Birchbox - The March boxes forums

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i heard back from sonia at BB and she credited me a 100 points for the dupe sample..  thats pretty cool..  all in all, even tho it got screwed up, im happy there was an effort made.. thats all i ask for.. is effort :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

so its kinda matte but with those shimmers?  thats really neat! i love it~!


Originally Posted by NicoleRoyer /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I got my TV gox today! I got box #3 and I got all the colors I wanted too!! The Tarte in Joy looks SO good on my skin tone! I also didn't have any trouble with opening it at all, the product was just starting to get soft though, but that's because it's like 78 degrees here in Iowa today. As silly as it sounds, I am so excited about the Twistband, I really love these!

Also, I own Essie Shine of the Times for the people that were curious about it, and it is gorgeous! This is Shine of the Times layered over Zoya Carey.

will you show a pic of what you got please?  ty!

Originally Posted by mishtastic /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Hey anyone get the burried bauble + birchbox deal? I got mine in the mail, but no extra gift... hmm...

I got TV box #2 today!

To my surprise I got a NUDE lip tint from Tarte. ???? That's cool since I've only seen and read about Lucky, Joy and Amused. (update: until just now others are having

it in their boxes too!)

There were no cap issues on this one. I have a trade coming in and she said one broke and the other.. the tip was broken off.

Anyways... love it!

It's not matte, but it's definitely not high gloss, you really have to put a few coats of top coat over it to get it shiny, but the little flecky shimmers look so amazing!

Originally Posted by Dena Fletcher /img/forum/go_quote.gif

so its kinda matte but with those shimmers?  thats really neat! i love it~!


Originally Posted by mishtastic /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Hey anyone get the burried bauble + birchbox deal? I got mine in the mail, but no extra gift... hmm...

Eek! Email them, I am still waiting on mine.

i have seen those flecky shimmers but dont own any yet.. i didnt realize one of the polishes was that!  so now i want that one and the pink glitter!!  very nice~


Originally Posted by NicoleRoyer /img/forum/go_quote.gif

It's not matte, but it's definitely not high gloss, you really have to put a few coats of top coat over it to get it shiny, but the little flecky shimmers look so amazing!

That's weird! 

I would email them and ask about that. 

Mine still says processing and hasn't shipped, even though my CC was charged. 

you are getting samples.. they just ask you to like them.. they said the same thing to me..  :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />  i asked for samples last night and michael replied to me at 10:45 pm! i was shocked!


Originally Posted by GinaM /img/forum/go_quote.gif

So, I just emailed and asked if I could get samples and they said "Absolutely.  Like us on Facebook we do a contest every Wednesday".  So not sure if I am getting samples or if I have to try to win the contest on Facebook. :)

I want all of them except the white one!!!  Right now I have Set in Stones (silver) and Shine of the Times (flecky one), but I want the pink and gold ones SO badly!!!! (can you say glitter addict

Originally Posted by Dena Fletcher /img/forum/go_quote.gif

i have seen those flecky shimmers but dont own any yet.. i didnt realize one of the polishes was that!  so now i want that one and the pink glitter!!  very nice~


wow~!  youre 65~! you look great! please share your secrets!


Originally Posted by pinktergal /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I have the full sized tube and love it and have had no problems with it.  BUT I'm 65 and have dry skin.

what was your issue again? there seems to be many and i cant remember them all... teeheeeee

Originally Posted by calexxia /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Birchbox responded to my email and provided a solution with which I am satisfied.

Originally Posted by Dena Fletcher /img/forum/go_quote.gif

what was your issue again? there seems to be many and i cant remember them all... teeheeeee
Broken LipSurgence

Wow, this month's BB is really awesome! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I have been debating signing up, and this just might have been the month to tip me into it. 

Thanks for sharing all your pics. It's been super fun to lurk around and see what everyone gets. 

I picked my Birchbox up at the post office this morning.  I received Box 21, and I really very happy with each and every sample in it.  That Peace Out Purple nail polish just makes me smile! 
I love the bright purple!  I adore the Annick Goutal perfume sample.  I dont normally care for fruity fragrances, but I love this.  I now know what I will be doing with my Birchbox points!  I'm getting the other Annik Goutal fragrance in my Teen Vogue box, and I cant wait to try it!

Anybody know if you refer a friend to join birchbox through your link but they get waitlisted, if you still get the points when they do finally get asked to join?? I've referred several friends who got put on the wait list and I want my points please!! ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

In my experience (this was before you actually had a link, this was when you had to send them an invite email), I gave them the email address of the person and they added the points once they saw they were signed up.

BB customer service is awesome so I don't see why they wouldn't.

Originally Posted by Lindzluv /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Anybody know if you refer a friend to join birchbox through your link but they get waitlisted, if you still get the points when they do finally get asked to join?? I've referred several friends who got put on the wait list and I want my points please!! ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Nope, I havent even gotten a shipment notification 

Originally Posted by mishtastic /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Hey anyone get the burried bauble + birchbox deal? I got mine in the mail, but no extra gift... hmm...

what did you think of the ahava cream?  there were 2 different scents of the annik, correct?  you are getting one of each?  is that what you are doing with your points?? 

Originally Posted by marybbryant /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I picked my Birchbox up at the post office this morning.  I received Box 21, and I really very happy with each and every sample in it.  That Peace Out Purple nail polish just makes me smile! 
I love the bright purple!  I adore the Annick Goutal perfume sample.  I dont normally care for fruity fragrances, but I love this.  I now know what I will be doing with my Birchbox points!  I'm getting the other Annik Goutal fragrance in my Teen Vogue box, and I cant wait to try it!
