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Quote:Originally Posted by yousoldtheworld /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Aww, man! I would LOVE this, now I'm kind of sad I chose the TV box. 



Right?? Totally wish they gave us the option to keep ours and just purchase the TV as additional w/ no hoops to jump through.
Originally Posted by amberlamps /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Hey, slightly on topic, is there an adult (lube, condoms, etc) subscription service??

I think that would be a cool service to sub too!

I just saw this on the Teen Vogue discussion board.

"I had been reading rumors about a lottery and this is what I dug up after a short "live help" conversation on BB's website:

Hi I have a few questions regarding the TV box

Whitney: Hi, what are the questions?

→I recieved an e-mail asking about opting in...and I did, but now there are some rumors that BB is doing a lottery and that those who opted in for the TV box may not get it...Is there any truth to that?

Whitney: You will receive the Teen Vogue box if you opted in.

→ok. So there is no lottery?

Whitney: The lottery is only if you didn't opt-in or out and your beauty profile suits the teen vogue box.

→ok thank you so much!"

So that clears it all up.

Bahaha, now I feel all awkward for wearing that bracelet all the time!! Oh well...I will wear those anal beads with pride lol!!  

Originally Posted by ladygrey /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Bahaha, now I feel all awkward for wearing that bracelet all the time!! Oh well...I will wear those anal beads with pride lol!!  

I love the bracelet! I wear it all the time.

Bahaha, now I feel all awkward for wearing that bracelet all the time!! Oh well...I will wear those anal beads with pride lol!!  
I hope I didn't offend you or anyone. That wasn't my intentions. I don't typically wear accessories or bracelets so that was the first strike but they looked odd to me. I'm sure they look cute on but that's the first thing I thought. I am so sorry!!
Haha, it's ok! I think I'm more bothered by the fact that I've seen photos of Justin Bieber wearing one than the idea that they kinda look like anal beads....

Originally Posted by glamourdolleyes /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I hope I didn't offend you or anyone. That wasn't my intentions. I don't typically wear accessories or bracelets so that was the first strike but they looked odd to me. I'm sure they look cute on but that's the first thing I thought.
I am so sorry!!

I saw anal beads pop up on the refresh and I just had to  come find out what the hell you guys were talking about!  LOL

Quote:Originally Posted by ladygrey /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Haha, it's ok! I think I'm more bothered by the fact that I've seen photos of Justin Bieber wearing one than the idea that they kinda look like anal beads....



Hahahahahaha. No comment. Glad I didn't offend tho.
Yeah, no worries!! But anyhoo...

I can't wait to this month's box to ship. I have two accounts, and I didn't opt in or out on one of them, so we'll see what I get. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Originally Posted by glamourdolleyes /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Quote: Originally Posted by ladygrey /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Haha, it's ok! I think I'm more bothered by the fact that I've seen photos of Justin Bieber wearing one than the idea that they kinda look like anal beads....
Hahahahahaha. No comment. Glad I didn't offend tho.
got my notice as well!! woo!! weight is .7510......

Sequence Number:
Zip Code:
Weight (lbs.):
Projected Delivery Date:
Mar 9 2012

Originally Posted by BrooklynLuvvvvv /img/forum/go_quote.gif

got my notice as well!! woo!! weight is .7510......

Sequence Number:
Zip Code:
Weight (lbs.):
Projected Delivery Date:
Mar 9 2012
My weight is not showing yet, nor is my expected delivery date. I'm glad they are using UPS-MI again though and not streamlite. 

Sounds like I'm not getting TV on this account. This is what the email says though: This month, we're out to whip your regimen into shape—just in time for spring—with products to conquer all your major and minor beauty dilemmas.


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