I just got my hair dyed =O

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I think that color looks great on you! You're much more suited for a darker color than a bleach blonde one. And brunettes do have more fun ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />.

I love both colours, they both look v. natural and sexy! just the style suits you as well. Good job. And I agree. The nose is cute

Awww I love the new shade..it's cute! Much better for your complexion..and I have the same nose issues..can't stand this nose...


How funny, I'm going to do the same thing to mine this Saturday. I have the exact same natural hair color as yours and I've been highlighting it for years and I'm sick of the roots. I'm thinking of going a caramel brown, or reddish brown. I'm sooooo scared though. But your hair looks great and it compliments you good, even your nose :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />


cute, i like how you didn't go too dark. a lot of blondes just go straight to dark brown and it doesnt always look so good.

you have a cute nose girl gone with that... but i like the dark blonde it looks more natural. i like the bleach look too tho


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