I know I'm going to regret this....

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Aug 10, 2010
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I've always been a blonde until recently.  I colored my hair brown around Thanksgiving time and it looked "ok".  My teen convinced me to kick it up a notch and add cherry highlights.  I was mortified!!!!!! Needless to say, I ran to Walgreens and bought Color Oops to correct it.  It did.  However, when they say rinse your hair for 20 minutes, they REALLY mean it!  At first my hair was blonde again but slowly over time it started to get dark again.  UGH!!!!!! So, 2 days ago I purchased some natural blonde ash hair color.  IT TURNED ME GREEN!!!!!! Yep, green hair.  So I go back to the store and pick out a lightest natural blonde hoping it would correct it.  Well, it kinda did but there's still green in there (I had green hair for St Pattys Day).  So this morning, I'm giving it my final go and hope my hair doesn't fall out.  I got a golden blonde hoping the red base will counteract the green base.  I know I should have gone to a salon and had it corrected but it kills me to pay a fortune for something I can do at home.  Please keep your fingers crossed that my hair 1. Doesnt fall out. 2. The green is gone 3. Its not a flaming orange.  

Awe Kiki I know just how you feel! I did the same thing a year or two ago.... I went from platinum blonde to brunette at home. The brown shade turned it green, then I had to add a redbased brien overtook of that. After a week or two, it wasn't as vibrant or nice. But at least there was no more green! My hair was/is dry and needs a trim. If I wasn't on my phone, I would find the thread of mine for you. You can use the search bar at the top of the page to have a look for it "blonde to brunette" Maybe there is some helpful tips on there. I had posted a few pics too. Good luck!! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Oh my Lord kiki!  Girl all I can say is most women at SOME point goes through something like this.  My friend talked me into going very light brown (I have naturally very dark brown, close to black hair).  Well I have very very short hair (much like Amber Rose the model) and when I tell you, it looks good, but I neeeed to get use to this thing.  I kinda want to run and colour it back dark!!!  Please let us know how this turns out.

One time I tried to die my hair auburn and it turned out the same color as Bozo the clowns hair.  I re-dyed it in the same day to a normal color.  Sometimes a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!


I got rid of the green without losing any hair or turning orange......YIPPEEE!  I'm still not blonde yet but I'll get there 

It's good to hear that you got rid of the green.

I too have similar tales to tell as I've been dyeing my hair for 30+ years.

Back then, it was a lot harder to straighten out mistakes at home.

I'm tenacious like you - I would have figured things out for myself, rather than going to a salon.

Thanks!!!!!! I've been coloring my hair for about 25 years now as well.  But up till now, I've gotten lucky.  See what happens when you try something new? lol. 

 That sounds just awful >.<

I've had similar mishaps, but never anything that awful. There was one time where my roommate tried to highlight my hair...one side was highlighted and there was this huge, inch long blonde streak on the other side. It was awful. So...I went to a salon and $60 later it was fixed. Props to you for fixing it yourself though, I just went to the salon haha

I got very lucky!  Not that I would ever try that again, but I was determined this time after two failed attempts.  


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