(Discussion) Secret Santa 2013 is coming soon!

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Quote: Originally Posted by nikkimouse /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I think I'm done shopping except for food for my ss....  I had the mall adventure... after going to both sephoras (regular and the one in side JCP) which btw the girls in the JCP one were way super nice and they had a better selection of clearance stuff...  I ended up losing my car keys at the mall.  the mall is over an hour away from my house.  so I spent the better part of 2 hours tracing and retracing my steps asking everyone along the way if keys had been turned in.  finally I found them in macys where I stopped to use the rest room on my way out I must have left them when I washed my hands and by the time I checked back in the rest room the first time they had already been turned in....  Sigh....  But I also had a productive trip to ulta and saved tons at both stores on both my ss and some for me too :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />  I just hope and pray you guys like it.   

On another note.... with finishing up my gift what is your favorite Disney character?  (putting this out to everyone hoping my ss answers)
Glad you found your car keys! Just in case  I have two Disney favorites Cinderella and Minnie Mouse.

I LOVE MULAN AND BELLE! And I love the lanterns from Tangled and the 20's fashion in the Frog Princess movie. The last two are just random facts lol...

I want to ask a question out loud so that maybe my SS will answer too-

I want to send some goodies, are you allergic to anything?? 

Quote: Originally Posted by jannie135 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I LOVE MULAN AND BELLE! And I love the lanterns from Tangled and the 20's fashion in the Frog Princess movie. The last two are just random facts lol...

I want to ask a question out loud so that maybe my SS will answer too-

I want to send some goodies, are you allergic to anything?? 
I'm allergic to lemon scented cleaning products... I sincerely hope no one would send me any sort of baked good/candy containing that, but I suppose you never know! 

I'm not allergic to anything! Bring on the foodies! As for Disney characters, my kitchen & living room is completely decorated in Mickey Mouse. But if we are going for princesses I'd definitely say Belle. When I was interning as a disney imagineer back when CA Adventure was being built I got offered a job as parade Belle (unfortunately had to turn it down - biggest regret of my life - due to it not paying enough to survive & being a poor college student working 3 jobs already & interning for free.). But since then I've always adored Belle. (I wish I could go back in time & be parade belle even if just for a summer)

On another note.... with finishing up my gift what is your favorite Disney character?  (putting this out to everyone hoping my ss answers)
I like them all really. But if I HAD to pick one. I'd go with Cinderella.
I want to ask a question out loud so that maybe my SS will answer too- I want to send some goodies, are you allergic to anything?? 
Nope no allergies. I don't like coconut though
I'm not allergic to any food, only latex and rubber.

My favorite princess is Sleeping Beauty.

I have too many favorite characters, but Penny and Bianca from The Rescuers, Duchess in Aristocats, and Baloo from the Jungle Book.

@tweakabell Hugs!  

@slinka LOVE that car!  I had a similar first car, it was a teeny little Mazda hatchback that was seriously crumpled down one side that I bought for $50.  I named it Origami and drove it for years, until I got pregnant with my first kidlet!

@nikkimouse I'm sorry you had a crazy mall experience!  But YAY for finding your keys!  Also, my favorite princess is Belle.  I want her library!

My favorite Disney Princess would be Belle or Snow White. I am more a fan of The Beast than any of the princesses though. Hahaha. Not allergic to anything but I tend to stay away from dairy products like cheese, yogurt and ice cream.

I was never into Disney princesses. I did like Pinocchio growing up for some reason... But I kinda skipped the Disney Princess phase in childhood and adulthood. I never really understood the fascination lol (I'm gonna go hide now)

I was never into Disney princesses. I did like Pinocchio growing up for some reason... But I kinda skipped the Disney Princess phase in childhood and adulthood. I never really understood the fascination lol (I'm gonna go hide now)
Everyone, grab your pitchforks!!!!! JK JK, I really only started to enjoy Disney princess stuff as an adult because my 3 year old daughter loves to watch movies. Though she's more of a fan of Harry Potter and The Avengers, occasionally she will ask to watch Brave. I think she relates to Merida because they both have crazy curly hair.
Hahaha, totally quoted you wrong. Whatever, no coffee, early mornings and late nights don't mix well for this mama.

I never meant the question to be princess specific  I'm just going to Disney next week and was looking to pick up one last thing (Yeah right). 

As for me ummm yeah Disney = your fine I will love it :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />   but specifically I like sleeping beauty, Merida, Rapunzel, and Minnie mouse

Actually the way I had to identify my keys to the mean lady from macys that was annoyed that I only used their rest room was because I have my key chain that has a girl holding a mickey balloon and it has my name. she made me show ID to prove it was my name...

I've probably been terribly inactive for my secret Santa. How do I catch up?
There is a questionnaire list somewhere. Or just jump right in. As fast as this thread moves there will be another topic come up soon where everyone can learn a little bit about you.
I never meant the question to be princess specific  I'm just going to Disney next week and was looking to pick up one last thing (Yeah right).  As for me ummm yeah Disney = your fine I will love it :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />   but specifically I like sleeping beauty, Merida, Rapunzel, and Minnie mouse Actually the way I had to identify my keys to the mean lady from macys that was annoyed that I only used their rest room was because I have my key chain that has a girl holding a mickey balloon and it has my name. she made me show ID to prove it was my name...
She's definitely seems mean! Making you show ID seems a bit excessive. I'm glad you found them though. I lost keys in a mall once and it's such a frustrating feeling. I like most Disney characters. Not a fan of Alice, Peter Pan or Rupuntzel. Cinderella was my favorite princess growing up. Still love Minnie Mouse. Have a blast at Disney! I went a couple years ago at exactly this time and its fabulous. You don't have to deal with crowds like at Christmas but everything is decorated and it really puts you in the holiday spirit. Something about Disney always feels magical to me but its even better this time of year.
Quote: Originally Posted by utgal2004 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by nikkimouse /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I never meant the question to be princess specific  I'm just going to Disney next week and was looking to pick up one last thing (Yeah right). 

As for me ummm yeah Disney = your fine I will love it
   but specifically I like sleeping beauty, Merida, Rapunzel, and Minnie mouse

Actually the way I had to identify my keys to the mean lady from macys that was annoyed that I only used their rest room was because I have my key chain that has a girl holding a mickey balloon and it has my name. she made me show ID to prove it was my name...

She's definitely seems mean! Making you show ID seems a bit excessive. I'm glad you found them though. I lost keys in a mall once and it's such a frustrating feeling.

I like most Disney characters. Not a fan of Alice, Peter Pan or Rupuntzel. Cinderella was my favorite princess growing up. Still love Minnie Mouse. Have a blast at Disney! I went a couple years ago at exactly this time and its fabulous. You don't have to deal with crowds like at Christmas but everything is decorated and it really puts you in the holiday spirit. Something about Disney always feels magical to me but its even better this time of year. Oh I know I love going to Disney my big splurge this year for getting a full time position at work was season passes. and one of the things I promised my self I would do is see NPH do the candle light processional at epcot and he will be there 12/2 and 12/3 I'm getting so excited :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />  and all I plan to do all day is wait in the line to get into the theater.

Oh I know I love going to Disney my big splurge this year for getting a full time position at work was season passes. and one of the things I promised my self I would do is see NPH do the candle light processional at epcot and he will be there 12/2 and 12/3 I'm getting so excited :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />  and all I plan to do all day is wait in the line to get into the theater.
So jealous you're going to see NPH do candlelight processional!
Oh I know I love going to Disney my big splurge this year for getting a full time position at work was season passes. and one of the things I promised my self I would do is see NPH do the candle light processional at epcot and he will be there 12/2 and 12/3 I'm getting so excited :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />  and all I plan to do all day is wait in the line to get into the theater.
Outrageously jealous. Please take lots of pictures so I can live vicariously through you!