I want a boyfriend with an accent

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Ugh, I can't stand Aussie accents - no offense. My cousin came from over there and the minute she opened her mouth, I wanted her to shut it. She's from Melbourne - I'm sure it differs from location.

I forgot, I really love Cuban accents. My dad and his family have it but since living here, it really isn't as strong as it was before - so I'm like, meh. But when a guy speaks this accent... or even Puerto Rican, I just melt hardcore. Not as much as British accents, because they do it for me, but still I love it.

You guys will see me marry a Brit tho. About them being more respectful to woman, eh - a guy will forever be a guy no matter what location. Haha. But they are more open...

I'm a language whore, I love accents with a passion. My favorites are Italian, French, Australian, Japanese and whatever it is people speak in New Orleans (Creole-style French?). I have a lot of friends hailing from all over but I need a man with an accent to full appreciate the hotness.

I love Ukrainians and Russians. Attractive men, attractive accents. The languages themselves ar very nice too. I speak them not quite fluently but I get by. Of course it's not so attractive when I'm speaking it. I like Eastern European accents in general actually. I also like Danish and Welsh.

I go to Ukraine most summers, my bf lives here now but is from Poltava in the East of Ukraine so quite far from Romania. Lovely accent though. Far nicer than my Scottish accent.

I love accents. Very sexy!! I have a Scottish accent living in the US so I hear it is cute all the time!

My country is so big that we have many many MANY different kinds of accents all around and I'm into different accents too

I've got an accent!! Ok... sounds more like a girl than an accent.... But close enough!! hahaha

Thats not weird. I understand where you are coming from there is an accent i like but i cant tell you what it is lol! cause i dont know what it is i just herd it once and thought WOW!

Well good luck with that then!!Lol! I like British,Italian & French accents!!

Originally Posted by Karren_Hutton /img/forum/go_quote.gif I've got an accent!! Ok... sounds more like a girl than an accent.... But close enough!! hahaha lol !! love your new avatar !
I love accents too, especially some British ones, and South African mmmmm lol. So weird, because a sexy accent makes a man so much more attractive than he would be without it.

Originally Posted by Xuity /img/forum/go_quote.gif My country is so big that we have many many MANY different kinds of accents all around and I'm into different accents too
Yup - Bruno (my bf) is from Bahia and i'm from Pará.
My daughters boyfriend has a Russian accent....it does have a sexiness about it....he could be mad and cussing you out and it would sound sexy....

coming from the west coast i used to like southern accents...til i married a guy with one and moved to where all i hear are southern accents.... i am a sucker for candaian and australian accents...i dated an aussie and a canadian a long time ago and I guess they got me likeing those accents...

I think it would be cool to date someone with an sexy accent. Haven't gotten around to that. I have heard an Israeli accent from a guy (and he was super hot), Trinidadian accent and I have heard a guy that had a Portugese accent. I use to think he was hot.

Out of all of these guys, I noticed that they voices were deep. So...

Originally Posted by PerfectMistake /img/forum/go_quote.gif Very strange request, huh?
While I was on my cruise last week there were so many people from different countries and they, of course, had accents.

I have always loved accents, but this made the obsession worse.

My favorite - Romanian men. There were a few good-looking ones and there accents are SO cute!!!!!!

I don't know if I will ever be able to find that. I don't want someone with a Hispanic accent, 1) I hear it WAY too much and 2) it's not cute/sexy.

Australian, English, Romanian (or anywhere around that like Ukraine, etc.), Italian, maybe German, even a strong Canadian accent...hope this wish can come true LOL!!

Anyone else out there weird like me??

I love it too.If I ever am single again, I'm gonna make sure to date dudes with accents, lol!

I prefer European accents (Russian, German, Italian, Polish- whatever!) Mediterranean; basically none of the american accents with the exception of a deeeep, gentle, North Carolina.

Whew, fan my brow, honey!

I was working in the call center for Cingular and this guy called from "Nowth Care'linuh" and I about crawled through the line to bite his bottom lip! His voice was so deep but had a lot of up and down to it, it wasn't just all bass like Barry White. It was HOT!

Originally Posted by PerfectMistake /img/forum/go_quote.gif I know what you mean Mediterranean! American accent is nothing to be and I don't like Spanish because I hear it a lot (this part of Texas has a lot of Mexicans). I think a Mexican accent is different than a Spanish one. I could listen to Antonio Banderas talk about dirty socks because his voice is so smooth and romantic.
Originally Posted by Jinx /img/forum/go_quote.gif I was working in the call center for Cingular and this guy called from "Nowth Care'linuh" and I about crawled through the line to bite his bottom lip! LMAO. i like accents too. my ex had a cockney london accent and i love love loved it. sounds so manly and sexy lol. i like texas accents too. in fact i just like texas boys in general. i love the whole "ma'am" thing they do and they open car doors etc. sexxxxyyyyy!!
i really love austrialian accents.

my friend david has one. but ive never told him i totally love his accent or the fact that sometimes over the phone i occationally cant understand what he's saying cause it gets kinda thick.

because of my parents though i can understand middle eastern accents pretty well.


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