Birchbox - The March boxes forums

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This must be my month lol, cause my bb, beauty army, and sample society have all shipped in 2 days. 

Playedinloops - yup, my email says the same thing and I did not opt for the TV box. 

Originally Posted by Playedinloops /img/forum/go_quote.gif

My weight is not showing yet, nor is my expected delivery date. I'm glad they are using UPS-MI again though and not streamlite. 

Sounds like I'm not getting TV on this account. This is what the email says though: This month, we're out to whip your regimen into shape—just in time for spring—with products to conquer all your major and minor beauty dilemmas.

No shipment yet. But I had a dream about getting my birchbox last night.

In my dreams I got some product I had expected and sneaked on, it had a white vile bottle with yellow/lime print. A pair of strappy nude stilettos and some sort of denim quilted pouch with something in it. 

Embarrassing, but so funny!

I got my shipping notice!! This is the very first time it has ever shipped earlier than the 10th.  0.7483! I think that is the heaviest box I have ever received. I am SO excited now!

Originally Posted by BrooklynLuvvvvv /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Playedinloops - yup, my email says the same thing and I did not opt for the TV box. 

I opted out, opted in, opted out, lol, so it seems like it worked! 

I should mention, that this is on my account that I am opted out of the TV box, so this should be my regular box.


Originally Posted by NicoleRoyer /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I got my shipping notice!! This is the very first time it has ever shipped earlier than the 10th.  0.7483! I think that is the heaviest box I have ever received. I am SO excited now!

Hahaha! You might be onto something =) Let's hope they keep up with the "extra/additional" boxes. What a great way to keep people excited and onboard! 

Originally Posted by Playedinloops /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I opted out, opted in, opted out, lol, so it seems like it worked! 

thats funny because i did the opposite, i opted out, then opted in so we will see what I get. The items on the March page look promising, I wouldnt mind getting a mix of those.

Originally Posted by snllama /img/forum/go_quote.gif

No shipment yet. But I had a dream about getting my birchbox last night.

In my dreams I got some product I had expected and sneaked on, it had a white vile bottle with yellow/lime print. A pair of strappy nude stilettos and some sort of denim quilted pouch with something in it. 

Embarrassing, but so funny!

Originally Posted by Playedinloops /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Quote: Originally Posted by BrooklynLuvvvvv /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Playedinloops - yup, my email says the same thing and I did not opt for the TV box. 
I opted out, opted in, opted out, lol, so it seems like it worked! 
Well, I got one shipping notification for my regular account which I opted out of the TV box with and that one says it weighs .7400 lbs. Can't wait to see what I get in that one! Still waiting on the shipping notification for my second account that I opted in for the TV box with. I hope I get it by Saturday though! I am leaving for my spring break and won't be home to enjoy it if I don't. I guess we'll see.

!!!  There are 2 things in the shop now that are marked "Teen Vogue" 

tarte LipSurgence lip tint &
Shiseido Pureness Oil-Control Blotting Papers!

If that's in my teen vogue box then I'm already happy with the box!!
I have one shipping notification from my new account.  I think the biggest suprise for me this month will be if I am getting 2 TV boxes or one of each!  

I received my shipping notice an hour ago! No idea about the weight yet looks like it has yet to make it to the hub to be weighted and scanned in.

OMG I saw the first one and almost screamed. I have been wanting to try those for a while!! Now THAT is exciting!

Originally Posted by kdrzrbck /img/forum/go_quote.gif

!!!  There are 2 things in the shop now that are marked "Teen Vogue" 

tarte LipSurgence lip tint &
Shiseido Pureness Oil-Control Blotting Papers!

If that's in my teen vogue box then I'm already happy with the box!!

Originally Posted by glamourdolleyes /img/forum/go_quote.gif

OMG I saw the first one and almost screamed. I have been wanting to try those for a while!! Now THAT is exciting!

there is so much good stuff in "new" in the shop!! GO LOOK lol. 

  Your March Birchbox Has ShippedMusic to my eyes! I'm getting the TV box too I think.
"Your March Birchbox has shipped. This month, you'll get to try party-ready products from top brands, all hand-picked by the beauty editors at Teen Vogue."

wooo got my teen vogue ship notice! looks like I'm getting one of each like I wanted! 

Your March Birchbox has shipped. This month, you'll get to try party-ready products from top brands, all hand-picked by the beauty editors at Teen Vogue.

Sequence Number:
Zip Code:
Weight (lbs.):
Projected Delivery Date:
Mar 9 2012

Originally Posted by GirlyEnthusiast /img/forum/go_quote.gif

  Your March Birchbox Has ShippedMusic to my eyes! I'm getting the TV box too I think.
"Your March Birchbox has shipped. This month, you'll get to try party-ready products from top brands, all hand-picked by the beauty editors at Teen Vogue."

Yup!! The one I got for my regular box didn't mention teen vogue!! YAY SO EXCITED. Both of my boxes are going to get here soooooon. DYING.

Yay my box shipped!!  Looks like it shipped on the 5th and will be here on Friday!  (Sadly I'll be out of town Thursday-Sunday tho

Weighs:  .5370 lbs.   I requested a Teen Vogue box


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