(Discussion) Secret Santa 2013 is coming soon!

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Quote: Originally Posted by tulosai /img/forum/go_quote.gif
 I might be interested but... how do you know your corset waist size?? Like, if your 'natural waist' is 32" do you want  a 32" corset or do you actually want a smaller one?

Nope! If your natural waist is a 32", you'll DEFINITELY want a smaller one! (Always errr on the side of small...it should never be loose and if it's all the way closed from the get-go....you need a smaller one! Yes, I AM telling you that you SHOULD have a reasonable (about the width of your 4 fingers....like if you were holding your fingers up....that direction, lol) gap in the back!) Now, assuming you have a fairly normal body-structure and what-not, how you'd normally figure this out on your own is by first understanding how much the corset is meant to reduce you by, for most (and this one is 5-6), you'll easily get 4-6 inches. Sooo, you can subtract 5-6" from your natural waist (Which you should measure at the smallest point of your midsection, basically.). Now, this is method works great for OTR (off the rack) corsets (like the one I have up there). Now, I will say- that the squishier you are, the more of a reduction you can achieve with relative ease. So, say, cinching an additional 2" is very trying for a tiny-waisted girl, an additional 2" can be like nothin' to a squishier gal! For example- I had a gal come into my shop with a waist size (and this was a TIGHT waist size! We squeezed our clients to figure out their squishiness and approximate size, lol-it's an art) of 46...so I'm guessing her un-squeezed measurement was around 50". So...subtract 6 from 50...44, right? Wrong! In a steel boned underbust, this woman fit wonderfully into a 36. She just kept disappearing! lol. But unless you're fairly large (with  of it being tummy) you shouldn't face that big of a problem/size differentiation.

Also- in an underbust you can reduce more. Why? Because you don't have to worry about the ****ies getting squished to death. ('cause 4-**** ain't cute on no one). BUT most people like the look of an overbust and how you can wear it out with nothing else (Plus it's your bra!) I like to sleep in my underbusts for optimal training, but often I'll wear an overbust out in public because it's simpler ('cause I wear them as a top- not hidden). But if you're not looking for intense waist training stuff, this paragraph means nothing to you lol. Most people buy and love an overbust and wear it out on occasion =p I realize I'm a freak of nature lol.

Quote: Originally Posted by slinka /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Nope! If your natural waist is a 32", you'll DEFINITELY want a smaller one! (Always errr on the side of small...it should never be loose and if it's all the way closed from the get-go....you need a smaller one! Yes, I AM telling you that you SHOULD have a reasonable (about the width of your 4 fingers....like if you were holding your fingers up....that direction, lol) gap in the back!) Now, assuming you have a fairly normal body-structure and what-not, how you'd normally figure this out on your own is by first understanding how much the corset is meant to reduce you by, for most (and this one is 5-6), you'll easily get 4-6 inches. Sooo, you can subtract 5-6" from your natural waist (Which you should measure at the smallest point of your midsection, basically.). Now, this is method works great for OTR (off the rack) corsets (like the one I have up there). Now, I will say- that the squishier you are, the more of a reduction you can achieve with relative ease. So, say, cinching an additional 2" is very trying for a tiny-waisted girl, an additional 2" can be like nothin' to a squishier gal! For example- I had a gal come into my shop with a waist size (and this was a TIGHT waist size! We squeezed our clients to figure out their squishiness and approximate size, lol-it's an art) of 46...so I'm guessing her un-squeezed measurement was around 50". So...subtract 6 from 50...44, right? Wrong! In a steel boned underbust, this woman fit wonderfully into a 36. She just kept disappearing! lol. But unless you're fairly large (with  of it being tummy) you shouldn't face that big of a problem/size differentiation.

Also- in an underbust you can reduce more. Why? Because you don't have to worry about the ****ies getting squished to death. ('cause 4-**** ain't cute on no one). BUT most people like the look of an overbust and how you can wear it out with nothing else (Plus it's your bra!) I like to sleep in my underbusts for optimal training, but often I'll wear an overbust out in public because it's simpler ('cause I wear them as a top- not hidden). But if you're not looking for intense waist training stuff, this paragraph means nothing to you lol. Most people buy and love an overbust and wear it out on occasion =p I realize I'm a freak of nature lol.
Ok so other stupid question.  How do you lace it up if you are all on your own? Can you do it all on your own or do you need a helper?

Quote: Originally Posted by Dayo Steph /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Congratulations! I'm on a quest to lose 50 as well. I'm down 15 so far, but need to keep going.  

I'm a huge corset fanatic, I have a collection of (I shouldn't admit this) over 20 from different makers.  I looove wearing them and can lace down over 8 inches. Then again, I'm squishy, but still, it's fun.  It's all about the fit, the better fitting the more comfy for long term wear.   Although for off the rack, corsets.co.uk's corsets are pretty awesome for inexpensive starters. 
LOL... no I'm not looking to lose 50 - I'm looking to be fit and healthy for my 50th Birthday.   My aversion to the whole being bound up thing is probably rooted in being an asthmatic child and still having bouts of allergic asthma as an adult.   I've had most of my corsets made for me - I only wear them to lifestyle events so they are part of outfits.I wear them and then I'm out of them because there is no such things a long term wear, corset and me.    Off the rack there's Ms Martha's Corset Shoppe here in Atlanta - she's lovely and won't sell a corset that looks like crap on a person.    

Quote: Originally Posted by slinka /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Nope! If your natural waist is a 32", you'll DEFINITELY want a smaller one! (Always errr on the side of small...it should never be loose and if it's all the way closed from the get-go....you need a smaller one! Yes, I AM telling you that you SHOULD have a reasonable (about the width of your 4 fingers....like if you were holding your fingers up....that direction, lol) gap in the back!) Now, assuming you have a fairly normal body-structure and what-not, how you'd normally figure this out on your own is by first understanding how much the corset is meant to reduce you by, for most (and this one is 5-6), you'll easily get 4-6 inches. Sooo, you can subtract 5-6" from your natural waist (Which you should measure at the smallest point of your midsection, basically.). Now, this is method works great for OTR (off the rack) corsets (like the one I have up there). Now, I will say- that the squishier you are, the more of a reduction you can achieve with relative ease. So, say, cinching an additional 2" is very trying for a tiny-waisted girl, an additional 2" can be like nothin' to a squishier gal! For example- I had a gal come into my shop with a waist size (and this was a TIGHT waist size! We squeezed our clients to figure out their squishiness and approximate size, lol-it's an art) of 46...so I'm guessing her un-squeezed measurement was around 50". So...subtract 6 from 50...44, right? Wrong! In a steel boned underbust, this woman fit wonderfully into a 36. She just kept disappearing! lol. But unless you're fairly large (with  of it being tummy) you shouldn't face that big of a problem/size differentiation.

Also- in an underbust you can reduce more. Why? Because you don't have to worry about the ****ies getting squished to death. ('cause 4-**** ain't cute on no one). BUT most people like the look of an overbust and how you can wear it out with nothing else (Plus it's your bra!) I like to sleep in my underbusts for optimal training, but often I'll wear an overbust out in public because it's simpler ('cause I wear them as a top- not hidden). But if you're not looking for intense waist training stuff, this paragraph means nothing to you lol. Most people buy and love an overbust and wear it out on occasion =p I realize I'm a freak of nature lol.

This is actually so interesting to me. I love corsets and want to get one sometime soon so all the information is very appreciated!

Quote: Originally Posted by tulosai /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Ok so other stupid question.  How do you lace it up if you are all on your own? Can you do it all on your own or do you need a helper?
Not stupid! Not one bit! I will admit...it takes some practice to lace-up yourself, but it is not at all impossible. If you can get someone to help- do! lol.

Basically, the corset is tied in a way where it creates two loops for you to pull on in the middle, and you'll simply pull until you feel it is comfortably tight, and you'll learn to pull around at the top or bottom to adjust...after you're all adjusted, you tie a bow. At the company I worked at, we made most of our corsets to lace up in the front and the back- soooo, I would fit you (the front is meant to be closed!) and thereby set the back lacing. Now, you wouldn't touch the back (unless you needed to make it tighter/looser later in life) and you would get yourself in and out through the front. Pretty darn nifty once you got the hang of it!

Here's an example of the type of lacing any typical OTR corset will come tied with(appropriate for self-lacing):
The hanging  bottom laces though, will be tied in a knot. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Whoops- forgot to mention- you'll loosen up the back laces (as it is tied already in most cases) and then clasp the front together. Then you pull!

Quote: Originally Posted by EmpressMelli /img/forum/go_quote.gif
This is actually so interesting to me. I love corsets and want to get one sometime soon so all the information is very appreciated!
Anytime! I'm glad my weird job/life/obsession knowledge can be of use to someone else lol!

Quote: Originally Posted by tweakabell /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Z wrapped my gifts!!
That's so sweet!

Quote: Originally Posted by slinka /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I love having pen pals but never have had a long-term one lol. I don't know if it's because I always send them weird drawings or...Idk...maybe I'm just too odd for people. One day I'll meet a new pen-friend.

Speaking of weird things I draw...I hope I don't freak my santee out too bad....this was the picture I drew for the cover of my xmas card/note... Says "Happy Holidays" underneath lol...

What's wrong with my brain? Oh well.

That's a great drawing!

Quote: Originally Posted by slinka /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by mermuse /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Lady Death!

I still have a pile of Purgatori comics somewhere and a few of the action figures tucked away (Jade, Chastity, etc).  >_<

Little Mermaid right next to her would have been right up my alley.  But that's a story for another day when I'm not doing a pathetic job of getting ready for work.

Great job, by the way!  : D
I'm stunned that someone besides me has ever heard of those! YES. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> All of my comics are gone- along with my Priest collection (Which I really really want to replace), but I still love it lol.

So, when I was a kid...I was in junior high so I guess I was 11-12? Anywho, every morning we had to (I lived in a not-so-great-neighborhood in Houston), upon arriving to public school, put our clear or mesh backpacks on a table that went down the line of teachers, principals and I think a cop somewhere and they would go through all of your stuff while you went through a metal detector.
One morning, an AP found the space in one of my binders where I drew things (And I drew things partly because I was always bored in school, and also it was a little bit of an escape...the safest escape I was utilizing, because I had a terrible home-life. Like, supremely awful- that's another story-time tale though) and took the binder aside and started showing all of the other inspector-teachers/APs and they were talking amongst themselves and I just knew I was in trouble. I drew lots of strong female characters- but I always loved drawing purgatory, lady death, lady demon, etc. I worked really, really hard on them. None of them even had weapons or nudity- mind you. But they took my whole binder, after telling me how talented I was, and threw away every last thing I had drawn in there :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I guess 'cause they're demon-like? Had I been a little older, I would've raised hell- but I wasn't at that point yet in my life. It seriously still breaks my little heart to this day lol. I really, really hated that f-ing AP. Ugh. At least I didn't get into any formal trouble...'cause word getting to my dad would've SUCKED even more.

That's so mean! sorry to hear you had to deal with so much.

Quote: Originally Posted by tweakabell /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  You're lovely ladies, I love you all but I love sleep more. I was up late last night and Z's kept me up since 6 with her Typhoid Mary act, hacking and coughing ( I feel bed for her too but Sleep). So I'm gonna be bad and head back to bed. No reveals without me. It is forbidden.
Hope she feels better soon!

Quote: Originally Posted by luckyme502 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I have never received a gift from my husband on the actual day of the holiday/special occasion.  He gets so excited to give me the gift once he buys it that I end up getting Christmas gifts a week or two before Christmas.  He also doesn't usually buy me birthday or anniversary presents.  He says he just doesn't know what to get me, so I get nothing.  This past year was particularly bad since he didn't even get me a card for my birthday or our anniversary.  (Neither did my daughter, for my birthday.  In fact, she forgot and didn't even tell me happy birthday until DH mentioned it late in the day.  I was a little bummed.)  He is wonderful in so many ways, but not at gift giving.
Sorry to hear that, maybe you need to make  him a wishlist? The hubby is pretty good with knowing what to get me. I don't have kids but I would be pretty sad if my kids didn't wish me happy birthday.

Quote: Originally Posted by KellyKaye /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by luckyme502 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I have never received a gift from my husband on the actual day of the holiday/special occasion.  He gets so excited to give me the gift once he buys it that I end up getting Christmas gifts a week or two before Christmas.  He also doesn't usually buy me birthday or anniversary presents.  He says he just doesn't know what to get me, so I get nothing.  This past year was particularly bad since he didn't even get me a card for my birthday or our anniversary.  (Neither did my daughter, for my birthday.  In fact, she forgot and didn't even tell me happy birthday until DH mentioned it late in the day.  I was a little bummed.)  He is wonderful in so many ways, but not at gift giving.
I already told my husband what I want for my birthday in March, I really want the new Balenciaga Rosabotanica! I am a huge, HUGE, fan of Florabotanica and I didn't even smell if before I bought it. I just knew from the notes that I would love it.

And I swear if my husband or daughter ever forgot my birthday I would go on a shopping spree for anything and everything that ever peaked my interest.

I knew there was a reason you are so awesome you're a march baby! when is your birthday?

Quote: Originally Posted by Sheeeeeelby /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by luckyme502 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I have never received a gift from my husband on the actual day of the holiday/special occasion.  He gets so excited to give me the gift once he buys it that I end up getting Christmas gifts a week or two before Christmas.  He also doesn't usually buy me birthday or anniversary presents.  He says he just doesn't know what to get me, so I get nothing.  This past year was particularly bad since he didn't even get me a card for my birthday or our anniversary.  (Neither did my daughter, for my birthday.  In fact, she forgot and didn't even tell me happy birthday until DH mentioned it late in the day.  I was a little bummed.)  He is wonderful in so many ways, but not at gift giving.
My fiance is like that. He cannot keep a secret. But to be fair, I do pry for hints but then he just blurts it out anyway. We're awful. He couldn't even keep our proposal a secret - the dork! But this year we are being good and keeping the gifts a surprise until Christmas. Darn it, I just want to be surprised , thats all!

Oh no - not cool that they didn't remember! I think we should start up the birthday group again that way everyone who wants to join can feel a little special on their birthday!

There was a birthday group? that sounds like such a good idea.

Quote: Originally Posted by JC327 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  There was a birthday group? that sounds like such a good idea.
It's my understanding that it kinda fell apart so then people who had participated earlier in the year but had birthdays later in the year sent out presents but received none.

Quote: Originally Posted by KellyKaye /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by FrostKitty /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Technically KK you would be physically unable to hold up your head or actually walk if you had those dimensions.  I know a chick who comes close, she's been tight-lacing for years, is a pilates and yoga addict and won the genetic lottery. 

I only allow her to come over on days when I decide that I need to wear something besides my jammies and do more with my hair than pull it back into a ponytail.  
Hahahahahahaaaaaaaa. Yeah, I've looked into tight lacing because I think it's amazing that a body can be modified so much over time. However, I've yet to dive into it because I'm afraid I'd get addicted.

2014 is the year that I want to make some big changes to my body. I'm going to be working out a lot more and lifting more. I lost 50 pounds in 2011 so I know that I'm capable of going to the extremes. Congrats on the weight loss thats amazing!

Quote: Originally Posted by KellyKaye /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by FrostKitty /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I was fitted and bought my first corset at DeMask on my first trip to Germany, and it took me time to acclimate to the restriction.   Love them for events and balls but can't begin to imagine wearing one all the time.   I can lace a corset like a fiend - the girl wears them or bindings of other kinds and it's cool but I would be a bigger screaming hag than I usually am if I was constricted all the time.   

I'm devoting this upcoming year to changing my look - different makeup, different style, and yes a healthier lifestyle including eliminating all processed foods, and working out.  I'm not focusing on the weight what I want is to change my lifestyle to a focus on being healthy.  Fabulous in Paris for my 50th birthday is the focus.  

You can do it! I am also cutting out certain foods from my diet, dairy has got to go. I'm lactose intolerant anyway so I should stop punishing myself. But how will you live without cheese?

You guys I am having such a bad day! I took my NCLEX this morning and I'm pretty sure that I didn't pass...again. There's a trick that is pretty much 100% accurate and my result is that I failed. I can pay $8 Saturday morning to view my results online, but I don't think I want to pay $ to find out I failed. So I finally got home and while walking up the stairs to my condo there it was. My SS package. My eyes filled with tears because I was at my ultimate low and then I got a huge wave of a feeling that everything was going to be ok. There are people in this world who care about you and that is more important that passing this test. Even though this test is extremely import to me. I got inside and opened the package. I originally planned to save my gift until Christmas to open it, but if decided I deserved to open it today. I feel extremely blessed and thankful that @hhummel took the time to shop for me. heather you have no idea how much you brightened my day. You're an angel :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Quote: Originally Posted by DorotaD /img/forum/go_quote.gif

You guysss! I'm nervous because tomorrow morning I take my NCLEX!! Ahhhh I hope I can sleep tonight. I should receive my gift on Friday so that will be a nice distraction while I await my results

I know im late ,but I hope all went well on your test.

Quote: Originally Posted by jannie135 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I always wanted to try a corset! But for some reason I have it in my head that I don't want to invest in pretty clothes until I've lost "the weight".

I dropped 36lbs only to gain back 15... lol. My goal is 100lbs.

Hopefully next year I can lose another 30.

Congrats on your weight loss!

Quote: Originally Posted by DorotaD /img/forum/go_quote.gif

You guys I am having such a bad day! I took my NCLEX this morning and I'm pretty sure that I didn't pass...again. There's a trick that is pretty much 100% accurate and my result is that I failed. I can pay $8 Saturday morning to view my results online, but I don't think I want to pay $ to find out I failed. So I finally got home and while walking up the stairs to my condo there it was. My SS package. My eyes filled with tears because I was at my ultimate low and then I got a huge wave of a feeling that everything was going to be ok. There are people in this world who care about you and that is more important that passing this test. Even though this test is extremely import to me. I got inside and opened the package. I originally planned to save my gift until Christmas to open it, but if decided I deserved to open it today. I feel extremely blessed and thankful that @hhummel took the time to shop for me. heather you have no idea how much you brightened my day. You're an angel

Hugs! Hopefully you did better than you think. Hubby took the FAA tests many times (expensive things those are). He knows what he's doing but he crashes on tests.
