Curling iron VS. Hot Rollers? forums

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May 3, 2010
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I have a curling iron, but my hair is long, and takes foreverrrrrrrrrrr to curl,

so i was thinking of maybe investing in hot rollers,

whattaya think? :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I think i would use rollers, not necessarily hot (personal opinion here). I think it may be a tad easier to curl your hair if you get rid of it section by section with rollers. You can also something else around the house or sleep with them if you want extra strong curls. It you didn't own a curling iron i would say it also may be cheaper to just get hot rollers and use your blowdryer.

I have a curling iron, but as I said, I have longgggggggg hair, and it's a pain in the butt curling it,

Takes foreverrrrrr

There are some other good ways to curl your hair, you can tie portions of wet hair in paper strips after applying hair set gel to them and leave them over night.

Next morning you will see beautiful curls :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

what about the velcro rollers put them in your hair while your cleaning  or putting on your make up

they always have pics of the victorias secrets model wearing them back stage so it must work

you can also put the hair dryer on your  hair after you put the rollers in 

hope this helps


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