How do you deal with facial hair? forums

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Originally Posted by divadoll /img/forum/go_quote.gif It would also depend on how much facial hair you have. I remember in high school when bleaching became popular. A friend of mine, she's greek and she had alot of facial hair. To de-emphasize the facial hair, she bleached the girl-stache. I think it only drew more attention because then she had a blonde mustache and it kinda kept drawing your eyes to that blonde caterpillar. I saw her again at our 20yr high school reunion. I guess she discovered hair removal. Good thing and she looked fantastic! I thread or I shave but I don't have too much facial hair, just at the corners of my mouth.

yea I would say that my hair was definitely less noticeable when I bleached it. I have lots of black hair on my cheeks, but it's peachfuzz, so it's not too bushy. The other odd thing about bleaching is that IDK if this is normal, but my hair would stay blonde for a month or so then return to black! I thought bleaching was permanent, either that or my hair fell off and new hair grew in it'a place.
I use a little coil springy thing that you roll up and down your face and it catches the little hair and pulls them out. It does not hurt that bad, but the most sensitive part is my upper lip, and I do have a hard time trying to get at the corners of my mouth for some reason. This is the link to Amazon where I ordered it Rem Spring Facial Hair Remover - Fast And Easy with BONUS 8x Compact Mirror & Tweezer: Beauty.

I really like this. I know on Amazon it only has 3 ratings, but it works good for me. I don't like waxing and this is so much easier.

Originally Posted by perlanga /img/forum/go_quote.gif yea I would say that my hair was definitely less noticeable when I bleached it. I have lots of black hair on my cheeks, but it's peachfuzz, so it's not too bushy. The other odd thing about bleaching is that IDK if this is normal, but my hair would stay blonde for a month or so then return to black! I thought bleaching was permanent, either that or my hair fell off and new hair grew in it'a place. Thats great it works for you. I was talking about a full stache tho. She may not have seen it when she looked directly into the mirror but when light catches it at a certain direction, boy! It was thick! I've also seen women with full beards and they don't do anything at all with it. I had to avert my eyes to keep from staring.

I love epicare and have tried all the other ways to get rid of facial hair.

I use it maybe once a week and as long as you keep up with it, it does great work.

Epicare Face Threading Tool | Epicare Facial Hair Removal Tool

It's kind of addicting
The first time you use it, it does pull a bit, but no red abrasion marks and it's just a quick pull.

Then, from there on, it works great. I haven't used it in the bikini area, but for facial hair...this is good!

Well i have tried threading, it works on my upper lip and chin etc but it irritated my skin really badly the first time but your skin gets used to it. Get it done from a salon or i am thinking of getting laser hair removal done on my upper lip as i have a dark shadow i have to cover up with make up! Its very annoying! I also get 'peach fuzz' on my cheeks and i tried threading and tweezing that area but OMG i had a really bad break out and never again will i do that!

Has anyone tried an eyebrow shaver? I buy similar ones at my fave dollarstore. I don't have to pluck the stray brow hairs anymore.


Try laser surgery,there are lots of surgical procedure though but if other self treatment wont work,its time to consult the expert

"Has anyone tried an eyebrow shaver? I buy similar ones at my fave dollarstore. I don't have to pluck the stray brow hairs anymore."

It looks like an old fashioned straight razor, but with more precision to get to smaller angles on the face. Interesting.

Originally Posted by Dragonfly /img/forum/go_quote.gif "Has anyone tried an eyebrow shaver? I buy similar ones at my fave dollarstore. I don't have to pluck the stray brow hairs anymore."
It looks like an old fashioned straight razor, but with more precision to get to smaller angles on the face. Interesting.

me thinks it works great! No more accidentally overplucking!
I am very very hairy I get sideburns and the upper lip and my hair is dark and its very hard to hide! I have tried shaving, nair, the electrolysis waxing im pretty sure everything there is! I just got a new product from Avon by skin so soft. It is a hair removal cream and it was amazing ill never use anything else again. It has a special cream for your face, body,and for the bikini line! it also is available for sensitive skin! It is also very affordable!!! If anyone is interested message me I tried posting the link on here but i dont have enough posts! I hope this helps I know how you feel and I wish you the best!

There are facial fairness bleaches which bleach the facial hair and matches to skin tone. Here are types of creams like oxy bleaching cream and fem herbal and fairness creams in flavors. I use fem pink. I buy online at International Drug Mart

You can find more details on these creams at International Drug Mart's blog post.

I use a cheap (about $3 from ebay I think) version of the Epicare (there are other names for it as well) stick. It pulls out multiple hairs at once, so it´s comparable to threading I guess. I don´t have to see what I´m doing, so I can remove the hairs sitting in front of the TV. And after the 2nd or 3rd time it´s not all that painful anymore

I have blond hairs about my top lip, which bother me when I cover that area with foundation, cause they stick out more then.

I pluck any of the coarse hair daily, sometimes 2x per day. At night, while watching tv, I will often just feel around my chin and pluck what I can feel. I also repeat in the morning before applying makeup, but I look in a mirror to make sure I got them all. I follow that up with a dry shave which removes any fine hairs and also exfoliates a bit. I tend to keep tweezers everywhere because I hate knowing I have a hair sticking out. I also make sure to keep a pair in my desk for anything I might feel at work, and a pair in my car because sometimes I will see something in the sunlight that I didn't see in the house. Only pluck in the car if no one is around and car is stopped.

Originally Posted by Imprintwilight /img/forum/go_quote.gif I have no patience for plucking. I practically have to force myself to do it. It makes my nose itch. Ya threading will pull out tiny tiny tiny hair that can come out darker in the future :/
@Imprintwilight- Youd hate an epilator lol

I feel like I have a lot of hair on my lower cheeks, I'm just so scared to remove it. I don't want it growing back darker and looking like I have a beard. I have no idea how to remove it, can't decide if I should have it waxed, use a cream remover, or threading. I hope more of you share your experiences with this, I need help.

My roommate who is African American uses this stuff called Magic Razorless Cream Shave & she buys it from Walmart. She says her boyfriend uses it on his head because he sports the totally smooth bald look. She has PCOS and suffers from the excess hair. She has been using this stuff on her face since college and it works really good! She figured if it could get his head nice & smooth & bald, it should work GREAT for her! And it's a whole lot cheeper than that Vaniqua her Dr. perscribed that didn't work for her. I believe there are two kinds, but the one she buys is for the "Bald Head" look.

On another note... I have used this "Down Below" and it does the trick, you will be "Super Smooth" for weeks!!

Ugh!! Facial hair is the devil! Sometimes I think I'm part bear because I have so much!

I've done everything from shaving, waxing, plucking, cream removers and elip...whatever it's called! Guess I'll have to keep doing these until I have enough money for laser hair removal.

Unfortunately I too have no answer. My facial hair started during my pregnancy with my first born and it has never stopped. I pretty much shave my chin and sideburns like a man. It is horrible. Of course I have always been a hairy monster so I never really freaked out about it. But it is troublesome and painful. Nothing gets rid of it! I even carry a razor in my purse and WILL shave in the mirror once I get into the car if I have forgotten to do so. Really not a pretty sight.

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