A while back, I bought some Aveda Beautifying Complex (ABC) Oil and was putting it on my hair, it's ok but you have to be careful not to use too much or you looked oil slicked. Now too long ago I wanted to try Epidermx and they had a special if you buy the Silkia Camelia Oil too. I had seen some threads where people said the Camelia was good for your hair so I've been using that. I like it a lot better than the Aveda and it's a lot cheaper, with the Silkia you can put it on wet or dry hair and it really helps with the frizzies but doesn't stick the hair together like the Aveda did.
I don't use it for deep conditioning tho. When I deep condition, you never know what I might use...last time I bought an avocado, peeled it and threw it in the blender with mayo, honey and olive oil, applied it to dry hair and sat under my heat cap for an hour or so while on the net.
I tried Ojon treatment too, it was ok but IMHO, not worth the expense, it wasn't any miracle.
It's about time to deep condition again so maybe I'll try just the olive oil today.
Also, jojoba oil is supposedly very good for your hair, I read that it's most like our natural sebum.