(Discussion) Secret Santa 2013 is coming soon!

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My Secret Santa was....LadyK!!!! I cannot even begin to tell ya'll how excited i am! My husband watched me open the box and was laughing at me because i was shaking and fanning my face because i was trying not to cry.  @LadyK Thank you sooooooo much! How do you feel about being my new best friend? :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Because that's kinda how i feel right now. You are such a wonderful person and i can't get over how beautiful everything is and how much effort and time and love you obviously put into this
. You. Are. Amazing!

Also, shout out to @Dakota750 , you are also now my best friend. Thank you for being so thoughtful!

Soooooo, i know it's twelve days of christmas themed, but i'm gonna be realistic here and say it will probably be more like a 12 hours of christmas because this is killing me and, um, o.k, i kinda already opened #1 because the note ( which made me cry by the way) said it was a guilty pleasure and that translated in my brain to "THERE IS CHOCOLATE IN THIS BOX!". So i ripped it open and it was TJ Chocolate Covered Potato Chips!!! Holy ****, they are so good! Well, i'm gonna go eat some more chocolate potato chips and stare at my goodies while all my will power slips away. Thank you SOOOOOO much @LadyK!!!!!!!

Quote: Originally Posted by kellsbells /img/forum/go_quote.gif

My Secret Santa was....LadyK!!!! I cannot even begin to tell ya'll how excited i am! My husband watched me open the box and was laughing at me because i was shaking and fanning my face because i was trying not to cry.  @LadyK Thank you sooooooo much! How do you feel about being my new best friend? :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Because that's kinda how i feel right now. You are such a wonderful person and i can't get over how beautiful everything is and how much effort and time and love you obviously put into this
. You. Are. Amazing!

Also, shout out to @Dakota750 , you are also now my best friend. Thank you for being so thoughtful!

Soooooo, i know it's twelve days of christmas themed, but i'm gonna be realistic here and say it will probably be more like a 12 hours of christmas because this is killing me and, um, o.k, i kinda already opened #1 because the note ( which made me cry by the way) said it was a guilty pleasure and that translated in my brain to "THERE IS CHOCOLATE IN THIS BOX!". So i ripped it open and it was TJ Chocolate Covered Potato Chips!!! Holy ****, they are so good! Well, i'm gonna go eat some more chocolate potato chips and stare at my goodies while all my will power slips away. Thank you SOOOOOO much @LadyK!!!!!!!
I had to close my office door because now I'm laughing and crying and generally way to emotional.  LOL  I'm so glad you like it!  I had so much fun doing this!  

Thanks.  I'm going to give it a couple of days.   I just want to know if they got it.  Personally the minute I get mine I'm going to at least pm my person to tell them I've received it.
I will easily be one of those people who doesn't know something has arrived immediately. I live in a big building and often deliveries are held at the counter and I may not be notified through them via my boyfriend (who doesn't tell me half the time) so to anyone that has me, don't fret. The bonus is that it's extremely unlikely my package will get swiped in the building. As a side note, the people at the desk sort of know me as someone who gets packages fairly frequently and will sometimes let me know when I pass through. Borderline embarrassing, but nice of them to remember me.
Took the brick to the post office. Here's hoping customs leaves it alone

I'm so happy people are getting their gifts!!!

Quote: Originally Posted by mermuse /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I will easily be one of those people who doesn't know something has arrived immediately. I live in a big building and often deliveries are held at the counter and I may not be notified through them via my boyfriend (who doesn't tell me half the time) so to anyone that has me, don't fret. The bonus is that it's extremely unlikely my package will get swiped in the building.

As a side note, the people at the desk sort of know me as someone who gets packages fairly frequently and will sometimes let me know when I pass through. Borderline embarrassing, but nice of them to remember me.
I live at home but because I work retail I will only know if I receive my gift if I'm not working a closing shift lol. 

Holy Moly! 312 posts since I've been gone!! Looks like I won't be getting too much done today!! Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

I work third shift so I'm usually home all day to stalk my mail lady... Lately she's been bringing my stuff up to the door for me because there are so many packages haha Anyway, Secret Santa, when I get my gift YOU WILL KNOW. I'll probably quickly post here that I got it. Then open it. Then cry for like an hour over how amazing and thoughtful you are. Then post pictures and such. Something like that!

Quote: Originally Posted by meaganola /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  My wrapping abilities come and go.  Sometimes, things turn out wonderfully.  Other times…  not so much.  Usually the latter.

Oh!  I just remembered something from my adolescence!  My mother instilled a strong fear of her in us.  Sneaking peeks at presents?  Did not happen.  Ever.  She was phenomenal at hiding things (usually in the trunk of the car, and I have *no clue* how nothing ever got stolen, but sometimes so well she forgot about them or couldn't find them until well after Christmas), and if she found out we had snuck peeks, the present in question would go back to the store.  

So.  When I was in middle school, she started MAKING MY BROTHER AND ME WRAP OUR OWN PRESENTS.  She would put everything in department store shirt boxes -- whether it was clothing or not -- and tape them shut so they didn't fall open when we picked them up, and then she would buy two kinds of wrapping paper -- one for me and one for my brother -- and tell us to wrap this stack in this paper and that stack in that paper, but no to/from tags.  And we did.  And we never, *ever* peeked.  We would not know which paper went to which one of us until Christmas morning.  I think she would wrap larger things that wouldn't fit in the shirt boxes herself, but for the most part, she did not wrap presents "because that's why I had kids:  To do my bidding."

That's genius and wrong at the same time. I remember one year to dissuade peeking I wrapped everything up and each gift had a unique paper/ribbon/bow combination that I had written on a separate piece of paper. There were no tags on any of the gifts so nobody knew what was for whom until it was time to open them.


Ok so tons of the BF deals had Kitchenaid 4.5qt 275 watt mixer for $199  in grey or silver. I was so tempted to get it but I just scored a Green Apple Pro 5.5qt with 575 watts for only $5 more!!!

Quote: Originally Posted by tweakabell /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Ok so tons of the BF deals had Kitchenaid 4.5qt 275 watt mixer for $199  in grey or silver. I was so tempted to get it but I just scored a Green Apple Pro 5.5qt with 575 watts for only $5 more!!!

Nice!  I hope you get a lot of use out of it--sounds like you will.  I know mine ended up collecting my roommate's wine corks for a while :-/  Hah.  It is sadly sitting away in storage until I have enough counter space to keep it out permanently.

Hubby has been asking for a lot more baked goods for everyone and it keeps me busy. My cookies turned out awesome last night although I think I ate as many as I packed.

Quote: Originally Posted by tweakabell /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Hubby has been asking for a lot more baked goods for everyone and it keeps me busy. My cookies turned out awesome last night although I think I ate as many as I packed.

You had to taste them.  It wouldn't do to send out sub par cookies.  I call it "quality control".  I'm pretty sure that wherever he is my husbands eyes just rolled, lol.

Quote: Originally Posted by LadyK /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  You had to taste them.  It wouldn't do to send out sub par cookies.  I call it "quality control".  I'm pretty sure that wherever he is my husbands eyes just rolled, lol.

As I pour though the 'military designate' box I again, I'm saying to myself DoubleShot was thinking THIS and THAT with the largest smile hanging on my face, because it isn't just me now...  I'm thinking of that gal in the dessert who can't go to town to buy anything will now have this CHI slik protein for hair and body.  She'll put the tiny bottle in her sleeve pocket.  She takes 1 of her 2 or 3 showers each week and rush about to get to her next mission in Kabul.  While sitting in truck, she runs finger though hair and notices it's JUST A BIT DRY (okay I would...), pulls out the CHI from her sleeve pocket, works some in her hair and then pats the rest on her face.  Now multiply that by half a dozen gals with the CHI and Burts Bees lip balms.  Oh I just can't stop smiling now!! My box...:cloud9:   That was the biggest shocker!  Okay, hand-knit scarves - 2 of them!  Opened a couple of the tissue packages - 2 Juice Beauties (OMG!!) and a 3-pcs Blood Orange Pacifica take-me-way kit!     I'm describing to once-boyfriend the contents of my 2 SS boxes, line by line to him (Navy Officer) and I think he's able to wrap his brain around this concept.  He's very respectful and appreciative, but I can certainly hear the 'HUH?' in the unusual pauses here and there as I continue to gush about the AFG box.   "AND THEN, there's this!!  Silk protein, OMG, they can't get anything like that there!!  It's soooooo perfect!  The heavily chlorinated water drys hair and cracks skin..."   Thank you DoubleShot!  Your every effort, thought and action will touch deeply the military ladies serving in AFG :inlove: , you are the bestest!!  Am proud to be your santee and very psyched to kit out the December bags!!
I'm so relieved you're loving everything. Now if I could only persuade you to open the rest! ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Officially finished shopping!!  I had just planned on buying 2 "big" gifts with a few extras, but somehow I ended up with enough items to do the whole 12 days of Christmas thing.  Yay!

Yay, my order of goodies for my Santees has been delivered! Tonight's project: Sorting and wrapping. Ed will probably "help." And by "help," I mean "Be cuddly and snuggly and adorable and *distracting*." He's like a cartoon kitty most of the time.

I have to say that this experience has been wonderful.  It has really lifted my spirits to come on here and have so much fun with you guys.  Knowing my giftee is happy has made my heart swell up so big today, I already want to do it again!  I can't wait to see everyone's gifts and to share in all your happiness.  I feel like I have the best set of girlfriends right here!  You guys are officially my favorite. 
