(Discussion) Secret Santa 2013 is coming soon!

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Quote: Originally Posted by FormosaHoney /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  So I'm sharing with my ex-beau in Colorado (the flame's still burning, I'm in NY, long story) on the whole secret santa and the presents I got and he's like excited with me, then sorta quiet, then he enthusiasctically said "make me a list of what you want and need"

He's in the Navy and I can't tell you how many Navy T-shirts, long-sleeves, turtle necks and Navy regulation stud earings I got.  All the clothing is just too large for my size 4 petite frame, unisex seizing or men's....   He shops for me in the uniform commisary.  It's really sweet but I just can't wear anymore Navy stuff, plus like I'm not even in the Navy....

Here's a new angle of thanks Secret Santa Doubleshot!
That's adorable he wants to keep you in the latest Navy gear.

Quote: Originally Posted by Jac13 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

@Jazbot that wrapping is really pretty. I am sure your santee will love it.
Thanks!! FYI Wrapping paper at TJ Maxx is like perfect wrapping paper down to textures/color/prints etc...

Quote: Originally Posted by slinka /img/forum/go_quote.gif

So when I was at the post office waiting for the dude to get my I was eyeballing the flat rate boxes. So I have a question-
I think I might be able to fit everything into the $12 box- the box is gonna be kinda weighty (probably at least 4 pounds?)- you guys think the flat rate would be the best option?
Mine was 4lb 3oz and was cheaper to ship by weight than the medium flat rate box.

Mine was 4lb 3oz and was cheaper to ship by weight than the medium flat rate box.
Mine was 6 pounds 11oz, I can't tell you if it was cheaper but what I appreciate about flat rates is I know going in exactly what the price will be. I used to send my husband in with packages and he'd come back with an obnoxious receipt considering it was what I would consider small boxes.
Oh and free boxes. I didn't used to have shipping boxes i could reuse so I was extremely grateful i could just go grab a free box from the post office lol

Quote: Originally Posted by Jazbot /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Thanks!! FYI Wrapping paper at TJ Maxx is like perfect wrapping paper down to textures/color/prints etc...
Why have I not thought of buying wrapping paper there?!  Thanks!

Edit: Deleted 

Quote: Originally Posted by sparklegirl /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I was one of those kids who would always managed to figure out my gifts before Christmas (and if you asked my fiancé, he would say I'm still like that!) so not having a way to at least figure out who my Santa is is driving me crazy! I can't wait until Monday to find out! Haha oh man, I'm so impatient!
I feel for you @sparklegirl . I was able to narrow down the list of 105 participants to 15 yesterday. A little more stalking today and I'm sure I can get the number down even more!!!

Seriously, I hate surprises. I'm a peeker. I'm an unwrapper and rewrapper. I'm a snooper. I feel like I would rather know ahead of time, what I'm getting, so that I can fake some enthusiasm instead of crying that I got the world's crappiest gift. I have years and years of crappy gift experience.... :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Always grateful though!! 

Quote: Originally Posted by elizabethrose /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Okay friends, I have a real question.  I ordered this thing for my SS a zillion years ago, and it hasn't come in (was supposed to be here the 10th at the latest).  I've opened a case to see if I can figure out where it is, because I really want to give it to my SS!  I know she will love it!  BUT- tomorrow's really the last day to ship out.. hardly any of the post offices are open on Saturday here, and it's just easiest for me to go during the work week.. (last day to ship out since Sunday's the 15th).  What do I do!?  Should I ship out my box tomorrow and say that I'll send the other item separately or... I dunno!! This is so frustrating!
I think it is really up to you.  I don't think anyone would judge you for mailing out a few days late fora good reason, but it is hard when you have no clue when the gift might arrive. I guess if it were me I'd just mail out and send the other gift separately? I know it is a pain though- I'm sorry you are going through this. 

Dear SS,

I am so excited that you sent an elf to tell me my present was on its way! I hope you enjoyed reading through my posts and my wishlists, and that you feel like you really got to know me. Before I even get my gift, I want to say thank you. Thank you for your time. Thank you for working hard in order to buy a gift for a random, but very nice and worthy, stranger. Thank you for being generous and thoughtful. Thank you for participating and being my SS 2013. 



You guys are hilarious. I avoid trying to figure it out. That part of my brain has been wrecked by this semester! It will def be a surprise!

Is it silly that I kind of dont want my SS to use an elf to send me tracking info? I'm just so excited and I think not knowing when it's arriving would add to the suspense.... I am having a lot of fun being an elf though, I've decided that my name is Elf-ie Trinket!

Quote: Originally Posted by KellyKaye /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Is it silly that I kind of dont want my SS to use an elf to send me tracking info? I'm just so excited and I think not knowing when it's arriving would add to the suspense.... I am having a lot of fun being an elf though, I've decided that my name is Elf-ie Trinket!

Quote: Originally Posted by KellyKaye /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Is it silly that I kind of dont want my SS to use an elf to send me tracking info? I'm just so excited and I think not knowing when it's arriving would add to the suspense.... I am having a lot of fun being an elf though, I've decided that my name is Elf-ie Trinket!
I'm with you.  I feel like I just want my gift to show up one day, a surprise.  
