Hi there girls lol? i got something odd to ask

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Sep 21, 2011
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Ok My name is Justin yes O'm a guy and i'm straight. I'm not here to hit on anyone lol i'm here to get advice. I want to make myself beautiful i don't care the price. Its hard because O was born with something called craniosynostosis. It is a deformity of the skull. I still have faith that I can be beautiful on the outside. I'm looking for doctors to help me repair my skull and and fix the obvious, but i want to look astounding, like model sexy. I'm 20 years old, but i finally have a life to my own (long story) and i'm gonna live it and this is my dream. I hope that someone can see my ambition and are also willing to help me in any way they can find it in there heart to give me support and time. That's a lot to ask strangers because you don't know what really i want to be done, but please be willing. My name is Justin Mason, 20 years of age and 5'11 maybe 6 foot now. I only to be beautiful, but in this pictures you will see were i'm starting from.

It hurts sharing my looks with anyone so i hope you can understand how are it is for me to hit submit, i hope you can understand my dream.

And i guess its ironice that i'm posting this in the Hair care talk but i'm bald. I shaved it last night to talk to a doctor about my skull i want it back, but my hair is thinning. I'm going to get a hair transplant  so where should my hair lines be to get the most out of my looks.

Hello Justin, Welcome to our community :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

It is hard to tell from your pictures, but your hair line seems fine as is, if it is something that can be changed then maybe a tad lower in the front where your forehead is. To keep it from looking as though it is reciding.

The best thing to do, to look and feel beautiful is to start with a healthy diet and skin care regime. Eating a well balanced diet full of vitamins and nutrience will help to restore vitality to your hair, and give you a good complexion. Incorpoarte a multivitamin for men into your diet as well.

Do you use any skin care products at the moment? To start, do not use any shaving products on your face that contain alcohol, as it ages your skin prematurely, causing dry skin and wrinkles.

After shaving you should apply a facial lotion to help keep your skin from being irritated and keep it moisturized. Neutrogena makes some great lotions for men, as does Nivea.

What do you wash your face with? Bar soap might be to harsh for your skin, try switching to Neutrogena glycerin bar soap, or another brand of glycerin soap. (They tend to be clear and orange in colour)

The do not contain any fragrences or harmful ingredients.

You should not feel as down on yourself as you do, there is no need for it. You are a handsome guy and the right girl will see that. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

If you have any other questions, please don't feel shy to ask.

Everyone is welcome here!

Hi Justin.

The way you were writing, I was expecting you to look quite unattractive, before I saw your photos - you have a very nice face.

I'm curious what colour your hair is when it will grow out.

In my opinion, the best way to make thinning hair (on a man) less noticeable is to keep it short and if it is dark, think about having it dyed a dark blond/light brown. Plus the dye will swell out the hair shafts making your hair look thicker.

I can't speak for any other lady but I'm more interested in a man's physique than his hair.

You look like you exercise which is a good thing.

I agree with Kanata's advice about skin care - however, use a liquid cleanser as bar soaps can potentially clog pores with the wax they contain.


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