents pretty well.

Oh yes! There have been some Middle Eastern accents that had me staring at the guy and nearly drooling and not paying a bit of attention to what they were saying!!

I LOOOOOVVVEEE accents!! Nothing beats a British accent for me. I've always wondered if Europeans liked the American accent, it just seems so plain and boring to me.

i always find it weird when americans say the like british accents but thats probably because i hear them everyday so to me they're just normal. i have to say i really like welsh accents and irish accents though!

Originally Posted by love2482 /img/forum/go_quote.gif I LOOOOOVVVEEE accents!! Nothing beats a British accent for me. I've always wondered if Europeans liked the American accent, it just seems so plain and boring to me. My ex (who's Welsh) use to say how lots of people found the American accent interesting. Usually that meant places were accents are strong - like all of the east coast and southern states. Like, I guess they go crazy over an American accent like we would for a British?
I'm with Magneticheart - my favorite are Welsh & Irish. The Cardiff accent in Wales reminds me of a Boston accent - I have a weird feeling that's were the accent originated, most likely not but yeah. Haha.

I used to hate Welsh accents until we had a big brother contestant called Glynn. You should look him up on youtube lol he changed everything for me! haha.

People here generally love American accents. i dont think i've ever met anyone who has said they love scottish accents though. they're a bit rough and common sounding i suppose.

I never even dreamed that I would be marrying a Parisian lolz!dannggggg my fiance's french accent is soooooo excellent and even his english sounds frenchy as well lolzzzz!! And there will be like at times I cant get what he's saying (in English) and he would be pausing n pondering for my english as well.In the end, we'll both ended up talking in our mother tongue, Tamil (indian lang lolz)

and ohh I forgot I love BRITISH accent

I find certain accents to be very appealing, too. Especially Andy Garcia's accent!

I am irish when I lived in Canada I had to slow my accent down so people could understand.People talk very slow there lol , everyday people would say they loved my accent.In the U.S.A I was even more popular it was great lol.

Originally Posted by CellyCell /img/forum/go_quote.gif Ugh, I can't stand Aussie accents - no offense. My cousin came from over there and the minute she opened her mouth, I wanted her to shut it. She's from Melbourne - I'm sure it differs from location. Hahahahaha!!!! I KNOW exactly what you mean. Especially when they sound like Kath and Kim.

That is why I hate talking on the phone because I can't understand what they're saying and I have to keep saying "I'm sorry, can you please say that again?" or "Pardon me?" I've asked my husband if it was just me and he said he had the same problem, but what would he know? He's Swedish and sometimes they can't understand his English either! And he's lived in Australia a lot longer than I have.

LOL accents are hot, but not the really thick accents where you dont understand what they're talking about =P


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