(Discussion) Secret Santa 2013 is coming soon!

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Yay for the teachers. I couldn't teach older students. I am currently studying to become a preschool teacher. Hoping ad praying for a "foot in the door" job soon.
Ha, I didn't like teaching the middle school group...and the older ones I think I could handle but they'd definitely irritate me. But this is why I am not a teacher lol Best of luck- after my husband left a professor job it took him a few good years of gigging/accompanying/adjuncting before he got this tenure-track position. I'm sure you'll find one soon!
I had getting a PhD on my life goal horizons for a while but the private sector is calling my name. I'm ok with being a young kid with a masters degree :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> God bless all you teachers. My mom is a teacher (various middle school grades plus kinder). My best friend is in her masters and certification program. This is her first time student teaching she is placed in a combined 7/8 class of students with English not as their first language, behavioral issues, and learning issues. Her advising teacher leaves the class all the time. My friend is getting burnt out and may drop her program :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> The rest of her cohort have significantly less challenging class assignments.

I do love my job 90% of the time--it's just stressful for all of us at around this time. I just had my second Dove mini of the day and it's 10:45 AM. lol
I have no idea why they even bother to wrap Dove Minis... They should come with a skull and crossbones on the bag and leave it at that. "Abandon Any Hope Of Not Consuming A Handful" should be the message on the wrappers or "Sweat Hard During Pilates Because You Know You Are Going To Eat All Of These Little Chunks Of Goodness."
 I am glad I am not the only one with finals week. I got a final due this week and a paper. I have 8 week classes which makes it all that much more enjoyable (see that 600 page book? Let's stuff it ointo an 8 week class and not leave ot a single page. I guess it's my own fault choosing this university hehehe). But I know everyone will be enjoying their gifts. I for one will be playing with some pretty polish and wear my new aloe socks and a nice face mask eating chocolate all thanks to my secret santa wonder box.

I feel like I get the best and worst of both worlds.  I take classes as a Master's student and teach labs as a TA.  I get some CRAZY stories from students about why they neeeeeed and A.  I do like teaching at the college level because I can expect them to be adults and hold them to that standard.  Despite the students who bug me about every point I love it.  The feeling I get when I help someone grasp a concept is so awesome.  Plus I have a reputation as being no-nonsense on grading so over time I get less and less of the whining.  I finished grading last week and turned in grades and now am studying for my finals.  Good luck to all the students and teachers alike!  I hope your break is great!

I'm drinking some spiked soy nog (so less heavy than regular cream version but just as nutmeggy and yummy), adding some extra details to the package and waiting for the last two items which are due to arrive today.  Hopefully, I can ship tomorrow!  I'm so anxious; I hope my lady enjoys what I've put together

I just got a notification that I had a package delivered.  I was all excited that it was my Santa present but then I realized it was just Sephora. 

This is what this what this exchange is done to me.  I am more excited for a present from a internet person that I am for a box that I paid and picked out myself. 

Dear UPS,

Having my package "on the truck for delivery" for OVER TWELVE HOURS qualifies as torture under the Geneva Convention.  Give me my pretties!


Seriously Freaking Out In NC

Quote: Originally Posted by magicalmom /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Dear UPS,

Having my package "on the truck for delivery" for OVER TWELVE HOURS qualifies as torture under the Geneva Convention.  Give me my pretties!


Seriously Freaking Out In NC
The lesser known parts of the Geneva Convention.

Dear UPS, Having my package "on the truck for delivery" for OVER TWELVE HOURS qualifies as torture under the Geneva Convention.  Give me my pretties! Love, Seriously Freaking Out In NC
They did that to me on Fri and then updated at the end of the day that it had been rescheduled for today. I was so annoyed!
Quote: Originally Posted by chelsealady /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I just got a notification that I had a package delivered.  I was all excited that it was my Santa present but then I realized it was just Sephora. 

This is what this what this exchange is done to me.  I am more excited for a present from a internet person that I am for a box that I paid and picked out myself. 
truer words have never been spoken.

Quote: Originally Posted by tweakabell /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by magicalmom /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Dear UPS,

Having my package "on the truck for delivery" for OVER TWELVE HOURS qualifies as torture under the Geneva Convention.  Give me my pretties!

Seriously Freaking Out In NC
They did that to me on Fri and then updated at the end of the day that it had been rescheduled for today. I was so annoyed!
IT'S HERE!!!!!!

Quote: Originally Posted by magicalmom /img/forum/go_quote.gif
IT'S HERE!!!!!!
Yay!!!! Can't wait to see!

I got a box!!!!!!!! I don't know if it nails or regular. Will be opening here in just a little bit. Yeah!!!!!!!

Mailman came with the regular mail but he always does boxes on a second trip.  I'm dying here!

Quote: Originally Posted by chelsealady /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I just got a notification that I had a package delivered.  I was all excited that it was my Santa present but then I realized it was just Sephora. 

This is what this what this exchange is done to me.  I am more excited for a present from a internet person that I am for a box that I paid and picked out myself. 
A few days ago i got my bespoke post box. I had ordered a box for my boyfriend on cyber Monday and got the free stocking stuffer box, so it came in a GIANT unlabeled box from like Kentucky or something. I was like wtf is this? Since I didn't know i was like OMG SECRET SANTA. Then it was boy stuff. Total downer. :)

Quote: Originally Posted by slinka /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Since this is where I dump my current obsessions whilst I wait for my girl's goodies and my own box, I leave you this. *obsessed*

LOL which is on the playlist right after the Dollyrots Because I'm Awesome.   
