I even exfoliate my lips by taking a little bit of vitamin E, mixing it with soy oil, applying it to my lips and gently taking a dry toothbrush and Gently brushing my lips. Some people use vaseline, but I think that stuff is nasty.
Thank you so much for that! Lately I have been so frustrated with all of the skincare regimens I have tried that I was feeling a bit hopeless. I went to Border's and I read a little bit of Paula Begoun's books and I like her philosophy. She also talks about manual exfoliation. your post was very helpful.:clap
Can anyone recommend a particular type of exfoliant? Please not too pricey! I just spent $82.00 on a moisturizer, and I have to let the credit card cool off from the holidays...:icon_roll
When I first started exfoliating my skin looked terrible from the process!! It just seems like I had uncovered every pimple or acne swollen pore that ever existed! Lots of bumps and breakouts were unleashed from underneath the dead skin. I hung in there, but it took over 3 weeks. I noticed too, that my pores were actually purging clogged bits of hardened oily bits. So I would wash my hands and actually give circle massages all over my face after all product was removed. That helped!
Well...I saw this thread as I was sitting here with my Glycolic Peel working away...anyways
Ihave not tried it but found it interesting and thought I would share here...I was on another board and it's mentioned there about exfoliating with a scrub brush or one of the Spin Brush toothbrushes. There's a girl over there with a whole blog type thread with pics and all. I don't know if I can post the link here, it was an acne board. Id be happy to supply if anyone wants...just email me