(Discussion) Secret Santa 2013 is coming soon!

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Would it be weird for me to bake something to send to my SS? With all this talk of sending treats I started thinking about making something but wasn't sure if I should since they might not be comfortable with receiving homemade bakery from someone they don't know personally. I do make some pretty awesome M&M scones though...

very important annoucement: it is snowing in milwaukee. i would like to do nothing more than cry and curl up in a ball. Ok so its not snowing hard and it probably isn't sticking..but still. I'm never emotionally ready for snow.

ETA: 10:51 AM CST - It snowed for like, 4 minutes. Now its just ugly rain.

ETA: 10:56 AM CST - It is snowing for realsies now! Not sticking. But it still counts!

Quote: Originally Posted by usofjessamerica /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  very important annoucement: it is snowing in milwaukee. i would like to do nothing more than cry and curl up in a ball. Ok so its not snowing hard and it probably isn't sticking..but still. I'm never emotionally ready for snow.
Agreed with all of this. I am curled up in bed under the covers, watching the Walking Dead, eating a cupcake..pretending it's not happening. Just not going outside until I have to go to work tonight!

Dear Secret Santa, if you knit, I need new mittens 

Quote: Originally Posted by allistra44 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Agreed with all of this. I am curled up in bed under the covers, watching the Walking Dead, eating a cupcake..pretending it's not happening. Just not going outside until I have to go to work tonight!

Dear Secret Santa, if you knit, I need new mittens 

Its not even sticking. I'm just really sad.

I just finished watching _The Walking Dead_! I had been planning on attacking the Room of Doom, but then Edgar decided he wanted to snuggle, so now I'm sitting here with a lapful of black kitty, listening to the Replacements and Big Star. Oh, wait, he just moved off. Time for the Room of Doom and Citizen Radio! ETA: We have no snow here. Strangely, it's not even rainy. It's actually sunny, clear-ish, and in the 40s.

Quote: Originally Posted by meaganola /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I just finished watching _The Walking Dead_! I had been planning on attacking the Room of Doom, but then Edgar decided he wanted to snuggle, so now I'm sitting here with a lapful of black kitty, listening to the Replacements and Big Star. Oh, wait, he just moved off. Time for the Room of Doom and Citizen Radio!

ETA: We have no snow here. Strangely, it's not even rainy. It's actually sunny, clear-ish, and in the 40s.
Haha sounds like my kitties. Cuddle then stomp stomp away with no warning.

I WISH we had snow here!!!

Quote: Originally Posted by allistra44 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Agreed with all of this. I am curled up in bed under the covers, watching the Walking Dead, eating a cupcake..pretending it's not happening. Just not going outside until I have to go to work tonight!

Dear Secret Santa, if you knit, I need new mittens 

That sounds like an awesome day!  And I'm a little jealous of you ladies with real winters. This Texas girl misses snow.

11:37 AM: there is real snow happening now. Giant, white fluffy snow flakes and I hate every single one of them.

Haha sounds like my kitties. Cuddle then stomp stomp away with no warning. I WISH we had snow here!!!
I hate snow! I would be happy if I never saw snow again! I lived in Germany for eight years and I didn't see the ground from November until March/April. I think where I live is too far north.
Quote: Originally Posted by usofjessamerica /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  11:37 AM: there is real snow happening now. Giant, white fluffy snow flakes and I hate every single one of them.
I wish you could be my SS and send some snow flakes to me!

Quote: Originally Posted by usofjessamerica /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  11:37 AM: there is real snow happening now. Giant, white fluffy snow flakes and I hate every single one of them.
Be grateful that it is snow and not rain!  Where I live it doesn't really snow most years, but we get a lot of very cold rain.  The chesapeake bay keeps the city hovering just above the temp it needs to snow.  It always snows in the county but not here, and frequent rain when its in the 30s outside is worse than snow.  Ugh.  City of wintry mix 4ever.

Godddddd it's supposed to get here this afternoon.  And we have a high warning of lake effect snow.  I'm not prepared.  I want to go home and watch Walking Dead and knit :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Dear SS- I cannot knit mittens, but I can knit hats and scarves!

Heeey, I find some neat stuff when I shovel out the Room of Doom!  I found my MAC Matt Murphy brush set!  It's the rectangular boxy bag with mesh on the front, a zippered pouch in the middle, and the brushes on the back.  And a Japanese jar of lotion shaped like an orange that I got at EPCOT five years ago.  I'll be cleaning that out and refilling it with more.  And my 2008 Comic-Con pass that has some pins I collected there and at a film festival:  _Anvil: The Story of Anvil_ (I *highly* recommend this one!  It's like a real-life _This Is Spinal Tap_), _Attack of the Killer Tomatoes_, KEXP (the best radio station in the world), and _Battlestar Galactica_ pins with Starbuck *and* Sam!  I had completely forgotten I had two of those pins, nevermind both of them.  And beads.  Lots of beads, mainly purple and blue seed beads.  If anyone wants some beads to use to make something for their Santee, just let me know!  I can't bead anymore, so I would be more than happy to send them along to a good home, especially for this.

where is that info on adding the ss info to your signature? I just looked through about 20 pages and couldn't find it. I figured the responsible thing to do would be get out of the ss thread from last year and ask for HELP!!! I was so sucked in seeing everything that people got last year...HELP!!

Y'all need to go check out Marshall's and TJ Maxx, they had so many great little presents in their beauty department today. Ciate caviar sets, bliss products and lots of rollerballd on clearance!

Quote: Originally Posted by MissRoe /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  where is that info on adding the ss info to your signature? I just looked through about 20 pages and couldn't find it. I figured the responsible thing to do would be get out of the ss thread from last year and ask for HELP!!! I was so sucked in seeing everything that people got last year...HELP!!
I believe you just go to your profile page, scroll to the bottom, add lists, then go to your signature edit section which should be around the same area and there is a section to add lists to your signature...hope that helps

I have too many posts I want to respond to and am on my phone so I'm not going to quote anyone because I'm too lazy. But I also love dark chocolate covered pretzels, caramel chocolate anything, hate coconut, and hate snow. I told my husband we can never move north of an imaginary center line in the US because I hate snow. Also I would be happy with a big ticket item ie. a lip palette or neutral eye palette. I only have lower end brand of these and would love to try something higher end. So excited to get my person so I can start shopping!

I'm off to LUSH! I wish I knew who my secret santee was. I think I'll pick up some bath bombs, lip scrub, & some other fun things! If my Santee doesn't have them on their wish list, I guess I will have to keep them for myself. ;-) Hmmm, lip scrub! Bubble Gum, Popcorn, or Santa Baby (cola)? Decisions decisions!
