(Discussion) Secret Santa 2013 is coming soon!

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Ugh, so much for wrapping everything tonight. I've been hit with an ocular migraine. I may or may not be able to handle scissors and tape tonight. It's entirely possible I will just stretch out in the couch and listen to Welcome to Night Vale all evening if it kicks up again since I won't be able to see or read anything.

Quote: Originally Posted by meaganola /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Ugh, so much for wrapping everything tonight. I've been hit with an ocular migraine. I may or may not be able to handle scissors and tape tonight. It's entirely possible I will just stretch out in the couch and listen to Welcome to Night Vale all evening if it kicks up again since I won't be able to see or read anything.

So sorry!  I hate those soooo much.  Go lay down!

Quote: Originally Posted by jpark107 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I'm going to Nordstrom Rack tonight to see if I can score any deals for my Secret Santa...*crossing my fingers that I find some new/intact (i.e. not opened, not swatched) goodies*

Arggh...so, Nordstrom Rack had duplicates of my SS's wishlist item (both were even in the specific wish list shade!) and BOTH were swatched.
 Not cool...unfortunately, I can't say that I was surprised to see that both were swatched (but I was certainly disappointed).

I ended up buying something that I think she'll like, but it's not exactly on her wish list...I may have to go back later this week/next week and see if there are any new goodies.

Dear Secret Santa-

I promise the moment I get a box, I will run to the computer and post in this thread I got a box from "Insert user name here."  Then I will PM you.  Next I will take photos of each item individually then grouped and have to pare it down to a few for MUT so not to look like a creep.  If you are my SS and have sent my package and I have not responded please use an elf.  Unfortunately we had an issue last December with mail being stolen out of our mailbox.  However once we befriended the mail man he brings them to the door or hides them in the back yard.



PS to My Secret Santa, your gifts are purchase and wrapped.  I am just finishing up the handmade gift.  I hope (if I get off MUT and work on it) to be done by Wednesday and have it in the mail for the weekend.  There it is written on the internet forever so feel free to hold me to this! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Oh man ... just went to Lush for the first time ever for my secret santa. The woman was so nice, I explained the makeuptalk and the secret santa thing and she thought it was really awesome. She was so sweet asking thoughtful questions about my SS and made recommendations not only based on her skin type and likes, but also things she might need based on her job! Without even noticing, I ended up spending $60 though!! Now I have to figure out which things I'll give to my SS and which to give to other members of the family (or keep for myself :p /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />) And figure out the best way to mail the mask with ice packs and such so it stays cold on the journey across the country ... 

Quote: Originally Posted by pooteeweet213 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Oh man ... just went to Lush for the first time ever for my secret santa. The woman was so nice, I explained the makeuptalk and the secret santa thing and she thought it was really awesome. She was so sweet asking thoughtful questions about my SS and made recommendations not only based on her skin type and likes, but also things she might need based on her job! Without even noticing, I ended up spending $60 though!! Now I have to figure out which things I'll give to my SS and which to give to other members of the family (or keep for myself :p /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />) And figure out the best way to mail the mask with ice packs and such so it stays cold on the journey across the country ... 
I am pretty new to Lush and they are amazing!  They sat me down and massaged things into my hands.  If I hadn't been on a strict budget I could have left my whole paycheck there!  Definitely going back. 

Urk.  I just got my order of goodies to Tetris into a shipping box, and…  This isn't going to work.  Some of these things come in big outer/gift packaging, and if I take them out of the boxes, I can fit more in.  What's the consensus on taking stuff out of packaging (not opening the items themselves, just getting rid of the box and the plastic tray that takes up a ton of room) in the interest of sending more goodies? 

Quote: Originally Posted by meaganola /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Urk.  I just got my order of goodies to Tetris into a shipping box, and…  This isn't going to work.  Some of these things come in big outer/gift packaging, and if I take them out of the boxes, I can fit more in.  What's the consensus on taking stuff out of packaging (not opening the items themselves, just getting rid of the box and the plastic tray that takes up a ton of room) in the interest of sending more goodies? 

go for it more room more goodies!!!!!

Oh man ... just went to Lush for the first time ever for my secret santa. The woman was so nice, I explained the makeuptalk and the secret santa thing and she thought it was really awesome. She was so sweet asking thoughtful questions about my SS and made recommendations not only based on her skin type and likes, but also things she might need based on her job! Without even noticing, I ended up spending $60 though!! Now I have to figure out which things I'll give to my SS and which to give to other members of the family (or keep for myself :p /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />) And figure out the best way to mail the mask with ice packs and such so it stays cold on the journey across the country ... 
Ohh! Please be my SS!!! Pleeease!! I LOVE face masks and have been dying to try theirs, but I don't have a Lush within a four hour radius :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Quote: Originally Posted by meaganola /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Urk.  I just got my order of goodies to Tetris into a shipping box, and…  This isn't going to work.  Some of these things come in big outer/gift packaging, and if I take them out of the boxes, I can fit more in.  What's the consensus on taking stuff out of packaging (not opening the items themselves, just getting rid of the box and the plastic tray that takes up a ton of room) in the interest of sending more goodies?
Hey, I'd be totally fine with it- just means more goodies ^_^ /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> And it's not like you opened the actual thing, y'know? Maybe send an elf to ask your giftee to see how they feel about it if you're worried?

Haha, Slinka=lush virgin....Although I must admit, without revealing too much- I did find a store 2 hours from me, and I may or may not have gotten to smell the smells and see the sights and want to buy it ALL.

omg. Just send me ALL OF THE LUSH. It's all so fantastic (especially since I can appreciate most any scent! )

Quote: Originally Posted by meaganola /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Urk.  I just got my order of goodies to Tetris into a shipping box, and…  This isn't going to work.  Some of these things come in big outer/gift packaging, and if I take them out of the boxes, I can fit more in.  What's the consensus on taking stuff out of packaging (not opening the items themselves, just getting rid of the box and the plastic tray that takes up a ton of room) in the interest of sending more goodies? 
I think it would be okay.  You could put in a note explaining the lack of outer packaging.  I had a few items that didn't come with an outer box so even though all the items are brand new they don't all have boxes.

Okay..I know we need ads and such to keep the (MUT) site running, but it's starting to get a little redic...this guy follows me to EVERY thread...grrr

ok also OT -- but on the mobile version there's like.. hidden ads or something that happen to be right where your 8 and 3 lines are..Its SO annoying. Sometimes theres an ad banner right where the pink "quote" button would be above the text box. Grr.


Originally Posted by Tiffany27la /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Okay..I know we need ads and such to keep the (MUT) site running, but it's starting to get a little redic...this guy follows me to EVERY thread...grrr
Quote: Originally Posted by Tiffany27la /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Okay..I know we need ads and such to keep the (MUT) site running, but it's starting to get a little redic...this guy follows me to EVERY thread...grrr
Lol, I secretly hate and love my smart ads...I get to look at all of the freaky shoes I'm trying to convince the husband to get me, which I love...
But I have to gaze at their beauty and just hope....lol. I get sad thinking they won't be in my life. 'Cause I'm a shoe-whore, and I'm proud of it.

On mobile I can't freaking stand the Maybelline stick foundation ad....ugh, I always, somehow, end up selecting it like 15 times....First world problem, but still =p

Quote: Originally Posted by slinka /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  YES! This is what I meant!!! So annoying. Ah well.
right?? its not just me or some weird horrific iphone virus right? there IS secret ad link that hides RIGHT ON TOP OF the 3 line square in the left corner!!

Quote: Originally Posted by Tiffany27la /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Okay..I know we need ads and such to keep the (MUT) site running, but it's starting to get a little redic...this guy follows me to EVERY thread...grrr
Yes!  And that particular one COVERS THE POSTS!  Hate it!  Rule number one for advertising on forums should be DO NOT BLOCK THE CONTENT.

(And I think I just figured out how to cram everything in here still in the outer packaging after all! I just had to put things flat in the box instead of standing on end.  Next up:  Attempting to wrap everything. This is going to take a while.  And tape.  Lots of tape.  Hot pink duct tape goes with everything, right?)

ETA:  Whoops.  Forgot about bubble wrap.  Yeah, I think some of these things are going to have to come out of the boxes.  And some things didn't have boxes to begin with.  I think the universe just made my decision for me.)

I think I'm done! I picked up my last item, got a box at the post office and packaged it up! I didn't tape it shut yet, I may grab one more thing tomorrow on my way home from work. My plan is get the box out on Wednesday so my SS will hopefully get it by Saturday!

Quote: Originally Posted by Tiffany27la /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Okay..I know we need ads and such to keep the (MUT) site running, but it's starting to get a little redic...this guy follows me to EVERY thread...grrr

Yes!!  That was driving me crazy today while I was on mobile!  
