(Discussion) Secret Santa 2013 is coming soon!

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@KellyKaye I LOVE biscoff cookies. I would love love love to get some. It's been so long since I had any.

I think of this thread as the giddy goofball thread. Don't worry about catching up! If you don't have a list already, check out some of the lists in signatures for some of the questions Santas have been asking and answer those. And whoo! Early release today! I get off work at 2pm! I might chance the downtown Target for Crispix and potato sticks so I can make more snack mix tonight. I will be staying home, watching bad horror movies, and eating junk all day tomorrow, and I have almost devoured all of the snack mix I made on Sunday that was supposed to be for tomorrow. Oops. ETA: I might have to have some ice cream with cookie butter tomorrow. Or tonight.

Quote:Originally Posted by usofjessamerica /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I was never into Disney princesses. I did like Pinocchio growing up for some reason... But I kinda skipped the Disney Princess phase in childhood and adulthood. I never really understood the fascination lol (I'm gonna go hide now)

Glad I'm not alone! Now, some finding nemo -- I'm all over that ****.
Haha, I second [@]meaganola[/@]. I mean, last night I posted my old beat up cavalier, and this morning I'm dreaming/posting about cookie butter. You're better off just stealing a survey for your signature/list and joining in on our crazy thread on the last page about whatever randomness we're talking about lol.

Oh yeah, Toy Story or Monsters Inc - you bet your farm I'm allllll over that! My boyfriend gave me the 3 peas in a pod when I was away studying in DC for a semester. They're soooo cute but we were bummed they weren't bigger. Think pencil case size. When I have my first big girl desk in an office, I want to have a Monsters University pennant (I will also put up a NARS bag that I folded up to look like a banner). OH and I'm trying to decide if I should buy my boyfriend a Monsters U shirt for Christmas splurge and buy him a hilarious, yet impractical, sweater with multiple arms.

Quote:Originally Posted by usofjessamerica /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I was never into Disney princesses. I did like Pinocchio growing up for some reason... But I kinda skipped the Disney Princess phase in childhood and adulthood. I never really understood the fascination lol (I'm gonna go hide now)

Glad I'm not alone! Now, some finding nemo -- I'm all over that ****.
Oh yeah, Toy Story or Monsters Inc - you bet your farm I'm allllll over that! My boyfriend gave me the 3 peas in a pod when I was away studying in DC for a semester. They're soooo cute but we were bummed they weren't bigger. Think pencil case size. When I have my first big girl desk in an office, I want to have a Monsters University pennant (I will also put up a NARS bag that I folded up to look like a banner). OH and I'm trying to decide if I should buy my boyfriend a Monsters U shirt for Christmas splurge and buy him a hilarious, yet impractical, sweater with multiple arms.
I vote for multiple arms sweater. The ridiculousness is worth it. And he'd better wear it. And you'd best take a picture and post it. Lol.
I think I'm done shopping except for food for my ss....  I had the mall adventure... after going to both sephoras (regular and the one in side JCP) which btw the girls in the JCP one were way super nice and they had a better selection of clearance stuff...  I ended up losing my car keys at the mall.  the mall is over an hour away from my house.  so I spent the better part of 2 hours tracing and retracing my steps asking everyone along the way if keys had been turned in.  finally I found them in macys where I stopped to use the rest room on my way out I must have left them when I washed my hands and by the time I checked back in the rest room the first time they had already been turned in....  Sigh....  But I also had a productive trip to ulta and saved tons at both stores on both my ss and some for me too :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />  I just hope and pray you guys like it.     On another note.... with finishing up my gift what is your favorite Disney character?  (putting this out to everyone hoping my ss answers)
My favorite Disney charecter is Merrida from Brave. God, i love that movie, lol, i watch it way more than a grown woman should!
I vote for multiple arms sweater. The ridiculousness is worth it. And he'd better wear it. And you'd best take a picture and post it. Lol.
My favorite Disney charecter is Merrida from Brave. God, i love that movie, lol, i watch it way more than a grown woman should!
I always hear "you look like that girl from brave- but grown up with a weird fashion sense" lol. I must admit, I have the hair to a T. (Yeah, don't let my picture over there fool ya ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> )
Don't think of it as impractical- think of it as a versatile piece with so, so many fashionable possibilities. " what's that bf? You wish you could show off that waist of yours but still be warm? *tie extra arms tightly around his waist* BOOM."
I've heard of it but don't know what it is. I like cookies & butter though, so I can only assume it's delicious.
Ha! This is exactly what i was going to say. Almost word for word. Great mind and such :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Cookies + butter= get in my mouth, damnit!
For thanksgiving I should just sculpt a cookie butter turkey, a pot of cookie butter instead of mashed potatoes...cookie butter casserole (top that baby off with some biscoff cookies and oreos for an extra crunch, ya dig?) and for dessert place cookie butter on a pie crust made of biscoff cookie crumbs and drizzle some chocolate over it.

I always hear "you look like that girl from brave- but grown up with a weird fashion sense" lol. I must admit, I have the hair to a T. (Yeah, don't let my picture over there fool ya ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> )
Whaa? That's awesome! I'm so envious of people with red/ginger hair. I think it's beautiful. I got the curly crazy hair part down but mines black, oh well :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I've always wanted like a litter of red headed children running around (i know how weird this sounds) and i told my mister to make it happen! My son is blonde with blue eyes and i have no idea how that happened because neither of us have blond hair or blue eyes, so i figure i still got a shot, haha. Also, on another note, to my SS,i'm not allergic to anything, so send me all the noms!
Ooo biscoff cookie butter is yummy!! They had a promotion going on that you could win a case of the Biscoff cookie butter and I did!! 

I used it to make the thumbprint cookies with the herseys kiss on top and replaced it with the peanut butter. It was good!! 

PS : The Balm is on Hautelook right now!! Instains and Balm Voyage is on there. And Stainiac! I want...but I'm resisting.

Ooo biscoff cookie butter is yummy!! They had a promotion going on that you could win a case of the Biscoff cookie butter and I did!!  I used it to make the thumbprint cookies with the herseys kiss on top and replaced it with the peanut butter. It was good!!  PS : The Balm is on Hautelook right now!! Instains and Balm Voyage is on there. And Stainiac! I want...but I'm resisting.
I am very, *very* tempted by the Balm Voyage palette, but I have managed to pretty much overdose in palettes this week! There are two more palettes I have yet to get but that I will be allowed to get after I see how the holidays settle out: BH Cosmetics Galacy Chic and UD Naked 3. And then that will probably be it until 2015!

I found out about Biscoff when I had my Goodies sub (haha SO long ago!) and ordered a jar from the Goodies site. Then I ate the entire thing in about 2 days.  My husband got a (small) taste of it and made me immediately buy another jar.  Then we found out that it's sold at Walmart, and we have a never-ending supply!!!!

I try to eat it with apples (to fool myself into thinking that I'm being healthy), but I don't think I can rest until I try it on an Oreo now!

I'm thinking everyone posts when they are bored at work or eating their breakfast in here. This thread has been kicking hard this morning and I'm already forgetting what I wanted to respond to. I am really curious to see how that pottery brush holder comes out! It sounds awesome! I know that the Disney question was not meant for me because clearly that would be Ariel due to my mermaid and fish affections. I do have a soft spot for the princess and the frog because it's based in Louisiana and my dear friend worked on it, but I have only seen it once. I do love Alice as well, and I actually have a costume I made from the first Alice video game ages ago that I recently dug up for a zombie Alice costume. Hah! I think I know what book you are talking about, Slinka. We had to order some different ones to use on a show I was working on, and that one was really best looking but too bright and obvious to use without clearing. Now I wonder what happened to it. Hmmm....
