(Discussion) Secret Santa 2013 is coming soon!

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I hadn't heard of cookie butter until this morning, but I just added it to my grocery list to pick up this afternoon.  It sounds divine!

And I never answered the allergy question.  No food allergies and big fan of all baked goods.


I'm thinking everyone posts when they are bored at work or eating their breakfast in here. This thread has been kicking hard this morning and I'm already forgetting what I wanted to respond to. I am really curious to see how that pottery brush holder comes out! It sounds awesome! I know that the Disney question was not meant for me because clearly that would be Ariel due to my mermaid and fish affections. I do have a soft spot for the princess and the frog because it's based in Louisiana and my dear friend worked on it, but I have only seen it once. I do love Alice as well, and I actually have a costume I made from the first Alice video game ages ago that I recently dug up for a zombie Alice costume. Hah! I think I know what book you are talking about, Slinka. We had to order some different ones to use on a show I was working on, and that one was really best looking but too bright and obvious to use without clearing. Now I wonder what happened to it. Hmmm....
if you ever find it, I'll totes buy it from you!
Quote: Originally Posted by KellyKaye /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by meaganola /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Have you seen the cookie butter/Nutella combo at Trader Joe's?
No, I have not! But I apparently am some kind of evil genius because I have already perfected nutella/cookie butter toast!

The hubby surprised me with one of these sandwiches for lunch and I was like baby  I love you.

Quote: Originally Posted by KellyKaye /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by slinka /img/forum/go_quote.gif

What if you covered a ginger snap in cookie butter?

I feel like there's nothing cookie butter can't magically make better, except maybe losing weight lol.

I covered an Oreo in cookie butter the other day. Then I gained 15 pounds and wound up with no more Oreos. I really need to try this!

I hear so much talk of cookie butter, but I have never actually tried it since I would have to drive about 40 minutes to get any from Trader Joe's or from World Market.  What exactly is it?

Quote: Originally Posted by Sheeeeeelby /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Ooo biscoff cookie butter is yummy!! They had a promotion going on that you could win a case of the Biscoff cookie butter and I did!!

I used it to make the thumbprint cookies with the herseys kiss on top and replaced it with the peanut butter. It was good!!

PS : The Balm is on Hautelook right now!! Instains and Balm Voyage is on there. And Stainiac! I want...but I'm resisting.
That's an amazing prize!

Quote: Originally Posted by JC327 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  That's an amazing prize!

It was awesome! I think it had like 8 of the cookie butters but of course it had an expiration date that was in like 2 months. So I gave some away to friends & family instead of hoard them. lol.

 I'm a Disney fangirl from wwwwwwwwaaaaaaayyyy back! My favorites are: Tiana, Merida, Mulan, Pocohontas and Belle, although I love anything animated Disney.

  I had to make a  Walgreen's run for Momma and picked up a last minute SS gift. I'll be mailing out on either the 2nd or 3rd.

Quote: Originally Posted by nikkimouse /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I think I'm done shopping except for food for my ss....  I had the mall adventure... after going to both sephoras (regular and the one in side JCP) which btw the girls in the JCP one were way super nice and they had a better selection of clearance stuff...  I ended up losing my car keys at the mall.  the mall is over an hour away from my house.  so I spent the better part of 2 hours tracing and retracing my steps asking everyone along the way if keys had been turned in.  finally I found them in macys where I stopped to use the rest room on my way out I must have left them when I washed my hands and by the time I checked back in the rest room the first time they had already been turned in....  Sigh....  But I also had a productive trip to ulta and saved tons at both stores on both my ss and some for me too :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />  I just hope and pray you guys like it.    

On another note.... with finishing up my gift what is your favorite Disney character?  (putting this out to everyone hoping my ss answers)
Great Question! I loooove Stitch (especially in evil mode).  Seriously, I have an unhealthy Stitch obsession.  I have a Stitch beely-bobber thingy on my car antenna... jerks frequently steal it off my car, so my boyfriend, doll that he is, surprised me with a special ordered box of duplicate Stitch antenna toppers, so that when one goes missing I can replace it. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />  I almost bought a gigantic stuffed Stitch, but was talked out of it.  Also, Sully from Monsters Inc. Basically if it's cute but has fangs, I'll love it.  I'm wierd:)

I want to go back to Disney and stalk the Star Wars ride - last time I was there they had Stitch as Darth Vader pins, but were out of the plush.  Omg so cute.

Quote: Originally Posted by jannie135 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I LOVE MULAN AND BELLE! And I love the lanterns from Tangled and the 20's fashion in the Frog Princess movie. The last two are just random facts lol...

I want to ask a question out loud so that maybe my SS will answer too-

I want to send some goodies, are you allergic to anything?? 

I'm responding to all of the questions, you never know. LOL.  I'm allergic to peppers - (not the herb) but the veg, so chili's, jalapenos, red, green, bell, etc are all ixnayed.

Quote: Originally Posted by allistra44 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

For real though, Alice will always be my favorite.

Favorite villian=Maleficent, hands down. 

I love Maleficent as the villain! Did you see the nail sets (Disney Villains) Walgreens had at Halloween? They were nail art themed around evil queens - there was one for Ursula, Maleficent, etc. I picked up the Malificent one as an x-mas present for my bff:)

I saw cookie butter at Trader Joe's yesterday but didn't buy it... I will for sure next time I go! My favorite disney princess is either Snow White or Ariel.. or maybe Alice lol I guess I love quite a few of them

cookie... butter??? I'm going to have to try to find one next time I shop. That sounds crazy yummy!

Can't believe I forgot about Merida!!! I have hair like hers. I was going to dye it red and be her for halloween but then in july I cut it off lol...

I am trying to resist Balm Voyage palette... hahaha

I'm sure it will come back again on HL and I will be ready for it.

My long Merida hair that almost reached my butt! I kind of miss it.
Quote: Originally Posted by slinka /img/forum/go_quote.gif

For thanksgiving I should just sculpt a cookie butter turkey, a pot of cookie butter instead of mashed potatoes...cookie butter casserole (top that baby off with some biscoff cookies and oreos for an extra crunch, ya dig?) and for dessert place cookie butter on a pie crust made of biscoff cookie crumbs and drizzle some chocolate over it.

I think that's an absolutely brilliant idea. You should do it. Hmm.  Cookie butter recipe contest anyone? :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />  I totally need to try the nutella version. And I just so happen to have a jar hidden in the closet...and some apples. That's my compromise. I won't feel soooo bad about nomming it if I have it on fruit. Right? Right, that's my justification and I'm sticking to it. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

cookie... butter??? I'm going to have to try to find one next time I shop. That sounds crazy yummy! Can't believe I forgot about Merida!!! I have hair like hers. I was going to dye it red and be her for halloween but then in july I cut it off lol... I am trying to resist Balm Voyage palette... hahaha I'm sure it will come back again on HL and I will be ready for it.
My long Merida hair that almost reached my butt! I kind of miss it.
We have almost exactly the same hair! Mine is just a little more red, but exactly the same kinda of curles and texture. I like it, but having long curly hair is such a pita, especially if there is even a hint of moisture in the air. Instant puffball.
Quote: Originally Posted by kellsbells /img/forum/go_quote.gif

We have almost exactly the same hair! Mine is just a little more red, but exactly the same kinda of curles and texture. I like it, but having long curly hair is such a pita, especially if there is even a hint of moisture in the air. Instant puffball.
YUP! So much easier with shorter hair because the curls aren't weighed down as much. My mom always shakes her head at my hair. She's like, "No one has hair like yours..." People ask me if I got my hair permed. And I'm like, "Nope! I'm just mixed so I get it from my non Korean side lol"

Why have I never heard of cookie butter before? What is this devilish goodness I've obviously been deprived of?

My lady's BIG gift got here today and it is SO PRETTY. Can't wait for the other stuff to get here so I can mail it out to her :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
