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I think there are 2 that don't have the polishes in them. I got one of those too, since my account is new, I get the sucky "welcome" box when I would much rather have had the actual months box instead. Box 23 has no nail polish in it, that's the one I'm getting. =( 

Originally Posted by Dena Fletcher /img/forum/go_quote.gif

which box did you get?  i thought all the boxes had polishes??  i didnt get a tv either and was told i would, i even had cust svc check!  what is your box #?

Dena - I got box #12 - no polish :p /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />  I'm so tired of BB - I never get any of the 'good' items - I so would have used the Stila eyeliner and some of the other awesome things I've seen people get - they keep sending me crappy moisturizers and other stuff - I've even tried changing my profile a few times - to see if that would help - but it doesn't.  I don't know what to do - I was stupid and purchased the yearly subscription.  I've just been really disappointed every month with my BB.

awww.. bummer.. sorry doll.  :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Originally Posted by CaliMel /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I think there are 2 that don't have the polishes in them. I got one of those too, since my account is new, I get the sucky "welcome" box when I would much rather have had the actual months box instead. Box 23 has no nail polish in it, that's the one I'm getting. =( 

 i had the same issue..  i talked to someone via live chat and was told if i didnt get the Tv box i opted in for it would be corrected.. then when i confirmed to them i didnt get the tv box.. i got this response..  good luck!  i hope they make it right for you.. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
  Dear Dena,   Thank you very much for being in touch with this information. I spoke with my manager, and unfortunately we are not able to ship additional Teen Vogue boxes or exchange March boxes for Teen Vogue boxes. Opting in to receive the Teen Vogue box did not 100 % guarantee receipt of one, as the box was a limited edition offering and we only had a finite quantity. We could only accommodate so many customers' preferences-- for those we were not able to accommodate, like yourself, we did our best to allocate a regular monthly Birchbox that fit your Beauty Profile and that we hoped you would enjoy just as much!
We know that a lot of our customers were extremely excited about the Teen Vogue box this month, and we regret that we weren't able to give one to everyone who wanted one. However, I do hope that you enjoy your March Birchbox-- we do have some offerings this month that we're really excited to share with you (the Color Club polish you received is one of my all-time favorites).
Please let me know if you have any questions about this, Deena, or if there is anything else I can do. Have a great week.
Quote: Originally Posted by Janine Voegt /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I'm still waiting for my box. Looks like I'm getting box #17.

I wrote a mail to BB asking why I wouldn't get a Teen Vogue box when I opted in. I talked to someone on the chat & she said it was limited & even though I opted in didn't mean I would definitely get one. I explained in my mail that it doesn't make sense that people who didn't even care about the special box would get one.

So BB's reply was that there was a mistake with the boxes & that I will get the TV box & it will ship soon. So I guess I have to wait & see if I actually do get the Teen Vogue box.

This was the email I received when I contacted BB about not getting a TV box:

Thanks so much for being in touch, and I'm so sorry to hear that you did not receive your first pick this month. I do see that you successfully oped in to receive the Teen Vogue box this month. However, since quantities on the Teen Vogue box were limited, in addition to allocation being per past box history (we never want anyone to receive duplicate samples!), we were unable to guarantee receipt of the Teen Vogue box for everyone who opted in.   Despite the trouble, I do hope you will be happy with your regular March Birchbox this month. We do have some great new brand partners that we're extremely excited to be working with, like Miss Jesse's and Peter Thomas Roth-- those two brands in particular have gained quite a cult following of late, and everyone in our offices are going crazy for their products this month!

Please don't hesitate to be in touch if I can assist you further or answer any questions! Have a great evening.

i hear ya chickie...  i have changed my profile alot too and get face cream every time!  i have so much i am using it on my hands! at least my hands will look young!

i am going to try to put a positive spin on it and use them to make up lil gift baskets for friends for when they are sick or sad or something..and of course theres the trade thread too...

Originally Posted by Maharet773 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Dena - I got box #12 - no polish :p /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />  I'm so tired of BB - I never get any of the 'good' items - I so would have used the Stila eyeliner and some of the other awesome things I've seen people get - they keep sending me crappy moisturizers and other stuff - I've even tried changing my profile a few times - to see if that would help - but it doesn't.  I don't know what to do - I was stupid and purchased the yearly subscription.  I've just been really disappointed every month with my BB.

Originally Posted by Dena Fletcher /img/forum/go_quote.gif

i agree!  im 39 and will be wearing glitter forever!  im going ot be one of those old ladies in gold lame' (sp?) jumpsuits and bright orange lips.. long nails.. hahahahaa  big hot mess!

We're the same age and I STILL shop at Hot Topic....nuff said

Originally Posted by Dena Fletcher /img/forum/go_quote.gif

did anyone that got the tea forte try it yet?  i tried one, the cherry marzipan, very yummy!!!

I'm drinking a mug of it right now. I love sweet  flavored teas and this one is very yummy, as you said. I'll definitely buy this in my next BB order. Probably next month when I get my 6 month 20% off coupon. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />  I wonder how the cucumber mint will be?

I was lusting after the Essie pink glitter polish "A Cut Above" that was in one of the TVs.  Then I had the bright idea to look in my nail polish stash and there it was, twinkling at me, brand new and unused. I guess I picked it up a while back at CVS. LOL!   I got one of the Lipsurgences in Frisky from ebay ( a sparkling fuchsia), so I don't have TV box envy any more.
  I am def going to add a coat of that fab polish tomorrow over the hot pink I have on now.

Did I ever mention that I love pink? Haha. Luckily it's a great color for me because I love wearing it.

I had the same problem with the Tarte that everyone is having a problem with. But, when I pulled it out of the bottom, it became easy to take the top part off. Then I put the lipstick part back in. I don't have any problems now, but be careful taking it out so it doesn't break. Might be worth a try?

i got the cherry, honey, and cucumber samples.  i couldnt decide which to try first so i closed my eyes and picked one.. ill try the others tomorrow...  i may check reviews to see how others liked it long term.. 6$ for 16 bags is pricey..  im a tea junkie and drink like 4+ cups a day... you are drinking the cherry? thats wild i posted that while you were drinking it! we are on the same wave length.....


Originally Posted by pinktergal /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I'm drinking a mug of it right now. I love sweet  flavored teas and this one is very yummy, as you said. I'll definitely buy this in my next BB order. Probably next month when I get my 6 month 20% off coupon. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />  I wonder how the cucumber mint will be?

Originally Posted by Dena Fletcher /img/forum/go_quote.gif

did anyone that got the tea forte try it yet?  i tried one, the cherry marzipan, very yummy!!!

Yes!  I tried the Cherry Marzipan, and your right, it is yummy!  I'm drinking the Cucumber Mint one now.  Its really different but delish!   I made a small purchase using my points on the Birchbox website earlier tonight, and couldnt resist purchasing a box of the Cherry Marzipan tea.  

so do i!  i am only 4'11" so i am often mistaken for being much younger.. i plan on shopping juniors as long as i can fit in them!

Originally Posted by calexxia /img/forum/go_quote.gif

We're the same age and I STILL shop at Hot Topic....nuff said

Originally Posted by Dena Fletcher /img/forum/go_quote.gif

so do i!  i am only 4'11" so i am often mistaken for being much younger.. i plan on shopping juniors as long as i can fit in them!
Still get my jeans in juniors a lot of the time (5'3")

And as much hate as I could spew on HT, I wish like heck there had been more stores like them around when I was a teen.

Ah hell, what do I know? I'm layin' here right now in a pair of pink and black zebra shorts with a "Liquor and Poker Records" t-shirt on.

Originally Posted by pinktergal /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I was lusting after the Essie pink glitter polish "A Cut Above" that was in one of the TVs.  Then I had the bright idea to look in my nail polish stash and there it was, twinkling at me, brand new and unused. 
I blush at how often I lust after a color of nail polish and then realize I have the shade already or have a duplicate of it.

Originally Posted by calexxia /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I blush at how often I lust after a color of nail polish and then realize I have the shade already or have a duplicate of it.
LOL!  At least this time I checked first before buying again.  Although if it's a limited edition I just might get another anyway.  You really can't have too much pink glitter. It's a known scientific fact.

Originally Posted by Dena Fletcher /img/forum/go_quote.gif

awww.. bummer.. sorry doll.  :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

It's okay. It's totally a "Grass is always Greener" case.  I'm sure next month will be fine, since I will be regular status by then and not the welcome one! =]  The samples are more utilitarian than fun, which is probably why I was disappointed, but I will definitely use them. I've been coveting samples all year instead of using them, so now I'm trying to force myself to use things up! Plus I really DO NOT need more nail polish. I have the Maven sub and have something like 45 bottles of nail polish. I'm going to have to cancel that one soon because I really don't want to have 200 polishes sitting around! I'm starting to feel like a makeup hoarder! lol. 
