Birchbox - The March boxes forums

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I emailed MAD skincare through their website under 'contact us' but haven't gotten a reply yet and it was a few hours ago. Did you guys contact them another way?

I emailed them last night and got an email reply this morning.  

Originally Posted by SmokeyEye22 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I emailed MAD skincare through their website under 'contact us' but haven't gotten a reply yet and it was a few hours ago. Did you guys contact them another way?

im so jealous!  hope you post a pic of you wearing it!

Originally Posted by AngeBrooklyn /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I'm really too old to be this excited about getting the pink glitter nail polish--BUT I AM!!  

Originally Posted by AngeBrooklyn /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I'm really too old to be this excited about getting the pink glitter nail polish--BUT I AM!!  

Pink glitter is appropriate for all ages. 
 This will be me as an old man. Even though I'm a woman and all - but I'll still be wearing pink glitter!

i agree!  im 39 and will be wearing glitter forever!  im going ot be one of those old ladies in gold lame' (sp?) jumpsuits and bright orange lips.. long nails.. hahahahaa  big hot mess!


Originally Posted by murflegirl /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Pink glitter is appropriate for all ages. 
 This will be me as an old man. Even though I'm a woman and all - but I'll still be wearing pink glitter!

Still no box :/. I'm so impatient because before, they'd ship by the 4th and I'd have my box by the 6th. Now mine shipped Friday from New York, to Massachusetts (WHY???) To New Jersey, and now It's been in Philadelphia 45 minutes from me since 9am. This better not be a taste of future shipping debacles to come!!

My Birchbox point balance is now down to 2 points.  The Annik Goutal frangrance I'm coveting isnt for sale on the Birchbox website yet, so I bought the entire collection of Color Club Neon nail polishes plus the Tea Forte teas. 

I cant wait to get my Teen Vogue box on Thursday! 

Originally Posted by marybbryant /img/forum/go_quote.gif

My Birchbox point balance is now down to 2 points.  The Annik Goutal frangrance I'm coveting isnt for sale on the Birchbox website yet, so I bought the entire collection of Color Club Neon nail polishes plus the Tea Forte teas. 

I cant wait to get my Teen Vogue box on Thursday! 

I fell in love with the Annick Goutal. Thank goodness for BB points, I'm going to build them up and try to offset the cost as much as I can. Petite Cherie has the potential to become my signature scent.

I received my boxes today. Love the TV box (#4)! My regular BB is pretty impressive, I like it way better than I thought I would, but the Traditions by Nick Chavez Yucca Shampooing Cream wasn't in there!! I've heard of damaged items before but I've never heard of them completely forgetting to put an item in!

Originally Posted by Amber Barrera /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I received my boxes today. Love the TV box (#4)! My regular BB is pretty impressive, I like it way better than I thought I would, but the Traditions by Nick Chavez Yucca Shampooing Cream wasn't in there!! I've heard of damaged items before but I've never heard of them completely forgetting to put an item in!

Make sure to email them! They will send you a replacement right away or compensate you with points :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

they did that with the essie too.. i clicked on it to check it out and said have to go to essie site..  same with annik?  so you cant use the points then..  :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />    mine doesnt say petite cherie on it.. do u think the scent lasts long?  i love the one i got.. but it fades fast.. this is mine...  i havent heard anyone talk about getting this one.... ( you got all the colors! so cool!!)

Originally Posted by marybbryant /img/forum/go_quote.gif

My Birchbox point balance is now down to 2 points.  The Annik Goutal frangrance I'm coveting isnt for sale on the Birchbox website yet, so I bought the entire collection of Color Club Neon nail polishes plus the Tea Forte teas. 

I cant wait to get my Teen Vogue box on Thursday! 

Originally Posted by Dena Fletcher /img/forum/go_quote.gif

wow~!  youre 65~! you look great! please share your secrets!
Thank you! You're sweet to say that.  My secrets? LOL!  Stay out of the sun, use sunscreen every day, eat lots of fruit and veggies (good skin vitamins!), use eye cream, and NO SMOKING!  And keep a youthful outlook.

You're such a huge inspiration and role model to all of us ladies!! I love reading your posts.

Originally Posted by pinktergal /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Thank you! You're sweet to say that.  My secrets? LOL!  Stay out of the sun, use sunscreen every day, eat lots of fruit and veggies (good skin vitamins!), use eye cream, and NO SMOKING!  And keep a youthful outlook.


well its true!!  i thought you were around my age.. thats good advice! i do those things except for my diet is kinda bad and i do have the occasional smoke when i have some drinks..  i was in the sun alot as a child, hope i dont pay for that later!   i need to be on a stricter regimen.. 

Originally Posted by pinktergal /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Thank you! You're sweet to say that.  My secrets? LOL!  Stay out of the sun, use sunscreen every day, eat lots of fruit and veggies (good skin vitamins!), use eye cream, and NO SMOKING!  And keep a youthful outlook.


This makes me so mad - they asked me twice if I wanted a Teen Vogue box for March - and I filled out the info to get the Teen Vogue box - and then they sent me the regular box!  I was so mad - I sent an email to their Customer Service - hah - they finally emailed me back today, to say - sorry, we only had so many boxes, so you didn't get one.  WTH????  Why ask twice, and then not send the freaking thing? I'm so disappointed in what I did get.  I'm a polish-aholic - so seeing that everyone that got a Teen Vogue box, got Essie of all things! Ahhhhh!  And - to make matters worse, of all the boxes they have this month - do I get one of the other boxes with a Color Club polish or whatever that other polish is?  No - of course not. /rant

I'm still waiting for my box. Looks like I'm getting box #17.

I wrote a mail to BB asking why I wouldn't get a Teen Vogue box when I opted in. I talked to someone on the chat & she said it was limited & even though I opted in didn't mean I would definitely get one. I explained in my mail that it doesn't make sense that people who didn't even care about the special box would get one.

So BB's reply was that there was a mistake with the boxes & that I will get the TV box & it will ship soon. So I guess I have to wait & see if I actually do get the Teen Vogue box.

which box did you get?  i thought all the boxes had polishes??  i didnt get a tv either and was told i would, i even had cust svc check!  what is your box #?

Originally Posted by Maharet773 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

This makes me so mad - they asked me twice if I wanted a Teen Vogue box for March - and I filled out the info to get the Teen Vogue box - and then they sent me the regular box!  I was so mad - I sent an email to their Customer Service - hah - they finally emailed me back today, to say - sorry, we only had so many boxes, so you didn't get one.  WTH????  Why ask twice, and then not send the freaking thing? I'm so disappointed in what I did get.  I'm a polish-aholic - so seeing that everyone that got a Teen Vogue box, got Essie of all things! Ahhhhh!  And - to make matters worse, of all the boxes they have this month - do I get one of the other boxes with a Color Club polish or whatever that other polish is?  No - of course not. /rant
