(Discussion) Secret Santa 2013 is coming soon!

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So - I'm "elfing" for someone, and she's asked me to post her question because she doesn't want it to "give any hints" to her SS. Here's the question: "I shipped my SS gift on Saturday. The package was accepted by the PO in my town. I shipped two day priority. There have been no updates to the tracking information online. I've attempted to contact the postal service to no avail. Please post this in the forum to have folks give me some advice on how to handle this. I'm so worried she won't get her gift! Should I just give it a few more days?"
Oh no, how frustrating! You could always have an elf pm her and mention that the box had shipped and to look out for it. She could have gotten it but could be out of town or something. I hope it works out okay :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
So - I'm "elfing" for someone, and she's asked me to post her question because she doesn't want it to "give any hints" to her SS. Here's the question: "I shipped my SS gift on Saturday. The package was accepted by the PO in my town. I shipped two day priority. There have been no updates to the tracking information online. I've attempted to contact the postal service to no avail. Please post this in the forum to have folks give me some advice on how to handle this. I'm so worried she won't get her gift! Should I just give it a few more days?"
I think USPS' s tracking is just reeeeally wonky right now. I have packages that were delivered last week that the tracking STILL hasn't updated on! I mailed my SS gift last Thursday 2 day priority and it had a scheduled delivery date of 12/7 but the tracking never updated once it left my post office. Didnt deliver Saturday& the delivery date didn't change. Then it ended up delivering Monday and ALL the tracking updated at once haha. I'd say if she doesn't get it today, call USPS customer service.
Quote:Originally Posted by nicepenguins /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Oh no, how frustrating! You could always have an elf pm her and mention that the box had shipped and to look out for it. She could have gotten it but could be out of town or something. I hope it works out okay

Hopefully it will be delivered to her today! *fingers crossed* -- I've passed a few messages along to her from her SS to keep her informed of the status of her package without giving her the tracking number so she can figure out where it came from! ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Quote: Originally Posted by tnorth1852 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

So - I'm "elfing" for someone, and she's asked me to post her question because she doesn't want it to "give any hints" to her SS. Here's the question:

"I shipped my SS gift on Saturday. The package was accepted by the PO in my town. I shipped two day priority. There have been no updates to the tracking information online. I've attempted to contact the postal service to no avail. Please post this in the forum to have folks give me some advice on how to handle this. I'm so worried she won't get her gift! Should I just give it a few more days?"

Originally Posted by allistra44 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I think USPS' s tracking is just reeeeally wonky right now. I have packages that were delivered last week that the tracking STILL hasn't updated on!

I mailed my SS gift last Thursday 2 day priority and it had a scheduled delivery date of 12/7 but the tracking never updated once it left my post office. Didnt deliver Saturday& the delivery date didn't change. Then it ended up delivering Monday and ALL the tracking updated at once haha.

I'd say if she doesn't get it today, call USPS customer service.

Same thing happened to me.  I mailed both of my SS gifts last Thurs.  They were supposed to be delivered on Monday.  Tracking on first one updated and said it'd be delivered on Tuesday instead but then was delivered on Monday.  Tracking on other never updated at all and then all of the sudden it was delivered on Tues and all of the tracking updated at once.  The gift I received had crazy tracking too.  Said it was delivered on Friday when it actually came late Saturday night.  Basically, USPS is having issues.  I'd call customer service today so they can investigate.

Hello MUT ladies!! Oh how I've missed you all! I was on a lovely holiday, (ok-I'm not English, but I just love the way they use that word!) and now I'm back. I hopped on a plane leaving 86 degree weather behind to come home to -snow! While I was gone, so much has happened! Many of you sent and received your gifts! My giftee, Lyndav, received her package of pretties! I believe she is waiting till Christmas to open. I received an email from my tracking Elf stating that my gift will be picked up today for 2 day shipping! YAY!!! Now, time to reverse stalk who was sending packages out-was it you Tiffany27LA????

Over 1500 messages to catch up on, and this was the first thread I had to read. Hope you are all enjoying this crazy ss love. It brings me such joy and happiness to read all of the happy and positive posts to everyone. 

Have a great day everyone!!!

Quote: Originally Posted by tnorth1852 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

So - I'm "elfing" for someone, and she's asked me to post her question because she doesn't want it to "give any hints" to her SS. Here's the question:

"I shipped my SS gift on Saturday. The package was accepted by the PO in my town. I shipped two day priority. There have been no updates to the tracking information online. I've attempted to contact the postal service to no avail. Please post this in the forum to have folks give me some advice on how to handle this. I'm so worried she won't get her gift! Should I just give it a few more days?"

I had something sent to me two day priority. It left on December 4th and is out for delivery today (7 days total!). Although frustrated, I have a feeling it either has to do with all the poor weather in the country (none where I live but I imagine it is screwing up everything) or the massive amount of packages USPS is probably transporting from black friday/cyber monday. Maybe only a certain number fit in the trucks!

I think my SS gift came!!!! Nap time for the kiddo is in 10 minutes, then I have to run to the store/post office really fast. But I will open and post pics as soon as I am home!! SO EXCITED!!!! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Quote: Originally Posted by Jamie P /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I think my SS gift came!!!! Nap time for the kiddo is in 10 minutes, then I have to run to the store/post office really fast. But I will open and post pics as soon as I am home!! SO EXCITED!!!! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Yay-so happy for you!!!

Quote: Originally Posted by jenniferrose /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I had something sent to me two day priority. It left on December 4th and is out for delivery today (7 days total!). Although frustrated, I have a feeling it either has to do with all the poor weather in the country (none where I live but I imagine it is screwing up everything) or the massive amount of packages USPS is probably transporting from black friday/cyber monday. Maybe only a certain number fit in the trucks!
It's probably a good combo of the two- I know the weather (especially in some places like TX where the second there's bit of ice on the roads, schools are closed, lol- they got like, real snow and real ice, and everything was whacked out) has been really harsh/strange in some places, including early HEAVY snow in my neck of the woods.

Quote: Originally Posted by Jamie P /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I think my SS gift came!!!! Nap time for the kiddo is in 10 minutes, then I have to run to the store/post office really fast. But I will open and post pics as soon as I am home!! SO EXCITED!!!! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Can I send my 2 year old over there for a nap? lol.

I kid, I kid, but she IS driving me up the wall currently, haha. 

She intentionally spilled water all over a table top and was playing in it....I don't know if I should be proud that I gave her a towel and told her to clean it and she did so- or smh because my 2 year old has done this so many times that she knows how to clean up messes like this.

I am STILL waiting on a package for my SS.  It's killing me!  It was supposed to be here by yesterday.. it was coming from far far away so it's not super surprising but I REALLY want it!!  I'm ready to put all of this stuff together and ship it off!

I was so excited, I just got a package in the mail and I totally thought it was from my Secret Santa but then I realized it was from a swap I did lol

I was so excited, I just got a package in the mail and I totally thought it was from my Secret Santa but then I realized it was from a swap I did lol
I haven't opened yet but I have no idea what else it could be. It's got secret Santa written all over it (not literally)
So, my gift is coming from Illinois.....I'm wondering if I can figure out my SS before my gift arrives..Wait for it...Challenge Accepted!

My SS gift came from McKondik and all I can say is WOW! You are amazing. I feel so incredibly spoiled right now. I hope my giftee is as happy as I was opening this gift! THANK YOU! Will post pics in the reveal thread. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

When I get my package, I'm gonna be so stoked. I'll probably cuss all excitedly and fall up the stairs running to open it. I'm gonna take an obnoxious amount of pictures too lol.

Quote: Originally Posted by Jazbot /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Here are my gifts for my Santee!! I hope I did a great job shopping for her!!

So pretty! I'm sure you did great- the fact that you took the time to stalk and buy her things, wrap it and send it to her and you actually care about doing good should be proof enough =p
