(Discussion) Secret Santa 2013 is coming soon!

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I finally picked up the last items for my Secret Santa box & got it mailed out today before we get slammed with the Winter Storm tomorrow.  5 lbs 6.60 oz  Total shipping cost $18.50!!!  That's crazy!  I can't wait until my girl gets her gifts!

It was my nails SS!!! [@]lemony007[/@] you are my HERO!!! Posting a preview in the nails review thread in a sec!!!

Quote: Originally Posted by tweakabell /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Oooh, exciting!
The timing couldn't be better- I'm going to spend all day Sunday moving out of my current place so getting the gift Monday will be perfect (although I won't complain if it comes earlier)!

OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG.  I got my Santa gift today.  Allistra44 - Thank you SOO SOOO SOOO much.  You were one of two who were on my short list as Santa's and I'm so lucky and grateful that it was you! I couldn't stop giggling when I got to # 11.  Because of course I couldn't wait.  Off to the reveal thread to post the full awesomeness.  I'm still gobsmacked.  Wow. Thank you!

The timing couldn't be better- I'm going to spend all day Sunday moving out of my current place so getting the gift Monday will be perfect (although I won't complain if it comes earlier)!
Awesome a post move treat :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG.  I got my Santa gift today.  Allistra44 - Thank you SOO SOOO SOOO much.  You were one of two who were on my short list as Santa's and I'm so lucky and grateful that it was you! I couldn't stop giggling when I got to # 11.  Because of course I couldn't wait.  Off to the reveal thread to post the full awesomeness.  I'm still gobsmacked.  Wow. Thank you!
Ahhhhh yesssss I'm so glad you got it! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Quote: Originally Posted by Dayo Steph /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by magicalmom /img/forum/go_quote.gif
It is!  It totally is!  I keep finding stuff that I KNOW they'll love, and I can't buy them any more stuff because I already mailed their boxes!  And I've gotten MORE than enough makeup/polish for those in my family that want it, and I'm on a low-buy but I just don't want to stop shopping!

I want to buy all the pretties and make the whole world sparkle!!!
You know, it would be hard to organize, but it would be awesome to have our own MUT curated bi-monthly boxes.  Kind of an on-going exchange. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Those would be awesome boxes!

Quote: Originally Posted by nikkimouse /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  to my SS,

If I should expect my present in the next few days please use an elf to let me know because I'll be out of town until Thursday.  and I can have my mother in law bring it inside for me.

To my santee,

I will have your box out approx this Thursday or Friday don't lose faith in me my husbands hours were cut at work so I have to wait for my pay day to be able to pay for the shipping.  I'm glad i did all my shopping before we found out they were being cut.
Sorry to hear about your hubby hope things start looking up.

Quote: Originally Posted by Jamie P /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Yay for the teachers. I couldn't teach older students. I am currently studying to become a preschool teacher. Hoping ad praying for a "foot in the door" job soon.

Quote: Originally Posted by mermuse /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I'm drinking some spiked soy nog (so less heavy than regular cream version but just as nutmeggy and yummy), adding some extra details to the package and waiting for the last two items which are due to arrive today.  Hopefully, I can ship tomorrow!  I'm so anxious; I hope my lady enjoys what I've put together
That drink sounds yummy. Im sure your she will enjoy her gift everyone has been doing a great job.

Quote: Originally Posted by magicalmom /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Dear UPS,

Having my package "on the truck for delivery" for OVER TWELVE HOURS qualifies as torture under the Geneva Convention.  Give me my pretties!


Seriously Freaking Out In NC


Dude, I'm way too tired to clean the HURRICANE that those boxes caused in my sitting room but the first 4 are done! YAY They go out tomorrow!

Dude, I'm way too tired to clean the HURRICANE that those boxes caused in my sitting room but the first 4 are done! YAY They go out tomorrow!
My spare bedroom (kitties bedroom lol) looks the exact same right now! Lol. I've been lazy and busy if that even makes sense?
I'm finally picking up a flat rate box today and will pack it tonight and attempt to ship tomorrow. I also need to finish writing the little letter I've been working on. I'm so nervous that my SS won't like her gift even though I've put incredible effort into making it perfect. I just really want her to love it. Gahhhh. That might be one of the reasons that I've waited so long to send it.
