(Discussion) Secret Santa 2013 is coming soon!

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Quote: Originally Posted by trekkersangel /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I'm off to LUSH! I wish I knew who my secret santee was. I think I'll pick up some bath bombs, lip scrub, & some other fun things! If my Santee doesn't have them on their wish list, I guess I will have to keep them for myself. ;-)

Hmmm, lip scrub! Bubble Gum, Popcorn, or Santa Baby (cola)? Decisions decisions!
The popcorn is gross imo.

Spotted! $4.99 for 12 at Trader Joes (50 c each isn't bad by Milwaukee standards since they're usually $1/1 quarter sized macaron) Photo credit: my sister. She says they are good! They come frozen.

@usofjessamerica thanks for sharing! We have a french bakery here and they are sooo good but sooooo expensive!

I'm off to LUSH! I wish I knew who my secret santee was. I think I'll pick up some bath bombs, lip scrub, & some other fun things! If my Santee doesn't have them on their wish list, I guess I will have to keep them for myself. ;-) Hmmm, lip scrub! Bubble Gum, Popcorn, or Santa Baby (cola)? Decisions decisions!
Ohhhh bubble gum lip scrub sounds amazing! I wish there was a Lush closer to me.
Quote: Originally Posted by trekkersangel /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I'm off to LUSH! I wish I knew who my secret santee was. I think I'll pick up some bath bombs, lip scrub, & some other fun things! If my Santee doesn't have them on their wish list, I guess I will have to keep them for myself. ;-)

Hmmm, lip scrub! Bubble Gum, Popcorn, or Santa Baby (cola)? Decisions decisions!
Agghh....this is EXACTLY on my SS wishlist!!

Spotted! $4.99 for 12 at Trader Joes (50 c each isn't bad by Milwaukee standards since they're usually $1/1 quarter sized macaron) Photo credit: my sister. She says they are good! They come frozen.
I like those, but I went last month and got a (likely seasonal) pumpkin box and an assorted box that had lemon, fig, apricot, pistachio, coconut, and salted caramel that was great. Honestly they are just as good if not better than most I've had in the states that aren't at the US Laduree.
Quote: Originally Posted by elizabethrose /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Godddddd it's supposed to get here this afternoon.  And we have a high warning of lake effect snow.  I'm not prepared.  I want to go home and watch Walking Dead and knit :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Dear SS- I cannot knit mittens, but I can knit hats and scarves!
Ah Lake Effect! I grew up on Lake Huron in Michigan and we ALWAYS got hit with the lake effect snow. One year we had like 26 snow days, it was bananas!

Quote: Originally Posted by jpark107 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Also, I love including snacks in my trades and would love to include something in my Secret Santee's gift box (unless she/he explicitly states 'no delicious snacks'). So, I'm just going to throw it out there that I could get my hands on goodies in NYC (such as, but not limited to):

- Crispycakes

- Fat witch brownies

- Momofuku cookies

- Trader Joe's anything (I'm partial to the chocolate covered potato chips) 

So, I hope that my Secret Santee is not on a diet and includes a snack wish list!  
OM nom nom.  What's the name of that awesome chocolate place in Union Square that has the most amazing hot Chocolate? Yes, that. Want. I haven't been back to visit my friends in Brooklyn in a while and I'm jonsing. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Quote: Originally Posted by meaganola /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Ooh, Fat Witch Brownies.  Those have been very popular in various offices I've worked at as presents sent during the holiday season.  That's one thing I miss about being a peon in corporate real estate for a former employer who shall not be named:  Lots of presents to the directors from vendors around the holidays, and the directors couldn't keep them due to the dollar value, so they tended to be stacked on the shelf on the top of my cubicle, so I got my pick of the goodies.  The high-value presents could be kept as long as they were split among everyone so the per-person average amount was under $25.  I think that's where I developed my ability to be around all those chocolates, cookies, etc., without eating them all, which led to my stash of unopened Girl Scout cookies that are right there out in the open but continue to be untouched:  When you're surrounded by them all day every day for a month every year, you get bored with them, and then you may even get *sick* at the smell of opened boxes of chocolate on your desk all day, and they lose their appeal.  My favorite handed-down-by-the-director present was a fluffy blanket from an accounting company.  I now have that blanket at my current job because I get cold, and it's warm.  I look like I've been hanging out with a golden retriever during coat-blowing season when I wrap it around my legs because I wear black pants due to the amount of fluff it leaves behind, but I'm cozy, and that's all I care about on really cold days.  

(My favorite present from a vendor that was given directly to me that I got to keep was a coffee mug from our coffee vendor at the aforementioned former employer.  They gave little packages with, um, coffee mugs and biscotti and/or chocolate-covered espresso beans or something like that to everyone in my department.  That was below the limit, so we didn't have to refuse them.  I left the company five years ago, but I still use that mug!)

(And fair warning:  My Santee will probably end up with Moonstruck Chocolates.  I think they're the only local chocolate company that sells pre-wrapped goodies, and they are *amazing*.)

We used to have a Moonstruck Chocolate Cafe in Chicago, so sad that they closed. I loved the melty chocolate drop on top of their hot drinks. (Can you tell I'm jonsing for chocolate?) :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

It would be great if everyone added their sweets/food preferences in their wish lists. I love to bake and would love to include goodies if my person liked them. Plus I have lots of tea from Birchbox that I won't drink.

It snowed here in Chicago too, enough to coat my car, and then promptly rained and froze all over the place, so that I had to chip my way in.  This would have been easier if I had my windshield scraper in the car. Doh! Oh well, it was an excuse to stop at Target and oogle more Sonia Kashuk brushes.  They're inexpensive but sooo soft!

Also....I started the ceramic makeup brush holder yesterday! I'm experimenting with a new design, essentially a half circle on its side, with spots for the brushes to rest.  Poll to the group - would you prefer to have some holes to slot brushes into as well (smaller brushes) or just open spaces?  (if it makes more sense, I threw something that looked like a circular pot, added a top so it was completely enclosed, then cut it in half, turned it over so the flat part is now the bottom of the holder, and then once it dries I'll carve into the circular part to make the brush slots).  End result should be a fan shaped brush holder that is flat on the sides and bottom and curved on top.

Quote: Originally Posted by Dayo Steph /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by jpark107 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Also, I love including snacks in my trades and would love to include something in my Secret Santee's gift box (unless she/he explicitly states 'no delicious snacks'). So, I'm just going to throw it out there that I could get my hands on goodies in NYC (such as, but not limited to):

- Crispycakes

- Fat witch brownies

- Momofuku cookies

- Trader Joe's anything (I'm partial to the chocolate covered potato chips) 

So, I hope that my Secret Santee is not on a diet and includes a snack wish list!  
OM nom nom.  What's the name of that awesome chocolate place in Union Square that has the most amazing hot Chocolate? Yes, that. Want. I haven't been back to visit my friends in Brooklyn in a while and I'm jonsing. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Max Brenner! They also have amazing churros, belgian waffles and fondue. Max Brenner (along with Jacques Torres) was another place that I had originally written on the above list, but then deleted (mainly because his items tend to be pricier and it would cut into the SS budget). But, if you are my SS, I'll be sure to include some hot chocolate in the package.  

I seem to have derailed some of the SS thread into a bevy of women *drooling over* talking about NYC goodies. It makes me wonder if we should do a snack exchange in the near future...or perhaps I'll just have to form my own subscription box, which will be magically filled with Crispycakes, Cronuts (a croissant donut hybrid), Doughnut Plant creme brûlée donuts, Fat witch brownies, Laduree macarons, Max Brenner chocolates and Shake Shack concretes...any other requests?  LOL 

OMG I was going to PM you about doing a snack/city exchange!

Max Brenner! They also have amazing churros, belgian waffles and fondue. Max Brenner (along with Jacques Torres) was another place that I had originally written on the above list, but then deleted (mainly because his items tend to be pricier and it would cut into the SS budget). But, if you are my SS, I'll be sure to include some hot chocolate in the package.   :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I seem to have derailed some of the SS thread into a bevy of women *drooling over* talking about NYC goodies. It makes me wonder if we should do a snack exchange in the near future...or perhaps I'll just have to form my own subscription box, which will be magically filled with Crispycakes, Cronuts (a croissant donut hybrid), Doughnut Plant creme brûlée donuts, Fat witch brownies, Laduree macarons, Max Brenner chocolates and Shake Shack concretes...any other requests?  LOL 
A local food secret santa or swap?! I want in on this action!

I'd be willing to pay whatever necessary price for Laduree macarons!
