(Discussion) Secret Santa 2013 is coming soon!

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@Tiffany27la Thank you! I just wanted to make sure my SS got enough info about me but it ended up being me just rambling on about my life. It's nice to hear that from you. You always have good posts

Quote: Originally Posted by heartsandwhimsy /img/forum/go_quote.gif

what are peppermint pigs??!!

Thanks for asking I was wondering myself!

Quote: Originally Posted by KellyKaye /img/forum/go_quote.gif


This is the story of the peppermint pig.
OMG I want one!  Thanks for sharing the link, now I can order one and share with my friends and family!

An open letter to my SS: Dear SS, I know that a lot of people view this gift exchange as a chance to get to know someone as well as to give gifts. I thought I would write you a little letter telling you all about myself. My name is Maddie. I am 17 years old. As of now I am a senior in high school, working on my applications to college. I am applying as a voice major so I have to do double the work that most have to do, which can really stress me out. On top of college apps, I also have my 4 AP classes (English, Music Theory, Calculus, and Biology). Sometimes, I may not have the best time management and I let things get ahead of me but I always manage to push through and work it out. I do my best to persevere in these situations. As mentioned before, I am a singer. I have been singing ever since I was four years old. I remember being so little that the voice teacher at my music camp would have to read me the words and I would memorize them because I couldn't read. That teacher was my voice teacher until June of this year. I cried like a baby at our last lesson. He switched me to a teacher who would be a better trainer for my type of voice. My new teacher is an incredibly talented woman who has sung at big venues like the Met and Carnegie Hall. She is one of my favorite people to be around. I connect with her on a very personal level, even though she is 15 years older than me. Another thing about me, I have been a vegetarian ever since my dad decided to raise and breed rabbits for food. If nothing else, this diet has taught me to cook for myself, as our family meals often contain meat in some form. If we ever met in real life, I could cook you a mean vegetable stir fry. On the subject of diets, I have been slightly overweight for almost my entire life and my family has not been shy about letting me know that. As a result of that, my family (dad in particular) have put me through a series of diets of varying sucess. I have done weight watchers, atkins, south beach, and many others whose names I forget. However, now that I have chosen my diet for myself and begun working at my weight issues on my own, I feel much better than I ever did being forced to count points or avoid carbs. As a result of these problems I have had, rather than allow myself to wallow in self-pity, I stay positive. I try not to do it to the point that it is irritating, but I can put on my favorite butterfly dress (the one in my profile pic), twirl around, have fun, and feel beautiful. I also like to remind other people of the good things in themselves, because I feel that people are often too willing to focus on the negative. I am the type of person that will go up to a complete stranger and tell them that I love their outfit or that they have beautiful hair. I think that giving compliments is something that does not happen enough. I am excited for this year because it is one of the first time that I have felt confident in myself and my talent. Nothing much has really changed, just my outlook, although I'm sure dropping 10 pounds over the summer didn't hurt. I love being a senior because people look up to me and I love helping them. I have always been generally kind and friendly but it is nice to know that there are people who really appreciate it (and me!). A few more things about me and then I promise I'll stop. I am nearly fluent in French. I just love learning it so much that I will go and work on learning more when I have extra time. I have only one sibling, a brother, who is nearly my exact opposite but is still one of the kindest people you will ever meet. I sing everywhere, rather loudly. I just love how it feels and I'm not afraid to do it. When I have something that I am proud of I will show it to anyone. Although my family may think I am a lesbian, I am in love with a boy, a beautiful tenor. I won't tell you his name but his initials are L.U.A. and I would do anything for him. Even though I am not a great pianist, I love to play piano and practice it. I also laugh really loud and I love to laugh, so I take any oppurtunity I can to do so. I truly believe that my friends, both in real life, and here on MUT are some of the most wonderful people in the world and I feel blessed just to spend time with them. Well there's me in a not-so-nutshell. Hope this helps you in your quest to get to know me/ find me the perfect gift. Yours truly, @makeitupasigo  
You are SUCH a beautiful person! Thank you for posting this and allowing me to get to know you.. even though I'm not your SS. I admire your spirit and beauty. Thank you for making me smile today :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Wow this thread explodes.

I have a generic question...say, for example, someone who knows absolutely nothing about Harry Potter wants (needs) to learn about this subject in a condensed manner of time...where would someone guide, oh...*someone* to learn (shop) for things related to such?
My SS is a fan of some movies/TV shows and is like to make her something relating to this. Problem is I never seen either of there shows. Is there someone who is familiar with Harry Potter and another show we've talked about on MUT that could give me advise? I don't want to get too specific and give myself away. You can post on here (with the show you like) or PM me. I really want to make her happy but I've never seen or read these shows/books.
My question, if I were to buy you slippers and/or slipper socks, what is your general size?
Size 8-8.5
I just came back home to Sac from Albuquerque after 6 years, are they truly rude here too? The MAC in ABQ is in a place called ABQ Uptown that is filled with fairly snooty stores (some sweet ones too, I never had an issue at L'Occitane).
The employees at Uptown MAC are horrible! I have never been treated so badly before. I wish I knew there were fellow Abq'ers on here. We just moved to the 4 corners but I would have loved to have met up with you!
Shut the front door!!!! I went to Highlands High School!
I so wanted to get you, because I had an open/swatched Lip Tar mini I would have thrown in to your gift! I don't know how my SS feels about swatched goodies though so I guess it stays with me :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
I will happily take any used makeup, esp. Lip tars.
I'm having this problem! I want to pick out items my SS will love but she has expensive taste ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Not a bad thing! Just have to find creative ways to maximize my budget!
I know many items on my list are expensive but I added them as a guide to shades and colors I like. Not because I'm expecting an $70 palette. I think many ladies may have done the same thing so don't feel bad not getting them these items. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Quote: Originally Posted by makeitupasigo /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  @Tiffany27la Thank you! I just wanted to make sure my SS got enough info about me but it ended up being me just rambling on about my life. It's nice to hear that from you. You always have good posts


Yay peppermint pigs! We moved to GA from CA so I don't know a lot of the local traditions, but I'll find something yummy to send!

Quote: Originally Posted by magicalmom /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Haha I'm on my phone right now so I can't go and update all my lists, but for some reason I keep. Feeling like my blog/wish list/questionnaires are just NOT ENOUGH INFO, lol.

I do just want to say though , I will be extremely happy with ANYTHING I get and I am not picky at all! Love you, Secret Santa!
Ditto! I hope I gave my Santa enough info - I feel like I went over board, but I will love anything I get!

To my lovely SS, I've finally made a wishlist of sorts, I hope this helps!  Also I hope it isn't too late to be considered in your shopping :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> 

Before the Q&A starts, just a little about me.  I'm 31, married with no kids and one dog-child.  I'm a medium tan skin tone who is less than a year into this makeup obsession and having the time of my life with it, best hobby ever :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> 

What scents do you like:

Hmm my long-standing, favorite fragrances have been Miss Cherie and Ralph Lauren Romance.  I love soy candles, especially lavender scents.  Really love clean and floral scents overall  

What scents do you not like:

- I don't really like overly sweet scents, like stuff from BBW and definitely not a fan of vanilla as well 

What makeup item can you not use at all:

- At the moment, mascara but only because I have so many to get through!

- Self-tanners 

-"Nude" lip colors 

What makeup item do you use every day:

- Light coverage foundations like UD Naked Skin and Benefit Hello Flawless, BB/CC Creams like theBalm's tinted moisturizer and tarte's tinted primer, Mascara (current fave is They're Real and also the green tube from Physician's Formula), Lip Gloss and Lipstick (Too faced La Creme is a current fave) Neutral and demure color eyeshadows (lorac pro palette is a recent fave, also the Too Faced Pretty rebel palette)

- Nail Polish, Hand Cream / Lotion, Hair Products (Beauty Protector from Birchbox is my new HG!)

What colors do you avoid:

Not many really! 

How would you describe your style of makeup?

I'd say posh neutral for the work week and pretty colors and glitters for evening and weekends 

Do you own a lot of items from any particular brand?

This is the first year of my makeup obsession but I have accumulated alot in this short time.  My collection is pretty spread out across brands like Tarte, UD, Lorac, Too Faced, Nars, Revlon, theBalm and Physician's Formula.  

What are your feelings on prepared/unsealed samples?
Love me some samples so as long as its a recent and well handled sample, I'm all for it!

What kind of extras would make your day?
I am definitely cool with non-make up extras, things that are particular to your region (unless we live in the same place lol) would be great.  I also love scarves, totes, pens, costume jewelry, notepads.......the list goes on and on :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> 

What ONE PRODUCT (not brand or color in particular, just product) do you use more than any other?  (What runs out the quickest in your make-up drawer?)

would say that I haven't really run out of anything, make up wise, quickly but some of the products I use the most are bb/cc creams and foundations. 

You just won a $50 giftcard to Birchbox/Target/or insert your favorite beauty store here....What's the first thing you want to buy???
Hmmm, this is kinda hard as I seriously spoiled myself during the Sephora VIB sale lol.  BUT there's still plenty of stuff on my wishlist so I would probably buy myself some new cream cheek products (like Josie Maran's) or some awesome brushes, as my collection is seriously lagging.  Also, always in search of the newest limited edition drugstore products, still sad I haven't found the newest Maybelline color tattoos, the nude collection.  Lastly, skincare is always a need and I'm in love with all dry skin products from Origins.  
Damn it.  I just found the perfect and I mean THE PERFECT item for my SS but it's like.. at the budget limit, and I already placed an order and have other ideas to add.. question: does anyone know for black friday sales if any prestige lines have great sales?  Or does it just kind of depend?

@elizabethrose We here on this Secret Santa thread like to pretend that we will stay within budget. However most of us cannot resist the urge. If it is really the perfect gift, go for it! A lot of us are doing the very same. As for Black Friday sales, I am not sure. That is a question for the ladies who have done the Black Friday thing before.

Quote: Originally Posted by makeitupasigo /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  @elizabethrose We here on this Secret Santa thread like to pretend that we will stay within budget. However most of us cannot resist the urge. If it is really the perfect gift, go for it! A lot of us are doing the very same. As for Black Friday sales, I am not sure. That is a question for the ladies who have done the Black Friday thing before.

Oh I already threw the budget out the window.. it's a $25 item though.  And I'm already looking at $40-50... I might just have to do it anyways.  Maybe I can buy a Sephora gift card for cheaper.  Look out, SS.. I might be spoiling you rotten.

I'm excited! I've done some investigating and already have a few items on my SS shopping list. I need to get started on my wishlist and survey though.

Quote: Originally Posted by elizabethrose /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by makeitupasigo /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  @elizabethrose We here on this Secret Santa thread like to pretend that we will stay within budget. However most of us cannot resist the urge. If it is really the perfect gift, go for it! A lot of us are doing the very same. As for Black Friday sales, I am not sure. That is a question for the ladies who have done the Black Friday thing before.

Oh I already threw the budget out the window.. it's a $25 item though.  And I'm already looking at $40-50... I might just have to do it anyways.  Maybe I can buy a Sephora gift card for cheaper.  Look out, SS.. I might be spoiling you rotten.

This is why I love Swagbucks. It's free to sign up and use. You can either download their search toolbar or use their main search engine. As you use their search engine you may earn Swagbucks (not all searches yield SBs) but for every 1,000 SBs you earn you can redeem for a $10 Sephora e-gift certificateOR for every 450 SBs you can redeem for an Amazon e-gift certificate. Free makeup!

This is why I love Swagbucks. It's free to sign up and use. You can either download their search toolbar or use their main search engine. As you use their search engine you may earn Swagbucks (not all searches yield SBs) but for every 1,000 SBs you earn you can redeem for a $10 Sephora e-gift certificateOR for every 450 SBs you can redeem for an Amazon e-gift certificate. Free makeup!
This sounds great! I need to look into it more.