(Discussion) Secret Santa 2013 is coming soon!

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Quote: Originally Posted by jpark107 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Also, I love including snacks in my trades and would love to include something in my Secret Santee's gift box (unless she/he explicitly states 'no delicious snacks'). So, I'm just going to throw it out there that I could get my hands on goodies in NYC (such as, but not limited to):

- Crispycakes

- Fat witch brownies

- Momofuku cookies

- Trader Joe's anything (I'm partial to the chocolate covered potato chips) 

So, I hope that my Secret Santee is not on a diet and includes a snack wish list!  
Ok so if you happen to be my SS, and you send me those, you are my new best friend and I will love you foreevver...just sayin. The heck with dieting during the holidays...on another note: To whomever I get, don't be surprise if I splurge a little at my local Colorado Chocolate Factory, just hope you list some type of chocolate down. Annndddd gourment popcorn...and a few handmade things ....let's just say both my SS buddies will be spoiled rotten. Not a chocolate person? share the love with friends and family lol. But don't worry there WILL be a treat to satisfy your tummy.

Ooh, Fat Witch Brownies.  Those have been very popular in various offices I've worked at as presents sent during the holiday season.  That's one thing I miss about being a peon in corporate real estate for a former employer who shall not be named:  Lots of presents to the directors from vendors around the holidays, and the directors couldn't keep them due to the dollar value, so they tended to be stacked on the shelf on the top of my cubicle, so I got my pick of the goodies.  The high-value presents could be kept as long as they were split among everyone so the per-person average amount was under $25.  I think that's where I developed my ability to be around all those chocolates, cookies, etc., without eating them all, which led to my stash of unopened Girl Scout cookies that are right there out in the open but continue to be untouched:  When you're surrounded by them all day every day for a month every year, you get bored with them, and then you may even get *sick* at the smell of opened boxes of chocolate on your desk all day, and they lose their appeal.  My favorite handed-down-by-the-director present was a fluffy blanket from an accounting company.  I now have that blanket at my current job because I get cold, and it's warm.  I look like I've been hanging out with a golden retriever during coat-blowing season when I wrap it around my legs because I wear black pants due to the amount of fluff it leaves behind, but I'm cozy, and that's all I care about on really cold days.  

(My favorite present from a vendor that was given directly to me that I got to keep was a coffee mug from our coffee vendor at the aforementioned former employer.  They gave little packages with, um, coffee mugs and biscotti and/or chocolate-covered espresso beans or something like that to everyone in my department.  That was below the limit, so we didn't have to refuse them.  I left the company five years ago, but I still use that mug!)

(And fair warning:  My Santee will probably end up with Moonstruck Chocolates.  I think they're the only local chocolate company that sells pre-wrapped goodies, and they are *amazing*.)

Quote: Originally Posted by meaganola /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Ooh, Fat Witch Brownies.  Those have been very popular in various offices I've worked at as presents sent during the holiday season.  That's one thing I miss about being a peon in corporate real estate for a former employer who shall not be named:  Lots of presents to the directors from vendors around the holidays, and the directors couldn't keep them due to the dollar value, so they tended to be stacked on the shelf on the top of my cubicle, so I got my pick of the goodies.  The high-value presents could be kept as long as they were split among everyone so the per-person average amount was under $25.  I think that's where I developed my ability to be around all those chocolates, cookies, etc., without eating them all, which led to my stash of unopened Girl Scout cookies that are right there out in the open but continue to be untouched:  When you're surrounded by them all day every day for a month every year, you get bored with them, and then you may even get *sick* at the smell of opened boxes of chocolate on your desk all day, and they lose their appeal.  My favorite handed-down-by-the-director present was a fluffy blanket from an accounting company.  I now have that blanket at my current job because I get cold, and it's warm.  I look like I've been hanging out with a golden retriever during coat-blowing season when I wrap it around my legs because I wear black pants due to the amount of fluff it leaves behind, but I'm cozy, and that's all I care about on really cold days.  

(My favorite present from a vendor that was given directly to me that I got to keep was a coffee mug from our coffee vendor at the aforementioned former employer.  They gave little packages with, um, coffee mugs and biscotti and/or chocolate-covered espresso beans or something like that to everyone in my department.  That was below the limit, so we didn't have to refuse them.  I left the company five years ago, but I still use that mug!)

(And fair warning:  My Santee will probably end up with Moonstruck Chocolates.  I think they're the only local chocolate company that sells pre-wrapped goodies, and they are *amazing*.)
I miss being in an office setting for the reasons above that you mentioned. ::sigh::

I'm hungry now. Thanks ladies! Ha ha ha. Dear Secret Santa, I really really really really like chocolate, food, chocolate, snacks, chocolate, hot chocolate, oh! And chocolate!

Quote: Originally Posted by allistra44 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I can't even explain how happy I'd be to have snacks with my gift. FAT WITCH BROWNIES? I don't even know what that is, but I know I want one.

These sound like something I could eat a million of.  I may have to make a snack run.......to New York........from California....for brownies.  It WILL be worth it.  

I am obsessed with momofuku!!! If anyone lives in a macaron friendly city, don't even bother sending me make up. Just send me macarons and I'll be in heaven.

Quote: Originally Posted by usofjessamerica /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I am obsessed with momofuku!!!

If anyone lives in a macaron friendly city, don't even bother sending me make up. Just send me macarons and I'll be in heaven.
Mmm Macarons!I love those.  I wish there was a Laduree store close to me !

Quote: Originally Posted by usofjessamerica /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I am obsessed with momofuku!!!

If anyone lives in a macaron friendly city, don't even bother sending me make up. Just send me macarons and I'll be in heaven.
Me too! Especially if you live near a Laduree! Oh the heaven!!!

Oh ps! For those in macaron barren cities like myself (ok milwaukee does have them at like 3 bakeries) - Trader Joes sells macarons frozen! I haven't tried them but my sister says they're good enough to satisfy a craving :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Sincerely, girl who is trying to lose weight who just ate two giant slices of pizza and bought a bunch of candy because she is stressed and studying for yet another exam on Tuesday.

Quote: Originally Posted by usofjessamerica /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I am obsessed with momofuku!!!

If anyone lives in a macaron friendly city, don't even bother sending me make up. Just send me macarons and I'll be in heaven.

Quote: Originally Posted by Sakura83 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by usofjessamerica /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I am obsessed with momofuku!!!

If anyone lives in a macaron friendly city, don't even bother sending me make up. Just send me macarons and I'll be in heaven.
Mmm Macarons!I love those.  I wish there was a Laduree store close to me !

Quote: Originally Posted by Deareux /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by usofjessamerica /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I am obsessed with momofuku!!!

If anyone lives in a macaron friendly city, don't even bother sending me make up. Just send me macarons and I'll be in heaven.
Me too! Especially if you live near a Laduree! Oh the heaven!!!

Ha - when I was typing up the original list of potential NYC goodies, I actually included Laduree macaroons. However, I decided to delete it from the list because honestly, I'm afraid that those wouldn't ship well.

I have a french bakery that I like to shop at. They have french desserts, cakes, chocolates, and more! But the macarons sell out fast. I was there yesterday and bought out all they had left. I regret nothing.

If you're my SS you should just send me $25 in NYC food stuffs and pictures of fun NYC things. I'm being dead serious. I was in NYC for a hot minute when I was in NJ on business this summer but I didn't get to do anything fun. If I could be anyone Id be Nicolette Mason because she's fabulous, lives in NY, and eats macarons. I'm never going to be successful in my ~life style change~ at this rate. Worth it. NYC food. Macarons. Oh Lordy. ETA: if there's anything my potential SS Stalker has learned about me it's that I don't really want make up. I'm in this for the treats.

Ha - when I was typing up the original list of potential NYC goodies, I actually included Laduree macaroons. However, I decided to delete it from the list because honestly, I'm afraid that those wouldn't ship well.
Ha - when I was typing up the original list of potential NYC goodies, I actually included Laduree macaroons. However, I decided to delete it from the list because honestly, I'm afraid that those wouldn't ship well.
I had no clue Ladureé had any holdings in the US?! I spend MAD money on their candles every time I fly through CDG, but I've never tried their macaroons! I've always eaten Fauchon (which are insanely yummy, too!!)
Quote: Originally Posted by usofjessamerica /img/forum/go_quote.gif

If you're my SS you should just send me $25 in NYC food stuffs and pictures of fun NYC things. I'm being dead serious. I was in NYC for a hot minute when I was in NJ on business this summer but I didn't get to do anything fun. If I could be anyone Id be Nicolette Mason because she's fabulous, lives in NY, and eats macarons.

I'm never going to be successful in my ~life style change~ at this rate. Worth it. NYC food. Macarons. Oh Lordy. Quote: Originally Posted by jpark107 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Ha - when I was typing up the original list of potential NYC goodies, I actually included Laduree macaroons. However, I decided to delete it from the list because honestly, I'm afraid that those wouldn't ship well.

Absolutely - I would love frolicking around the city while gathering yummy foodstuff and documenting it all in pictures!

Oh my goodness, you would love Macaron Day in NYC (it originated in Paris, but a NYC baker decided to bring the tradition to NYC a few years ago) - it's FREE macarons at over a dozen NYC bakeries. 

Quote: Originally Posted by Tiffany27la /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by jpark107 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Ha - when I was typing up the original list of potential NYC goodies, I actually included Laduree macaroons. However, I decided to delete it from the list because honestly, I'm afraid that those wouldn't ship well.

I had no clue Ladureé had any holdings in the US?! I spend MAD money on their candles every time I fly through CDG, but I've never tried their macaroons! I've always eaten Fauchon (which are insanely yummy, too!!)
Laduree opened their first USA shop in NYC (in Upper East Side) a couple years ago. Now, they are expanding to a second location in NYC (in SOHO) and I've read that they are opening a location in Miami. There are rumors on Grubstreet (a food site) that they may open locations in L.A. and also Chicago.

I've never had a macaron but I've always wanted to try on. I beg my secret Santa, please make my macaron dreams come true.
