(Discussion) Secret Santa 2013 is coming soon!

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Quote: Originally Posted by mermuse /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Oh my goodness, you guys with the "deleted" posts are making me so curious as to what I missed, but I presume you are only teasing?  BAH.  WHAT IS ALL THIS DELETED STUFF?
Right?! I'm like ohhh noo what did I miss?!?!?!    

Quote: Originally Posted by utgal2004 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Woohoo!!  What's the first thing you're going to make?  You're going to fall in love with it...
My mom is sending her banana nut bread recipe but I don't have all the ingredients, I don't think I can wait until I do. So probably a batch of cookies :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

No worries y'all, the deleted posts nothing drama-rific, a user was just having a SS conundrum and seeking advice :]

OT- having a mini panic attack. A class I'm taking (As per my professor's last email- ""everything is due by noon on Friday the 13th of December." ) does not have the option to take the final. WTF. Did she close it? I'm going to cry! :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Where are my college-final-friends??? I've emailed her...I hope it's just an error....If she closed it early, i'll puke.
Oh my gosh! That's bs if she closed it early! A few weeks ago I was taking a final and my Internet stopped working as soon as I submitted it. When I got my Internet back up it only had 4 of my questions answered and I had one minute and fifteen seconds to answer the rest. Luckily my professor let me take it again. Have you called your academic advisor?
Quote: Originally Posted by KellyKaye /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Oh my gosh! That's bs if she closed it early! A few weeks ago I was taking a final and my Internet stopped working as soon as I submitted it. When I got my Internet back up it only had 4 of my questions answered and I had one minute and fifteen seconds to answer the rest. Luckily my professor let me take it again. Have you called your academic advisor?
I'm so happy your professor was understanding!

I've emailed her and quoted her from her last email to us, but she hasn't responded. I'm sobbing- I'm so upset! I guess I'll try to figure out who my academic advisor is... She has no other contact information and this is so frustrating. Without these two assignments, I'll have a 68.something....NOT cool. ESPECIALLY for nursing applications... I have the damned paper(I turned this in but apparently it didn't go through...sometimes my internet is whack....but it should've allowed me to resubmit- but now everything is closed!!!) right here too...

Distraught. I'm f-ing distraught.

 I can't even ask any other students if they are having an issue....AAAAGGGHHHGHHGHGHHH

Quote: Originally Posted by tweakabell /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  OMG, I hope it all works out. That's flippin' BS!
Thanks. I hope so too. I'm seriously in full-blown-panic mode. I'm so not trying to annoy this lady- but I SERIOUSLY need a reply, for my own sanity. I talked (More like sobbed) to my husband - a professor at the same university- and told him about her email and how it's acting closed. He said it's probably a mistake on her part- she set the date to close too early back when the semester started and that by her sending that email serves as sufficient proof that she indeed told us -" Realize that everything is due by noon on Friday the 13th of December." And I quadruple-checked my iphone- It's December 12th. He offered to email her and stuff....


Quote: Originally Posted by slinka /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Ok, ok....breathing. She just sent
"I have opened the class until 12/13 5:00 pm"

*dries tears*

I can't handle that type of crisis sans tears. omg.
I'd be sobbing too! That's stressful!  So glad she opened it!!! 

Oh my goodness, you guys with the "deleted" posts are making me so curious as to what I missed, but I presume you are only teasing?  BAH.  WHAT IS ALL THIS DELETED STUFF?
Yes. Please someone explain....
Quote: Originally Posted by slinka /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Ok, ok....breathing. She just sent
"I have opened the class until 12/13 5:00 pm"

*dries tears*

I can't handle that type of crisis sans tears. omg.
Oh thank goodness. I'm pretty sure we were all having heart attacks right there with you.

My husband just told me something that prompted me to be even less trusting- Professors can edit things in canvas that they've sent - like announcements- at any time. Best believe I screenshotted and saved that ish.

So for those of you who use canvas- there's your lesson for the day lol.

My husband just told me something that prompted me to be even less trusting- Professors can edit things in canvas that they've sent - like announcements- at any time. Best believe I screenshotted and saved that ish. So for those of you who use canvas- there's your lesson for the day lol.
I'm so glad it all worked out for you. When my incident occurred I cried for like2 hours and then I sucked it up for5 minutes to call my professor and once I was off the phone I cried some more. I can't handle stress at all.
Secret Santa gift is all ready to go, just need to write her a note and it's in the mail tomorrow! Along with swap goodies for @missemiee...which feels like a 2nd secret santa since we mostly did a mystery swap :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I got this wrapping paper from Popsugar and I was excited to use it!
Ok, ok....breathing. She just sent "I have opened the class until 12/13 5:00 pm" *dries tears* I can't handle that type of crisis sans tears. omg.
(((((Hugs))))) it's ok now!!!!!
Quote: Originally Posted by yousoldtheworld /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Secret Santa gift is all ready to go, just need to write her a note and it's in the mail tomorrow! Along with swap goodies for @missemiee...which feels like a 2nd secret santa since we mostly did a mystery swap :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I got this wrapping paper from Popsugar and I was excited to use it!
Ooh I like the paper. I got my paper from Marshalls. I should really go stock up cuz I liked it. Maybe after Christmas it'll be on sale.

I'm also sho

Secret Santa gift is all ready to go, just need to write her a note and it's in the mail tomorrow! Along with swap goodies for @missemiee ...which feels like a 2nd secret santa since we mostly did a mystery swap :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
I got this wrapping paper from Popsugar and I was excited to use it!
I'm also shipping mine SS gift tomorrow, I've started my letter to her but haven't finished. My hand got tired! Lol. Everything has been wrapped for awhile now, but the retail world during holiday time has been dominating my life! And yay our swap! I'm so excited to send you your goodies! It's like a not so secret Santa! Lol
My turn to whine!  Ugh, I woke up this morning, got ready for work, requested that the eighteen-pound cat get off my back, and lost my voice.  All day, I thought it was allergies -- and then I got on the bus at the end of the day to come home and got *slammed* with congestion and sneezing.  Strangely, pretty much the moment I walked in the door of my apartment, my voice returned.  I really hope that the copious amounts of apple juice and tea I will be drinking tonight flush the cooties out.  We have our annual departmental holiday luncheon at Morton's tomorrow!  Free expensive food and booze!  I do *not* want to miss that!  (On the up side, if I call in sick, there's no way I will be doubted:  I've *maxed out* my sick time accumulation because I practically never get sick.  I took *one* day more than a year ago.  It's gone past an office joke that I don't get sick to just a fact of life.)

This is the sort of **** I deal with when it comes to MC Large Barge, aka Oscar, aka the aforementioned eighteen-pound cat: