(Discussion) Secret Santa 2013 is coming soon!

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Quote: Originally Posted by chelsealady /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I have a thing that I have to be done Christmas shopping by black Friday. Even though I'm not in retail anymore I still have flashbacks of those 12 hour days, six days a week. So for years I did all my shopping late October, early November and now I do it automatically.

I'm glad I'm not the only one- this year I have to be almost completely done just because Christmas will be over by then (yay celebrating Christmas at Thanksgiving.. damn holidays falling on Wednesday).  But Black Friday is terrifying.  I like to go after all the insanity is over and get the leftovers- I can't do the insanity as it unfolds.. too many years working in food service in a mall on black friday.  This year will be bloody mary's and extended family.

My Santee, I'm stalking you, and so glad you're a frequent poster on this thread. I know that you are impatient and want this know if I'm your Santa, I hope you will be happy with the items I'm coming up with for you, and that it will be worth the wait for you. Tiffany

Just got back from the mall.  Had such a great time!  I have most of the main things bought or ordered so I just need to put together some extras and then try to work on a handmade or local item.  This has been so much fun so far.  It's going to be hard to not buy more stuff before December 1st.  I was going to wait for Black Friday deals but I didn't want to risk waiting and run out of time to order things that might be out of stock.  I had some fun finding things that my SS wanted that also had a GWP so I could add some extras.  Now off to stalk their posts a bit more and see what they might like from my sample stash.   

My Santee, I'm stalking you, and so glad you're a frequent poster on this thread. I know that you are impatient and want this know if I'm your Santa, I hope you will be happy with the items I'm coming up with for you, and that it will be worth the wait for you. Tiffany
Aww! That's so sweet! I'm lovin all the "open" letters to Santees!! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
What info should I post for my SS Wishlist? And I have read of some questionnaire sort of thing too.

I am sorry to ask, I have to back read 72 pages and I can't find it. Do I need to post it somewhere?


Quote: Originally Posted by ttanner2005 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

My Santee,

I'm stalking you, and so glad you're a frequent poster on this thread. I know that you are impatient and want this know if I'm your Santa, I hope you will be happy with the items I'm coming up with for you, and that it will be worth the wait for you.

LOL! That is funny, love it! I wish I could stalk my SS but they do not post at all.

To my Secret Santa,

Thank you for everything that you are doing for me this holiday season. I can't wait to see what you have put together for me and will love and adore every item you choose. I hope that I wasn't too difficult to shop for and that you had a great time making your purchases. Your time, effort and generosity mean the world to me and for that I will be forever grateful.



Quote: Originally Posted by elizabethrose /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'm glad I'm not the only one- this year I have to be almost completely done just because Christmas will be over by then (yay celebrating Christmas at Thanksgiving.. damn holidays falling on Wednesday).  But Black Friday is terrifying.  I like to go after all the insanity is over and get the leftovers- I can't do the insanity as it unfolds.. too many years working in food service in a mall on black friday.  This year will be bloody mary's and extended family.
I'm going to go but I have a friend who will brave the insanity with me. As long as I go to Victoria's Secret and Pier 1 with her, she will go to Lush and Ulta with me. That's what friends are for, right?

@iPretty949 Here is a list of questions I compiled for myself. Hope these help!

What are your favorite colors (both generally and for makeup products)?
What colors do you use most in your apartment decoration?
Do you own a lot of items from any particular brand?
If I am your secret santa and send you an over the top, fab gift would you:
 a)prefer everything wrapped individually
B) have a huge smorgasboard to look at

AND would you prefer to:
a) open each gift slowly and methodically
B) tear everything open like a mad woman

What scents do you like:

What scents do you not like:

What makeup item can you not use at all:

What makeup item do you use every day:

What colors do you avoid:

How would you describe your style of makeup?

What are your feelings on prepared/unsealed samples?

What kind of extras would make your day?

What ONE PRODUCT (not brand or color in particular, just product) do you use more than any other?  (What runs out the quickest in your make-up drawer?)

You just won a $50 giftcard to Birchbox/Target/or insert your favorite beauty store here....What's the first thing you want to buy???

What's in your purse right now?

What is your favorite holiday?

What candies and baked goods do you especially like?

What candies and baked goods do you dislike?

Is there any beauty product that you are dying to try?

What are a few of your hobbies?

How old are you (approximately) if you are comfortable sharing?

Do you like coffee or tea?

Do you have any pets?

You're in the Sephora version of Supermarket Sweep and you have 30 seconds. What's the first thing you bolt for?

Is there a particular color that has a majority in your closet?

What subs do you get?

Is there an item (makeup, tool, skincare) you feel is missing from your routine, if so what?


Quote: Originally Posted by iPretty949 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  What info should I post for my SS Wishlist? And I have read of some questionnaire sort of thing too.

I am sorry to ask, I have to back read 72 pages and I can't find it. Do I need to post it somewhere?

The questions is posted in my wish list if you want to get it from there. And your wishlist could be anything really, although anything that you already have would help a lot as well as what to avoid to help your SS.  I just listed what I been wanting to try and/or haven't bought yet. Hope that helps.

What info should I post for my SS Wishlist? And I have read of some questionnaire sort of thing too. I am sorry to ask, I have to back read 72 pages and I can't find it. Do I need to post it somewhere? TIA
You should post likes, dislikes, favorite colors, products you don't want, specific products you want, etc. If you fill out the questionnaire, you can post it here or on your wishlist.
@makeitupasigo, @Sakura83, @KittenZ

Thanks for answering my question. I never thought I am missing out a lot here. LOL. I enjoy reading everyone's wishlist. Last year was amazing, I bet this one is going to be more amazing-- from shopping to SS reveal!

Quote: Originally Posted by iPretty949 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  What info should I post for my SS Wishlist? And I have read of some questionnaire sort of thing too.

I am sorry to ask, I have to back read 72 pages and I can't find it. Do I need to post it somewhere?


@iPretty949 - pull it from my Wish List. See my signature for the link.

My SS is making shopping very difficult... I only have two ideas and it's just because she said she liked them from previous bags. Any ideas ladies?

@tanya0949 want me to be an elf on the shelf for you? I'll pm you now

Quote: Originally Posted by MissRoe /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  My giftee has nothing filled out for her beauty wish list...my sleigh just hit a cloudhole...
I'm running into the same problem.  Eek. Well, I'll have to pick stuff I like and hope that she does too. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Quote: Originally Posted by makeitupasigo /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I'm going to go but I have a friend who will brave the insanity with me. As long as I go to Victoria's Secret and Pier 1 with her, she will go to Lush and Ulta with me. That's what friends are for, right?
You go girl! Good luck! A couple years ago when I was living in DC nooooo ooone wanted to go Black Friday shopping with me. But, after Friday bloody marys, dealing with food hang overs and real hangovers, we decided to walk around the city. By 2 PM there were still A LOT of good deals and most shops were empty. I've done doorbusters before too - especially for clothes. My dad is crazy for shopping like this - black friday his is favorite day of the year. If you don't know your exact size for every brand you want to hit up, I hope you have the time to figure that out that way you can just grab exactly what you want.  I think maybe 4 years ago Gap had 50% off jeans and I was in and out in under 20 minutes.

I think we need to give some time to those who may not have fleshed out profiles or current wishlists. It's the weekend, after all, so maybe people are occupied with other things. The deadline is also relatively far away, and I know I tend to procrastinate sometimes. That said, if people still don't update towards the deadline, I'd take it as free reign to be creative. Of course, you want to be the best Santa you can be, but I'd interpret a blank profile/no wishlist as someone who is really open to anything. If they do happen to not like the gift, then maybe next time around, they'll be more inclined to set a wishlist up.

I made my first Sephora purchase!! Something for my giftee, a d&g light blue travel spray for me, 3 samples and that free make up bag with samples! Yay! Thanks dolls !!
