(Discussion) Secret Santa 2013 is coming soon!

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It's Monday!  I'm expecting my package today, although with the snow we got in Chicago you never know :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />  I'm sitting on the joy that is a 6AM conference call. On Monday, what is wrong with people!?  That's ok.  I have pottery class tonight, so I won't know if it came in until late, but I'll post as soon as I get home :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Quote: Originally Posted by Dayo Steph /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  It's Monday!  I'm expecting my package today, although with the snow we got in Chicago you never know :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />  I'm sitting on the joy that is a 6AM conference call. On Monday, what is wrong with people!?  That's ok.  I have pottery class tonight, so I won't know if it came in until late, but I'll post as soon as I get home :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
6 AM CONFERENCE CALL?! Oh my, this is entirely too early! 

Quote: Originally Posted by amdoerr /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  6 AM CONFERENCE CALL?! Oh my, this is entirely too early! 
I completely agree.  At least I can start it from home and then make my way in.  I wasn't crazy enough to go into the office. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> If I didn't have to run into the doc today i'd probably work from home - it's cold and snowy out there!

So, it sounds like a lot of us have finals! BLEEGGGGHHHH, the dreaded week of my life where I consume too many carbs and enjoy too little sleep.

Turning in finals and research papers is extremely cathartic though. The other upside is that my class breaks until the 6th and then we go on vacation back to California. It's been over a year since I have been home and man, it is so hard at times.

Have a great day at work everyone!!!

I'm joining the finals club. I have finals this week as well. I literally carry my study materials with me wherever I go haha.

Finals week sucks for professors too. We get all of the grading and all of the "hi I have had only Bs in the class but I need an A so what do I have to do?" emails that defy logic. So be gentle with your professors...bring them candy. They are getting requests that would require building a time machine. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Quote: Originally Posted by nicepenguins /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Finals week sucks for professors too. We get all of the grading and all of the "hi I have had only Bs in the class but I need an A so what do I have to do?" emails that defy logic. So be gentle with your professors...bring them candy. They are getting requests that would require building a time machine.

I can't imagine being a professor. My school is online and some of the students really take advantage of their professors and it drives me mad. It's also frustrating to be a student when you are trying incredibly hard and then some of the other students are just barely hanging on and then they blame the professor. We have to show "internet etiquette" and it takes all of my effort not to attack them through the discussion boards.

I feel strange not being part of the finals crowd since I graduated in May! But at the same time I am busy studying for my NCLEX on the 19th! And that's harder than any other test I've taken in my whole entire life. Wahhhh!!

Quote: Originally Posted by nicepenguins /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Finals week sucks for professors too. We get all of the grading and all of the "hi I have had only Bs in the class but I need an A so what do I have to do?" emails that defy logic. So be gentle with your professors...bring them candy. They are getting requests that would require building a time machine.

(World's smallest violin playing for time machine requiring students.  I love my students, but I have to be fair and stick to the policies of the course and the institution.)  Good luck to all!  It will all be over soon!  

Quote: Originally Posted by KellyKaye /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  So, it sounds like a lot of us have finals! BLEEGGGGHHHH, the dreaded week of my life where I consume too many carbs and enjoy too little sleep.

Turning in finals and research papers is extremely cathartic though. The other upside is that my class breaks until the 6th and then we go on vacation back to California. It's been over a year since I have been home and man, it is so hard at times.

Have a great day at work everyone!!!
Yay you get to go home :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> have a great trip! Good luck on your finals 

I have 2 weeks and 16 finals left before I get to drive home, if I make it through without 1) gaining 50 lbs from stress eating 2) losing my mind it will be a small miracle 

Quote: Originally Posted by DorotaD /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I feel strange not being part of the finals crowd since I graduated in May! But at the same time I am busy studying for my NCLEX on the 19th! And that's harder than any other test I've taken in my whole entire life. Wahhhh!!
Good luck! You'll do great I'm sure :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> 

I do love my job 90% of the time--it's just stressful for all of us at around this time. I just had my second Dove mini of the day and it's 10:45 AM. lol

Finals week sucks for professors too. We get all of the grading and all of the "hi I have had only Bs in the class but I need an A so what do I have to do?" emails that defy logic. So be gentle with your professors...bring them candy. They are getting requests that would require building a time machine. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
LOL my mom was teaching one class a semester in a masters of social work program for years, but this is why she quit doing it! She liked teaching but students would complain endlessly to her about assignments and grades. It would be one thing if she taught full time, but she only taught it because they needed someone with her qualifications who who was still doing field work. She said that people got sooo upset that she didn't just teach out of the text book, which meant they still had to go to class!
Quote: Originally Posted by gemstone /img/forum/go_quote.gif

LOL my mom was teaching one class a semester in a masters of social work program for years, but this is why she quit doing it! She liked teaching but students would complain endlessly to her about assignments and grades. It would be one thing if she taught full time, but she only taught it because they needed someone with her qualifications who who was still doing field work. She said that people got sooo upset that she didn't just teach out of the text book, which meant they still had to go to class!
And those were GRADUATE students! In *social* work. Who wanted to read a book instead of going to class...

It can be such a rewarding job, teaching--my students know so much more about this topic now than they did before the class. It's exciting when that happens.

Quote: Originally Posted by Dayo Steph /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I completely agree.  At least I can start it from home and then make my way in.  I wasn't crazy enough to go into the office. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> If I didn't have to run into the doc today i'd probably work from home - it's cold and snowy out there!

This!  My commute was rough this morning- the train was fine (amazingly.  I feel like it's always SO SLOW!), but because of the sidewalks and the cumbersome-ness (we're making that a word) I felt like I was tripping over myself all morning!  I was about to just lay in the snow in my long down jacket and just call it a day.  Someone come find me on the sidewalk, I'll be here in the snow all day long.

Finals week sucks for professors too. We get all of the grading and all of the "hi I have had only Bs in the class but I need an A so what do I have to do?" emails that defy logic. So be gentle with your professors...bring them candy. They are getting requests that would require building a time machine. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Ha! My husband is a professor, I loooove all the truly logic-defying things that get said/sent to him and his professor friends. (And in tx highschools many schools offer some sort of perfect attendance in exchange for being "exempt" for the final. So more than once i would hear "i havent missed any classes and have a b can i be exempt?" I couldnt help but laugh whilst simultaneously rolling my eyes. ) Better than t.v. Yesterday he was working on making His tests, and I was like, "you could totally just be a ******** and make the whole test 2 questions." Although the grading would've been amazingly easy- I think e decided to not do that. But he did like the idea of lots of true/false lol.
I'm a little late but thank you for your condolences ladies <3 It has been a hard two weeks.

In good news, I just mailed out my SS's gift! I can't wait for them to get it, and I really hope they like everything!

Yay for the teachers. I couldn't teach older students. I am currently studying to become a preschool teacher. Hoping ad praying for a "foot in the door" job soon.
