(Discussion) Secret Santa 2013 is coming soon!

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Quote: Originally Posted by Dayo Steph /img/forum/go_quote.gif

This is absolutely amazing!!  If you ever wanted to work out a trade, if you can make a black and white image I could put it on a cup for you - I can screen print onto clay. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Oooh, that sounds neat!

Quote: Originally Posted by FrostKitty /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I was fitted and bought my first corset at DeMask on my first trip to Germany, and it took me time to acclimate to the restriction.   Love them for events and balls but can't begin to imagine wearing one all the time.   I can lace a corset like a fiend - the girl wears them or bindings of other kinds and it's cool but I would be a bigger screaming hag than I usually am if I was constricted all the time.   

I'm devoting this upcoming year to changing my look - different makeup, different style, and yes a healthier lifestyle including eliminating all processed foods, and working out.  I'm not focusing on the weight what I want is to change my lifestyle to a focus on being healthy.  Fabulous in Paris for my 50th birthday is the focus.   

Congratulations! I'm on a quest to lose 50 as well. I'm down 15 so far, but need to keep going.  

Quote: Originally Posted by FrostKitty /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I was fitted and bought my first corset at DeMask on my first trip to Germany, and it took me time to acclimate to the restriction.   Love them for events and balls but can't begin to imagine wearing one all the time.   I can lace a corset like a fiend - the girl wears them or bindings of other kinds and it's cool but I would be a bigger screaming hag than I usually am if I was constricted all the time.   

I'm devoting this upcoming year to changing my look - different makeup, different style, and yes a healthier lifestyle including eliminating all processed foods, and working out.  I'm not focusing on the weight what I want is to change my lifestyle to a focus on being healthy.  Fabulous in Paris for my 50th birthday is the focus.   

I'm a huge corset fanatic, I have a collection of (I shouldn't admit this) over 20 from different makers.  I looove wearing them and can lace down over 8 inches. Then again, I'm squishy, but still, it's fun.  It's all about the fit, the better fitting the more comfy for long term wear.   Although for off the rack, corsets.co.uk's corsets are pretty awesome for inexpensive starters. 

Quote: Originally Posted by slinka /img/forum/go_quote.gif
We should totally be bff's :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I keep feeling like if you were next door we'd totally be hanging out. I love corsets and crazy shoes and makeup and geeky stuff:)

Quote: Originally Posted by Dayo Steph /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  We should totally be bff's :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I keep feeling like if you were next door we'd totally be hanging out. I love corsets and crazy shoes and makeup and geeky stuff:)
It is funny to hear everyone talk about corsets on here.  I do 1800's living history and wear a corset by necessity.  (Trust me, you don't want to haul wood and water for your fire without some back support).  I am so excited to start doing 1812 so I can wear a short corset! lol.  We finally started making mine at home so we could get the fit right.  There is nothing more uncomfortable than a badly fitted corset IMO.  I feel like we might need another thread for this.  I want to hear all about your corsets!

BTW- I have a 32" that was sent to me by mistake...royal blue if I remember correctly, overbust. If anyone has a fun trade offer or something, I'm down lol. (I wear a 20", so this 32" has nothing to offer me, lol)

It's in Tx, so I'll have to get my mom to send a pic, but I think it looks like this:

This sounds so cool. All this corset talk is so cool... I am so jealous of all of you!!

BTW- I have a 32" that was sent to me by mistake...royal blue if I remember correctly, overbust. If anyone has a fun trade offer or something, I'm down lol. (I wear a 20", so this 32" has nothing to offer me, lol)
I always wanted to try a corset! But for some reason I have it in my head that I don't want to invest in pretty clothes until I've lost "the weight". 

I dropped 36lbs only to gain back 15... lol. My goal is 100lbs. 

Hopefully next year I can lose another 30.


Quote: Originally Posted by jannie135 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I always wanted to try a corset! But for some reason I have it in my head that I don't want to invest in pretty clothes until I've lost "the weight".

I dropped 36lbs only to gain back 15... lol. My goal is 100lbs.

Hopefully next year I can lose another 30.

If you are planning on seriously losing a substantial amount of weight relatively soon, then yes, it would be in the best interest of your wallet to wait. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Corsets will shrink with you only so much....and once it's too big it won't do as much for you as it should (Loose corsets aren't cute or comfy =p) :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Congrats on your weight loss so far!

All of you ladies with your weight loss talk and goals. I had to chime in... 5 years ago, I weighed 192lbs and I am only 5'1"... not a good look for me at all. I was never a big child/teenager but spending 6 years in college caused me to live a really unhealthy lifestyle and I gained a ton of weight over probably 4 of those 6 years. After I graduated and moved to Colorado, I knew I had to change my lifestyle. At first, I just changed my eating habits but wasn't working out and dropped 40lbs just from that alone in about a year. The year after I started working out with a trainer once a week and worked out on my own 5 days a week and over the next year I got myself down to 113lbs (ive since put on weight, fluctuating 5 to 10lbs over the last several years, because honestly 113lbs was too small for me). I NEVER thought it would be possible, I truly thought I'd be overweight forever. It was the hardest but the best thing I've ever done and looking back I cant even believe that was me. So if I could do it, than honestly anyone of you ladies who want lose weight can too! Believe in yourself, take one day at a time, and keep your goal always on your mind. But most importantly don't deprive yourself. I never did. It was never a diet. Diets don't work. For me, it was a lifestyle change and I couldn't be happier than I am now. Sorry, I sound like a crazy Jillian Micheals. Lol. But I'm dead serious, take it from a girl who's been there and done that. Ok, we can go back to talking about makeup and Secret Santa...just felt like I needed to give some encouragement and inspiration to those looking to make a change :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Quote: Originally Posted by yousoldtheworld /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Man...I caught a really nasty plague out of nowhere and have spent the last 20 hours or so sleeping and cradling my sprite and pepto bismol... I feel so disoriented! But my santee is supposed to get her gift today and I'm just really excited about that!
Hope you feel better soon!

Quote: Originally Posted by tnorth1852 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I'm elfing for someone, and she totally had to file a claim with the USPS to attempt to locate her SS's package. USPS sucks. haha! I feel so bad for her!

Oh no! I hope they are able to find her package.

Quote: Originally Posted by jpark107 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Mailed out my Secret Santee's package today!

Package spoilers:

P. S. Dear Secret Santee - your package should arrive by the end of the week. Please open the gifts in numerical order (due to item #1 being a perishable item). Enjoy!

Looks so pretty!

Quote: Originally Posted by Sakura83 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Just wanted to give a little teaser to my Santee who will be getting this soon can't wait for her to receive it! 

These are two wrapped boxes tied together...and kind of hefty lol

That wrapping paper is so pretty!

Quote: Originally Posted by tnorth1852 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

So, the person I'm elfing for has another question for me to pose to y'all. She obviously can't ask because her SS will put the pieces together and figure out who she is --

She's filed a claim with the USPS to have them attempt to locate her SS package that she shipped 2 day priority on Dec 7. She was contacted yesterday by a postal worker who was trying to gather more information. She told me that the postal worker seemed less than optimistic that the package would be found. There have been no scans since the package was delivered to the original PO. The package was insured for $50, so in the event the package can't be located, she should be getting some of her money back. Her SS is out of town until the 20th, so she will have to wait until then to know if the package has been delievered and just hasn't had updated tracking. If she waits until the 20th, only to find the package was never delivered, there's no way she can get a gift to her SS before Christmas. However, if she goes out to "repurchase" some of the gifts now, in the event the package WAS delivered, her SS will receive duplicate packages. She's asking if anyone out there in makeup land has had a similar experience and/or what y'all would recommend. She's pretty bummed out -- feeling like she's failed at SS and all her hard work will never been seen and her makeup goodies will never get loved!

Help her!

I would say wait until the 20th hopefully by then the situation will be more clear in regards  to where the package is. I have had  issues where I have claimed something as lost and it has appeared out of the blue  a while later.  I am sure your santee will understand the circumstances. Just in case it doesn't turn up and you have to resend,  its always nice to get presents after the holidays!

Quote: Originally Posted by nikkimouse /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  at one point i thought of doing a christmas card exchange (because i wanted to send everyone christmas cards and little goodies) too but then my life got in the way and then it was mid december :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />      But i would be open to some sort of random surprise address exchange where a bunch of us share addresses nd then send random surprises... what do you guys think?
That would be so  awesome, I love getting mail!

Quote: Originally Posted by slinka /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  BTW- I have a 32" that was sent to me by mistake...royal blue if I remember correctly, overbust. If anyone has a fun trade offer or something, I'm down lol. (I wear a 20", so this 32" has nothing to offer me, lol)

It's in Tx, so I'll have to get my mom to send a pic, but I think it looks like this:

 I might be interested but... how do you know your corset waist size?? Like, if your 'natural waist' is 32" do you want  a 32" corset or do you actually want a smaller one?

BTW- I have a 32" that was sent to me by mistake...royal blue if I remember correctly, overbust. If anyone has a fun trade offer or something, I'm down lol. (I wear a 20", so this 32" has nothing to offer me, lol) Oh that's nice!!! I would love but sadly no fun trade, lol. I love your drawing for your santee. You are definitely super talented and no I don't think it's weird. It's in Tx, so I'll have to get my mom to send a pic, but I think it looks like this:  