(Discussion) Secret Santa 2013 is coming soon!

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Quote: Originally Posted by morre22 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Just so everyone know Bath & Body works is having an awesome sale right now online and if you use the code MIDNIGHT10 you get $10 off $30 or more plus free shipping on $30 orders!

Thank you for sharing this!! I love their foaming hand soaps and always wait for an amazing deal to stock up. They are 7 for $20 right now and the coupon and the free shipping means I scored 15 of them for $34 including tax!! 

We have been completely out for about a week now and using plain old bar soap. My family thanks you as well!!

Quote: Originally Posted by bluelion /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I was just a tad alarmed at some posts I've read. I just hate to think that any Santa is stressing out too much over this. This should be fun, and I'd be touched by the effort even if the gift misses the mark. I know the signups were for a couple of weeks, but a wishlist was only recommended and not mandatory, so I guess I just don't really see it as messing up if your giftee doesn't like something, because the fault would be theirs. But, you know, tt might just be a personality thing. I'm really mellow, while my sister, once she's got a project in mind, has to see it through to the end immediately, and she tends to get frustrated easily at the sight of any roadblock, whether it's major or minor. But I get it. And even though I think it's too early to worry, I know my sister would be frustrated too! I love having a relative that's a polar opposite. Comes in handy to understand and accept differing views!
Ah I see what you mean! This definitely is fun, dont get me wrong. But I aim to please and I like having direction :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> 

Dear Secret Santa: Thank you for putting up with all my posts where I pretty much only list that I want food. I will still accept a Lobster if you are from Maine, momofuku if you are from NYC, Crema Coffee if you are in Nashville, and an In N Out burger if you are from CA :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> . Just kidding. We all know I just want chocolate covered potato chips.  make up.

Ah I see what you mean! This definitely is fun, dont get me wrong. But I aim to please and I like having direction :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />  Dear Secret Santa: Thank you for putting up with all my posts where I pretty much only list that I want food. I will still accept a Lobster if you are from Maine, momofuku if you are from NYC, Crema Coffee if you are in Nashville, and an In N Out burger if you are from CA :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> . Just kidding. We all know I just want chocolate covered potato chips.  make up.
Some barbeque from Memphis?
Ah I see what you mean! This definitely is fun, dont get me wrong. But I aim to please and I like having direction :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />  Dear Secret Santa: Thank you for putting up with all my posts where I pretty much only list that I want food. I will still accept a Lobster if you are from Maine, momofuku if you are from NYC, Crema Coffee if you are in Nashville, and an In N Out burger if you are from CA :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> . Just kidding. We all know I just want chocolate covered potato chips.  make up.
Thanks to you, I totally added those chocolate covered Lay's potato chips to my wishlist. I live in Podunkville and they are nowhere to be found around here.. which makes me a sad Santa :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Thanks to you, I totally added those chocolate covered Lay's potato chips to my wishlist. I live in Podunkville and they are nowhere to be found around here.. which makes me a sad Santa :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Just saying---they have them on Amazon.
Quote: Originally Posted by Tiffany27la /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Thanks to you, I totally added those chocolate covered Lay's potato chips to my wishlist. I live in Podunkville and they are nowhere to be found around here.. which makes me a sad Santa

I tried them with my friends last week. There's A LOT of chocolate on them compared to the chip. Its a lot like a Nestle Crunch bar with Essence of Potato.

Quote: Originally Posted by chelsealady /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Some barbeque from Memphis?
That too!!!

I tried the chocolate potato chips, AMAZING! The trader joes ones are really good as well as the lays. I'd loooove to try the Peppermint pretzel thins.

Ah I see what you mean! This definitely is fun, dont get me wrong. But I aim to please and I like having direction :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />  Dear Secret Santa: Thank you for putting up with all my posts where I pretty much only list that I want food. I will still accept a Lobster if you are from Maine, momofuku if you are from NYC, Crema Coffee if you are in Nashville, and an In N Out burger if you are from CA :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> . Just kidding. We all know I just want chocolate covered potato chips.  make up.
I'm with you on trying popular foods from my Santa's locale. I'd even like touristy things like a refrigerator magnet or whatnot. I love tourist stuff, I'm definitely include some from my area.
What are your favorite colors (both generally and for makeup products)?

Generally- Purple and blue

Make-up - Lips I wear everything but Nude and Pink, Eyes- warm toned colors

What colors do you use most in your apartment decoration?

Blue, gray and white, but I also like mercury glass
Do you own a lot of items from any particular brand?

Not really

If I am your secret santa and send you an over the top, fab gift would you:
 a)prefer everything wrapped individually
B) have a huge smorgasboard to look at

Either of these would be fine!
AND would you prefer to:
a) open each gift slowly and methodically
B) tear everything open like a mad woman

I would tear everything open like a mad woman, and then methodically look at everything
What scents do you like: 

I like clean scents 

What scents do you not like:

Food, including vanilla and overly flowery scents

What makeup item can you not use at all:

I can't use make-up with sunscreen.  It burns my face, which I try to avoid.

What makeup item do you use every day:

I use lipstick, eyeliner and mascara everyday, and usually eyeshadow, even if I just brush one color over my whole lid.

What colors do you avoid:

Blue eyeshadow and bright pink lipstick

How would you describe your style of makeup?

Classic with a twist of trendy

What are your feelings on prepared/unsealed samples?

They are okay.

What kind of extras would make your day?

I like chocolate, but I'm really not too picky.

What ONE PRODUCT (not brand or color in particular, just product) do you use more than any other?  (What runs out the quickest in your make-up drawer?)

I would say eyeshadow and lipstick.
You just won a $50 giftcard to Birchbox/Target/or insert your favorite beauty store here....What's the first thing you want to buy???

I'm not sure.  I've been eyeing up the Too Faced Natural Rebels palette, and I really want the Naked 3 Palette, which I know is way over the budget, but just to give you an idea of what I like.  

What's in your purse right now?

UD lipstick in Manic, elf translucent powder, Model co lipstick in dusk til dawn, tweezers, lip balm, compact mirror
What is your favorite holiday?

I love Easter.  I even put up an Easter tree!  Christmas is a close second and Thanksgiving is right up there also!

What candies and baked goods do you especially like?

I love brownies!

What candies and baked goods do you dislike?

I don't like "candy."  I like chocolate and baked goods, but things like Jolly Ranchers or Candy Corn are gross to me.  

Is there any beauty product that you are dying to try?

Benefit, Gimme Brow.

What are a few of your hobbies?

Besides makeup and nails, I enjoy reading, drinking wine, and learning more about the world.

How old are you (approximately) if you are comfortable sharing?

I am 35.  I would tell people I was 29, except I have a 16 year old daughter, so that won't work anymore.  When my DD and I go out together, people think we are sisters.  Servers at restaurants will ask us if it's all on one check.  I don't know if they are just trying to get a bigger tip, or if they really think I look to young to have her as my daughter!

Do you like coffee or tea?

I love both!  

Do you have any pets?

Yes!  We have two German Shorthaired Pointers, our sweet girl is 5 months old and our baby boy is 3 months old.  We also have a 14 year old, 4 lb witchy old cat!  She hates the dogs!  

You're in the Sephora version of Supermarket Sweep and you have 30 seconds. What's the first thing you bolt for?

The UD Naked 3 Palette, the UD lipsticks and lip liners, all the Lorac palettes, Killer Queen by Katy Perry, the Too Faced Naked Rebel palette...

Is there a particular color that has a majority in your closet?

Blue and purple, if you don't count black.  I am trying to move away from black clothes!

What subs do you get?

2 accounts with Birchbox, Ipsy, Glossybox but only one month so far, Julep, and Square Hue

Is there an item (makeup, tool, skincare) you feel is missing from your routine, if so what?

I don't think so.  

Quote: Originally Posted by KellyKaye /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I'm with you on trying popular foods from my Santa's locale. I'd even like touristy things like a refrigerator magnet or whatnot. I love tourist stuff, I'm definitely include some from my area.

Ooo! Yes - great idea ladies. I live in the cherry capital so I hope my SS likes cherries! 

Quote: Originally Posted by KellyKaye /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I tried the chocolate potato chips, AMAZING! The trader joes ones are really good as well as the lays. I'd loooove to try the Peppermint pretzel thins.
oh my, those are my favorite. The white chocolate covered then w/ peppermint on them? My mom bought me 14 bags for Christmas last year.. and I ate them all within a month 

I'm already planning out the Cajun goodness I'm going to bestow on my SS!! Some of the BEST gumbo I've ever eaten in my life is made with a powdered roux that I can easily pop in the box with the rest of their goodies :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Pulled the trigger and ordered a big item as my santee's focal gift! Excited to round it out with a lot of little things from the Sephora Blitz promo. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> 

I'm already planning out the Cajun goodness I'm going to bestow on my SS!! Some of the BEST gumbo I've ever eaten in my life is made with a powdered roux that I can easily pop in the box with the rest of their goodies :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
That is so epic! You're SS is a lucky girl. I'm throwing in a Peppermint Pig for my girl and maybe some spring water taffy. This.is.so.fun.
oh my, those are my favorite. The white chocolate covered then w/ peppermint on them? My mom bought me 14 bags for Christmas last year.. and I ate them all within a month :icon_eek:
I didn't even know they were a "thing" until recently. I need them in my mouth piece.
An open letter to my SS:

Dear SS,

I know that a lot of people view this gift exchange as a chance to get to know someone as well as to give gifts. I thought I would write you a little letter telling you all about myself.

My name is Maddie. I am 17 years old. As of now I am a senior in high school, working on my applications to college. I am applying as a voice major so I have to do double the work that most have to do, which can really stress me out. On top of college apps, I also have my 4 AP classes (English, Music Theory, Calculus, and Biology). Sometimes, I may not have the best time management and I let things get ahead of me but I always manage to push through and work it out. I do my best to persevere in these situations.

As mentioned before, I am a singer. I have been singing ever since I was four years old. I remember being so little that the voice teacher at my music camp would have to read me the words and I would memorize them because I couldn't read. That teacher was my voice teacher until June of this year. I cried like a baby at our last lesson. He switched me to a teacher who would be a better trainer for my type of voice. My new teacher is an incredibly talented woman who has sung at big venues like the Met and Carnegie Hall. She is one of my favorite people to be around. I connect with her on a very personal level, even though she is 15 years older than me.

Another thing about me, I have been a vegetarian ever since my dad decided to raise and breed rabbits for food. If nothing else, this diet has taught me to cook for myself, as our family meals often contain meat in some form. If we ever met in real life, I could cook you a mean vegetable stir fry. On the subject of diets, I have been slightly overweight for almost my entire life and my family has not been shy about letting me know that. As a result of that, my family (dad in particular) have put me through a series of diets of varying sucess. I have done weight watchers, atkins, south beach, and many others whose names I forget. However, now that I have chosen my diet for myself and begun working at my weight issues on my own, I feel much better than I ever did being forced to count points or avoid carbs.

As a result of these problems I have had, rather than allow myself to wallow in self-pity, I stay positive. I try not to do it to the point that it is irritating, but I can put on my favorite butterfly dress (the one in my profile pic), twirl around, have fun, and feel beautiful. I also like to remind other people of the good things in themselves, because I feel that people are often too willing to focus on the negative. I am the type of person that will go up to a complete stranger and tell them that I love their outfit or that they have beautiful hair. I think that giving compliments is something that does not happen enough.

I am excited for this year because it is one of the first time that I have felt confident in myself and my talent. Nothing much has really changed, just my outlook, although I'm sure dropping 10 pounds over the summer didn't hurt. I love being a senior because people look up to me and I love helping them. I have always been generally kind and friendly but it is nice to know that there are people who really appreciate it (and me!).

A few more things about me and then I promise I'll stop. I am nearly fluent in French. I just love learning it so much that I will go and work on learning more when I have extra time. I have only one sibling, a brother, who is nearly my exact opposite but is still one of the kindest people you will ever meet. I sing everywhere, rather loudly. I just love how it feels and I'm not afraid to do it. When I have something that I am proud of I will show it to anyone. Although my family may think I am a lesbian, I am in love with a boy, a beautiful tenor. I won't tell you his name but his initials are L.U.A. and I would do anything for him. Even though I am not a great pianist, I love to play piano and practice it. I also laugh really loud and I love to laugh, so I take any oppurtunity I can to do so. I truly believe that my friends, both in real life, and here on MUT are some of the most wonderful people in the world and I feel blessed just to spend time with them.

Well there's me in a not-so-nutshell. Hope this helps you in your quest to get to know me/ find me the perfect gift.

Yours truly,


The other thing that I'm including is a note as to why I chose what I did. So you can explain to them that this is your favorite pallet ever because yadda, yadda.
great idea! I'm going to do this too
An open letter to my SS: Dear SS, I know that a lot of people view this gift exchange as a chance to get to know someone as well as to give gifts. I thought I would write you a little letter telling you all about myself. My name is Maddie. I am 17 years old. As of now I am a senior in high school, working on my applications to college. I am applying as a voice major so I have to do double the work that most have to do, which can really stress me out. On top of college apps, I also have my 4 AP classes (English, Music Theory, Calculus, and Biology). Sometimes, I may not have the best time management and I let things get ahead of me but I always manage to push through and work it out. I do my best to persevere in these situations. As mentioned before, I am a singer. I have been singing ever since I was four years old. I remember being so little that the voice teacher at my music camp would have to read me the words and I would memorize them because I couldn't read. That teacher was my voice teacher until June of this year. I cried like a baby at our last lesson. He switched me to a teacher who would be a better trainer for my type of voice. My new teacher is an incredibly talented woman who has sung at big venues like the Met and Carnegie Hall. She is one of my favorite people to be around. I connect with her on a very personal level, even though she is 15 years older than me. Another thing about me, I have been a vegetarian ever since my dad decided to raise and breed rabbits for food. If nothing else, this diet has taught me to cook for myself, as our family meals often contain meat in some form. If we ever met in real life, I could cook you a mean vegetable stir fry. On the subject of diets, I have been slightly overweight for almost my entire life and my family has not been shy about letting me know that. As a result of that, my family (dad in particular) have put me through a series of diets of varying sucess. I have done weight watchers, atkins, south beach, and many others whose names I forget. However, now that I have chosen my diet for myself and begun working at my weight issues on my own, I feel much better than I ever did being forced to count points or avoid carbs. As a result of these problems I have had, rather than allow myself to wallow in self-pity, I stay positive. I try not to do it to the point that it is irritating, but I can put on my favorite butterfly dress (the one in my profile pic), twirl around, have fun, and feel beautiful. I also like to remind other people of the good things in themselves, because I feel that people are often too willing to focus on the negative. I am the type of person that will go up to a complete stranger and tell them that I love their outfit or that they have beautiful hair. I think that giving compliments is something that does not happen enough. I am excited for this year because it is one of the first time that I have felt confident in myself and my talent. Nothing much has really changed, just my outlook, although I'm sure dropping 10 pounds over the summer didn't hurt. I love being a senior because people look up to me and I love helping them. I have always been generally kind and friendly but it is nice to know that there are people who really appreciate it (and me!). A few more things about me and then I promise I'll stop. I am nearly fluent in French. I just love learning it so much that I will go and work on learning more when I have extra time. I have only one sibling, a brother, who is nearly my exact opposite but is still one of the kindest people you will ever meet. I sing everywhere, rather loudly. I just love how it feels and I'm not afraid to do it. When I have something that I am proud of I will show it to anyone. Although my family may think I am a lesbian, I am in love with a boy, a beautiful tenor. I won't tell you his name but his initials are L.U.A. and I would do anything for him. Even though I am not a great pianist, I love to play piano and practice it. I also laugh really loud and I love to laugh, so I take any oppurtunity I can to do so. I truly believe that my friends, both in real life, and here on MUT are some of the most wonderful people in the world and I feel blessed just to spend time with them. Well there me in a not-so-nutshell. Hope this helps you in your quest to get to know me/ find me the perfect gift. Yours truly, @makeitupasigo
I got a little teary eyed reading this..you are a remarkable young lady :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />