(Discussion) Secret Santa 2013 is coming soon!

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Quote: Originally Posted by usofjessamerica /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  someone just came into the university office where I am a receptionist. she asked me a couple of questions... then she took a business card, which clearly has our phone number on it, stared at it...then she asked for the office phone number. when I told her that she is holding the general office business card which has the office number on it, she said 'oh, I was only looking at the middle part". .....






the phone number is right in the middle of the card.

I am so over this day.

/random story time
haha! Dealing with people can be completely exhausting sometimes...

Quote: Originally Posted by DoubleShot /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Heck, my coworkers don't get it.

"You're buying all this for someone you've never met?"

-_- /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

As I pour though the 'military designate' box I again, I'm saying to myself DoubleShot was thinking THIS and THAT with the largest smile hanging on my face, because it isn't just me now...  I'm thinking of that gal in the dessert who can't go to town to buy anything will now have this CHI slik protein for hair and body.  She'll put the tiny bottle in her sleeve pocket.  She takes 1 of her 2 or 3 showers each week and rush about to get to her next mission in Kabul.  While sitting in truck, she runs finger though hair and notices it's JUST A BIT DRY (okay I would...), pulls out the CHI from her sleeve pocket, works some in her hair and then pats the rest on her face.  Now multiply that by half a dozen gals with the CHI and Burts Bees lip balms.  Oh I just can't stop smiling now!!

My box...
  That was the biggest shocker!  Okay, hand-knit scarves - 2 of them!  Opened a couple of the tissue packages - 2 Juice Beauties (OMG!!) and a 3-pcs Blood Orange Pacifica take-me-way kit!    

I'm describing to once-boyfriend the contents of my 2 SS boxes, line by line to him (Navy Officer) and I think he's able to wrap his brain around this concept.  He's very respectful and appreciative, but I can certainly hear the 'HUH?' in the unusual pauses here and there as I continue to gush about the AFG box.   "AND THEN, there's this!!  Silk protein, OMG, they can't get anything like that there!!  It's soooooo perfect!  The heavily chlorinated water drys hair and cracks skin..."  

Thank you DoubleShot!  Your every effort, thought and action will touch deeply the military ladies serving in AFG 
, you are the bestest!!  Am proud to be your santee and very psyched to kit out the December bags!!

haha!!! That would make me so anxious and paranoid!
I know! Why is that? I have no reason to be paranoid. I have nothing to hide. In fact, I'm more ME on here than I tend to be in real life, yet the idea of my own hubby on here makes me squeamish. Most likely he overheard me mention wish lists for the secret Santa thing & he's trying to be all noble & seek mine out himself without asking me so he appears even more amazing than he already is. Ha ha ha. (He buys the most thoughtful & amazing gifts for me. Some things he buys are things I would never think to ask for or even want, but wind up being my favorite gifts.). But when it comes to make-up, it's like a foreign language to him. Ha ha ha.
Quote: Originally Posted by trekkersangel /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Oh & speaking of being a stinker, I caught him on make up talk the other day & about died! He quickly turned it off hoping I didn't see, but what in the world was he doing?

Spying on what I post about wanting for Christmas? Or was he seeing what this whole make up talk thing was all about? Ha ha ha. My head is spinning with paranoia about him on here. He already thinks I'm nuts for buying presents for a complete stranger (secret Santa), but make up talk brings out the crazy in me. Ha 
My husband has been on MuT too!  

Quote: Originally Posted by trekkersangel /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Great ideas everyone! 3 gifts sounds like so few, but when you have 6 kids it's still 18 presents! Then the grandparents on both sides usually buy one or two things for each of them as well.

My hubby's family does big Christmas' too. He still has a hard time with the 3 gift thing. He gives my my 3 gifts to open & there's always 3 or 4 gifts in each box. And then my "need" gift turns into 3 "want" gifts & he says that he "wants" me to be happy & spoiled. Stinker. I love him so much!

I think that sounds perfect! I have a large family (5 brothers and 2 sisters, though all are only half...2 on my mom's side and the other 5 on my dad's) and we've never been well-off, so Christmas has always been an ordeal. My family would usually figure out the budget and divide it evenly, and each person would get the same amount spent on them...but I like that idea better!

I remember going to school and people would be listing what they got for christmas...huge lists of expensive things, and even as a small child I was like, "REALLY?" Overkill....that's not what it should be about!!

Quote: Originally Posted by trekkersangel /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by yousoldtheworld /img/forum/go_quote.gif

haha!!! That would make me so anxious and paranoid!

I know! Why is that? I have no reason to be paranoid. I have nothing to hide. In fact, I'm more ME on here than I tend to be in real life, yet the idea of my own hubby on here makes me squeamish.

Most likely he overheard me mention wish lists for the secret Santa thing & he's trying to be all noble & seek mine out himself without asking me so he appears even more amazing than he already is. Ha ha ha. (He buys the most thoughtful & amazing gifts for me. Some things he buys are things I would never think to ask for or even want, but wind up being my favorite gifts.). But when it comes to make-up, it's like a foreign language to him. Ha ha ha.
It's so weird! I feel all private and paranoid about all of my internet things...MUT, my blog, tumblr...and it isn't like I'm doing anything scandalous! Maybe I just view it mentally as my "me time" and it feels weird to have someone look into it??

I think that sounds perfect! I have a large family (5 brothers and 2 sisters, though all are only half...2 on my mom's side and the other 5 on my dad's) and we've never been well-off, so Christmas has always been an ordeal. My family would usually figure out the budget and divide it evenly, and each person would get the same amount spent on them...but I like that idea better! I remember going to school and people would be listing what they got for christmas...huge lists of expensive things, and even as a small child I was like, "REALLY?" Overkill....that's not what it should be about!!
Exactly this! We are military & we don't make a whole lot of money. Add 6 kids to that & the holidays become a little crazy, but it always works out. A few years back my oldest started complaining that her friends got iPads & she got a couple barbies. The next Christmas we found an angel tree & I let her pick a girl who was her exact age. On that girl's wish list were 2 things: underwear & pants. She looked at me with tears in her eyes at the realization that she really doesn't have it so bad after all. Now we make it a family tradition to pick 2 names off the angel tree every year to help remind us of our blessings & to put into perspective how lucky we really are.
Quote: Originally Posted by trekkersangel /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I had to laugh at the talk about being scared to peek at presents as a kid.  I have 6 kids & they know better.  In fact, I tell them straight out "All of your presents are in THIS closet!  Do not go in there, do not peek, if I catch or hear of any of you in there, every single present will go back to the store from whence it came & you will NOT receive that item as a gift."  Has it happened?  Yes, once.  My oldest got caught a few years back.  Has it ever happened again?  Nope.  Not once.  My kids want their presents.  My oldest is the very best at keeping her younger siblings out because she has been through it & doesn't want it to happen to her again or to any of her brothers or sisters.  I LOVE IT.

My kids each get 3 gifts for Christmas.  Baby Jesus got 3 gifts for Christmas & they won't get any more than he did.  (It's my way of keeping the true spirit of Christmas alive as well as keeping the pocketbook happy).  They each get one "want" gift, one "need" gift, & one "spiritual/church" gift.  You'd think they'd hate that, but just the other day my 6 year old told me "Hey Mom, I could REALLY use an umbrella for standing at the bus stop."  Another said "Mom, I really NEED some rain boots."   ha ha ha.  They know me well.  Then when I wrap their gifts I do NOT put their names on them.  I come up with a family theme (Christmas carols, reindeer names, Christmas treats, etc.) & put those on the presents.  For example. . . . this is Prancer's gift & that is Blitzen's gift.  The kids don't find out what their "name" is until Christmas morning.  It also helps with them not snooping.  

I'm running out of ideas for theme names.  What should I do this year?  I've done reindeer names, Christmas treats (fudge, cookies, hot cocoa, etc.), Christmas Carols, Christmas figures (santa, rudolph, frosty, jack frost, etc.). . . . several times now.  I want something new.  Any ideas from my very inventive & imaginative ladies out there?

How about the seven dwarfs?

We are doing a secret santa thing locally as well. It was so fun to look for nice things for the little girl whose age and wish list we were given. Our area is not a wealthy one so it is rewarding to give what we can so that someone can have a merry christmas. 

I think my lady might get her gift today!  I can't wait to see if she likes it.  I forgot to bring the tracking number to work with me so I am considering calling my husband and asking him for it.  I wish I had a little camera on the box so I could watch it make its way to her door.  I just read that last line and feel kind of creepy now.  If I am your SS, sorry for being a creeper, just very excited!

I think my lady might get her gift today!  I can't wait to see if she likes it.  I forgot to bring the tracking number to work with me so I am considering calling my husband and asking him for it.  I wish I had a little camera on the box so I could watch it make its way to her door.  I just read that last line and feel kind of creepy now.  If I am your SS, sorry for being a creeper, just very excited!
When I sent my packages out I did the same thing. I remember jumping out of my chair when the tracking went from "out for delivery" to "delivered." It's all so exciting. Can't wait to see more reveals pop up this week!
Quote: Originally Posted by trekkersangel /img/forum/go_quote.gif

When I sent my packages out I did the same thing. I remember jumping out of my chair when the tracking went from "out for delivery" to "delivered." It's all so exciting.

Can't wait to see more reveals pop up this week!

I wish my people would at least let somebody know that they got them.  My tracking says they were delivered but there hasn't been any kind of response.  

Quote: Originally Posted by LadyK /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I think my lady might get her gift today!  I can't wait to see if she likes it.  I forgot to bring the tracking number to work with me so I am considering calling my husband and asking him for it.  I wish I had a little camera on the box so I could watch it make its way to her door.  I just read that last line and feel kind of creepy now.  If I am your SS, sorry for being a creeper, just very excited!
haha! This is turning us all in to creeps. So exciting, though! I need my Ulta order to come NOW so I can ship my goodies off to my girl. I'm getting so antsy!

Quote: Originally Posted by chelsealady /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I wish my people would at least let somebody know that they got them.  My tracking says they were delivered but there hasn't been any kind of response.  
  Hopefully she was just busy with Thanksgiving.  This was probably a crazy weekend for a lot of people with travel and such.  If you need an elf to check in with them let me know.  

Quote: Originally Posted by chelsealady /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by trekkersangel /img/forum/go_quote.gif

When I sent my packages out I did the same thing. I remember jumping out of my chair when the tracking went from "out for delivery" to "delivered." It's all so exciting.

Can't wait to see more reveals pop up this week!

I wish my people would at least let somebody know that they got them.  My tracking says they were delivered but there hasn't been any kind of response.  

ahhh that's such a bummer...I hope they post soon!!! I promise, to whoever my SS is, that I will post IT'S HERE IT'S HERE" the minute I get it, even if I am on my way out the door to work and can't properly open it at that moment!


I keep adding to the pile of gifts for my santee but I feel like it's missing something. Like a grand finale. lol

Quote: Originally Posted by LadyK /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Hopefully she was just busy with Thanksgiving.  This was probably a crazy weekend for a lot of people with travel and such.  If you need an elf to check in with them let me know.  
Thanks.  I'm going to give it a couple of days.   I just want to know if they got it. 

Personally the minute I get mine I'm going to at least pm my person to tell them I've received it.

Quote: Originally Posted by chelsealady /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Thanks.  I'm going to give it a couple of days.   I just want to know if they got it. 

Personally the minute I get mine I'm going to at least pm my person to tell them I've received it.
Same here.  I don't want them to worry.  

I got the tracking.  My lady's box is about an hour from her house!  It's not out for delivery yet though.  I'm thinking it may not get to her until tomorrow. 

Keeping fingers crossed since the expected delivery still says today!

Quote: Originally Posted by chelsealady /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I wish my people would at least let somebody know that they got them.  My tracking says they were delivered but there hasn't been any kind of response.  

I plan to run to my computer and squeal like a tweener the minute I receive my gift!  

Quote: Originally Posted by jannie135 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I keep adding to the pile of gifts for my santee but I feel like it's missing something. Like a grand finale. lol
This is how I feel also.  I think I have everything ordered for my nail SS, but my regular SS, I feel like something is missing.  
