Quote: Originally Posted by
KellyKaye /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I hope you like the Fresh lip treatment because I am apparently allergic to them... boo hiss.
Quote: Originally Posted by
usofjessamerica /img/forum/go_quote.gif
That's what I was deciding between also!! I'm making my older sister her own "lash stash" with all the sample mascaras I've accumulated over the last few months. Her HG is They're Real! so she will be getting a full size of that plus minis plus all other mascaras in the world. She's a serious lash junkie so I think this is a good, almost free, Christmas present.
Quote: Originally Posted by
missemiee /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Ugh god, I'm obsessed with Fresh Sugar Lip Treatments!!! I'm almost outta my clear one and the rose one will be gone soon too.
@KellyKaye That's the saddest thing I've ever heard! If I don't get my hands on one this Christmas it's gonna be one of the first things I buy myself. I'm on a low/no buy for myself currently.. or I'll buy everything on my SS list and that's just not helpful. and @missemiee I hope I like it!! I really really want to try it.
@usofjessamerica my HG is They're Real! as well, but I hoard all the others. That sounds like a perfect gift- I know I've been in a place where I managed to forget to toss my old mascaras and thought I had a lot of ones to keep using but then they were all old! Being without mascara is the worst, and it sounds like your sister just won't ever be

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