Hey Girls... and guys. Taking a short short break.

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Jan 3, 2011
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Just to let you know I'm not dead. lol This week has been CRAZY! I am in my last 7 weeks of cosmo school I have Graduation finals next week (9th) , A huge Iowa wide comp that I do in front of 1000 people on stage( 13th), the Midwest beauty show comp for Procter and Gamble (11th) and my test shot for Passions Beauty Book ( this is a international publicized shoot) (13th)

So pllllllllllease don't  hate me for not being around as of later. After the 13th I will be back on the board full force! So I'm taking a tiny break until then so i can focus on these things and knock them out of the park!

I just need more then 24 hours in a day! lol

I will be in periodically to check on things and make sure everything is going how it should. I do get flagged messages so I will be back in if things are reported. So be good while I am away making beautiful hair and wish me luck!!


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