(Discussion) Secret Santa 2013 is coming soon!

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Quote: Originally Posted by missemiee /img/forum/go_quote.gif

All of you ladies with your weight loss talk and goals. I had to chime in...

5 years ago, I weighed 192lbs and I am only 5'1"... not a good look for me at all. I was never a big child/teenager but spending 6 years in college caused me to live a really unhealthy lifestyle and I gained a ton of weight over probably 4 of those 6 years. After I graduated and moved to Colorado, I knew I had to change my lifestyle. At first, I just changed my eating habits but wasn't working out and dropped 40lbs just from that alone in about a year. The year after I started working out with a trainer once a week and worked out on my own 5 days a week and over the next year I got myself down to 113lbs (ive since put on weight, fluctuating 5 to 10lbs over the last several years, because honestly 113lbs was too small for me).

I NEVER thought it would be possible, I truly thought I'd be overweight forever. It was the hardest but the best thing I've ever done and looking back I cant even believe that was me.

So if I could do it, than honestly anyone of you ladies who want lose weight can too! Believe in yourself, take one day at a time, and keep your goal always on your mind. But most importantly don't deprive yourself. I never did. It was never a diet. Diets don't work. For me, it was a lifestyle change and I couldn't be happier than I am now.

Sorry, I sound like a crazy Jillian Micheals. Lol. But I'm dead serious, take it from a girl who's been there and done that.

Ok, we can go back to talking about makeup and Secret Santa...just felt like I needed to give some encouragement and inspiration to those looking to make a change

Congrats on loosing all the weight and keeping it off, very inspirational story.

Quote: Originally Posted by tweakabell /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by JC327 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  There was a birthday group? that sounds like such a good idea.
It's my understanding that it kinda fell apart so then people who had participated earlier in the year but had birthdays later in the year sent out presents but received none.

Thanks for letting me know. I feel bad for the people who didn't get gifts.

Quote: Originally Posted by DorotaD /img/forum/go_quote.gif

You guys I am having such a bad day! I took my NCLEX this morning and I'm pretty sure that I didn't pass...again. There's a trick that is pretty much 100% accurate and my result is that I failed. I can pay $8 Saturday morning to view my results online, but I don't think I want to pay $ to find out I failed. So I finally got home and while walking up the stairs to my condo there it was. My SS package. My eyes filled with tears because I was at my ultimate low and then I got a huge wave of a feeling that everything was going to be ok. There are people in this world who care about you and that is more important that passing this test. Even though this test is extremely import to me. I got inside and opened the package. I originally planned to save my gift until Christmas to open it, but if decided I deserved to open it today. I feel extremely blessed and thankful that @hhummel took the time to shop for me. heather you have no idea how much you brightened my day. You're an angel

Hope you are wrong and all went well. Yay to getting your package, cant wait to see pics!

You guys I am having such a bad day! I took my NCLEX this morning and I'm pretty sure that I didn't pass...again. There's a trick that is pretty much 100% accurate and my result is that I failed. I can pay $8 Saturday morning to view my results online, but I don't think I want to pay $ to find out I failed. So I finally got home and while walking up the stairs to my condo there it was. My SS package. My eyes filled with tears because I was at my ultimate low and then I got a huge wave of a feeling that everything was going to be ok. There are people in this world who care about you and that is more important that passing this test. Even though this test is extremely import to me. I got inside and opened the package. I originally planned to save my gift until Christmas to open it, but if decided I deserved to open it today. I feel extremely blessed and thankful that @hhummel took the time to shop for me. heather you have no idea how much you brightened my day. You're an angel :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
You're so welcome! It arrived a day early, which is fantastic because you can use some cheering up. I know those RN exam are tough! I work in a hospital and lots of nurses have to retake, have trouble with it, etc. From what I heard there's sorta a system to taking it. And that a lot of the questions are repeatedly asked in different ways, made to second guess yourself, and confuse you. You can do it though! Stick to your first instincts, always!
Quote: Originally Posted by Jamie P /img/forum/go_quote.gif

@Dayo StephYou didn't happen to be shopping at Macy's State Street tonight, no?
Nope! I was all about picking up the kitty food and Trader Joe's.  Do I have a doppleganger? :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I was headed in with my son to see Santa...

He is too cute not to post this ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> 
and while we were walking in I saw someone and said to my husband "She totally looks like someone from MUT." I mean, I have only seen the pics of you on here... but for me to think that right away about a random person is odd. 

Quote: Originally Posted by Jamie P /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I was headed in with my son to see Santa...

He is too cute not to post this ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> 
and while we were walking in I saw someone and said to my husband "She totally looks like someone from MUT." I mean, I have only seen the pics of you on here... but for me to think that right away about a random person is odd. 

Ahhh he's adorable although I will admit that for some reason I though you were posting photos of the doppleganger lmao

Quote: Originally Posted by Jamie P /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I was headed in with my son to see Santa...

He is too cute not to post this ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> 
and while we were walking in I saw someone and said to my husband "She totally looks like someone from MUT." I mean, I have only seen the pics of you on here... but for me to think that right away about a random person is odd. 

I was in Chicago, but I will be very honest and say that I came straight home and did not go to Macy's on State Street.  That place has been a madhouse every time I try to go in!

We made banana nut chocolate chip bread for our teacher gift and then we made homemade whip cream for ours

I don't believe how FAST Dec. has gone! Z's last day of school before winter break is tomorrow and then only 4/5 days till Xmas and Bday? Where has the time gone!

Quote: Originally Posted by tweakabell /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  We made banana nut chocolate chip bread for our teacher gift and then we made homemade whip cream for ours

I don't believe how FAST Dec. has gone! Z's last day of school before winter break is tomorrow and then only 4/5 days till Xmas and Bday? Where has the time gone!
Mmmm!  That looks delish!  Ditto on this month flying by!

We made banana nut chocolate chip bread for our teacher gift and then we made homemade whip cream for ours  
I don't believe how FAST Dec. has gone! Z's last day of school before winter break is tomorrow and then only 4/5 days till Xmas and Bday? Where has the time gone! I know, right?! It's nuts!
Quote: Originally Posted by tweakabell /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Ahhh he's adorable although I will admit that for some reason I though you were posting photos of the doppleganger lmao
I thought about taking her picture... but I'm not that creepy LOL

Quote: Originally Posted by Jamie P /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I was headed in with my son to see Santa...

He is too cute not to post this ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> 
and while we were walking in I saw someone and said to my husband "She totally looks like someone from MUT." I mean, I have only seen the pics of you on here... but for me to think that right away about a random person is odd. 

Oh my god! So freaking cute

Quote: Originally Posted by slinka /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Nope! If your natural waist is a 32", you'll DEFINITELY want a smaller one! (Always errr on the side of small...it should never be loose and if it's all the way closed from the get-go....you need a smaller one! Yes, I AM telling you that you SHOULD have a reasonable (about the width of your 4 fingers....like if you were holding your fingers up....that direction, lol) gap in the back!) Now, assuming you have a fairly normal body-structure and what-not, how you'd normally figure this out on your own is by first understanding how much the corset is meant to reduce you by, for most (and this one is 5-6), you'll easily get 4-6 inches. Sooo, you can subtract 5-6" from your natural waist (Which you should measure at the smallest point of your midsection, basically.). Now, this is method works great for OTR (off the rack) corsets (like the one I have up there). Now, I will say- that the squishier you are, the more of a reduction you can achieve with relative ease. So, say, cinching an additional 2" is very trying for a tiny-waisted girl, an additional 2" can be like nothin' to a squishier gal! For example- I had a gal come into my shop with a waist size (and this was a TIGHT waist size! We squeezed our clients to figure out their squishiness and approximate size, lol-it's an art) of 46...so I'm guessing her un-squeezed measurement was around 50". So...subtract 6 from 50...44, right? Wrong! In a steel boned underbust, this woman fit wonderfully into a 36. She just kept disappearing! lol. But unless you're fairly large (with  of it being tummy) you shouldn't face that big of a problem/size differentiation.

Also- in an underbust you can reduce more. Why? Because you don't have to worry about the ****ies getting squished to death. ('cause 4-**** ain't cute on no one). BUT most people like the look of an overbust and how you can wear it out with nothing else (Plus it's your bra!) I like to sleep in my underbusts for optimal training, but often I'll wear an overbust out in public because it's simpler ('cause I wear them as a top- not hidden). But if you're not looking for intense waist training stuff, this paragraph means nothing to you lol. Most people buy and love an overbust and wear it out on occasion =p I realize I'm a freak of nature lol.
I think from the sounds I heard from the garage today my hubby is making me a short corset for Christmas.  I could hear the sound of him hammering metal grommets into place, lol.  He does 19th century tailoring so I'm always excited when he decides to make something for me.  I think he was having some trouble with the bust though since he knows I want a Frankenstein short corset/nursing corset.  It will be an interesting Christmas morning in front of the family.

We made banana nut chocolate chip bread for our teacher gift and then we made homemade whip cream for ours  
I don't believe how FAST Dec. has gone! Z's last day of school before winter break is tomorrow and then only 4/5 days till Xmas and Bday? Where has the time gone! I spy out of the corner of my eye that pretty green kitchen aid mixer!!!!
Quote: Originally Posted by Jamie P /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I was headed in with my son to see Santa...

He is too cute not to post this ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> 
and while we were walking in I saw someone and said to my husband "She totally looks like someone from MUT." I mean, I have only seen the pics of you on here... but for me to think that right away about a random person is odd. 

He is totally adorable! What a great photo.  I think it just means that we really, really need to have that MUT meetup :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />  There's at least 4 of us!

Quote: Originally Posted by missemiee /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I spy out of the corner of my eye that pretty green kitchen aid mixer!!!!
Oh yea it got a work out today we made a double batch of the batter. The bowl was almost full. We got 2 medium loaves and 5 mini loaves out of it though.

I got my Anna Sui Minnie set today. It's beyond gorgeous. Definitely expensive for what you get though, Yeesh!
