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Originally Posted by Dena Fletcher /img/forum/go_quote.gif

it is a really great serum...  its works well for me in small doses. i have super baby fine hair..  its the worst hair ever! i would kill for a thick head of curls!   boooooooooooooooo.

anyway.. i really hope you get the serum....

Grass is always greener, hehe. I always thought I wanted straight hair until I found devacurl, now I wouldn't trade my curls for anything. but curly frizzy hair was MISERABLE in middle school. 

Originally Posted by GinaM /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Personally, I am LOVING the skincare samples.  Every since Prescriptives went away I have yet to find a product that comes close the their Comfort Cream.  Estee Lauder said they had a comparable product but it was no where close and have been searching for a suitable replacement ever since.
Prescriptives isn't sold in stores anymore, but they do have a website.  Apparently, there was a huge outcry so they set up a website to sell off all remaining product, got requests for more so started up production again.  

I still buy my foundation from them.  Tried a bunch of other ones like Chanel and Bobbi Brown, but this is my fave.  

They have a lot of pretty good deals on their site.  A month or two ago, they offered a full size Comfort Cream with any purchase.  I caved on that one and love the cream.  And for today only, they are giving away a full size All you Need+ Moisturizer with any $25 purchase. The coupon code is AYNTODAY in case anyone's interested.   And it's always free shipping. 

Someone pointed out earlier (and this piggybacks off of Zadidoll's comment that companies would be better served by sending mini makeup items than full-sized) that people are more likely to use a makeup sample till it's gone and NOT repurchase, which may be part of why there are fewer of those. 

I dunno. Kinda nervous about the box.  Looks like some may get packets again?  I opted for TV but that's no guarantee.  Ofcourse I was nervous last month andended up loving my box...except the stupid stick on liners. 

Originally Posted by NaturalGeek /img/forum/go_quote.gif

It's still available, they're just selling everything exclusively on their website now.  (free shipping)

hth :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I think that I contacted their website a while ago and they said that they would have it until it sold out.  I am curious if they carry old product since Estee Lauder isn't manufacturing it anymore.  In other news.....I did a google search and found that MAC now offers a comfort cream and apparently is the same or close to the same formula as Prescriptives.  If it is, I may die, because I literally have never found anything that works so well on my skin.  Off to check out the Prescriptives website again. 

Originally Posted by calexxia /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Someone pointed out earlier (and this piggybacks off of Zadidoll's comment that companies would be better served by sending mini makeup items than full-sized) that people are more likely to use a makeup sample till it's gone and NOT repurchase, which may be part of why there are fewer of those. 

Yup exactly. especially with the types of customers that subscribe to these kinds of things, we are very likely to try all different kinds of make up, where as once you find a skincare routine that works great for you, you are probably more likely to stick to it. 

Also, if something works with skincare, you are more likely to buy it, which is the other reason we see concealers and foundation more than say nail polish or eye shadow. 

The best example I can think of is my beauty army kit. It works amazingly well, results you can see in less than a month. I will definitely be willing to splurge on it once my sample is gone. On the other hand, the blingtone eye shadow I got is GREAT. I love it, it looks fabulous on me. But do I plan to buy it again? Not really. I'm sure I can find something else that I want to try. 

See Im kind of the opposite. Once I find the perfect foundation I will stick to it and be loyal to the company. And if I love an eyeshadow from a company Ill be more likely to buy any other product they sell. And every full-size product I have bought were from makeup samples. 

Skin care I just use it up and then I find something else that works a little better. And I never buy full-size creams or hand lotions since I barely use it to begin with. The Ahava hand lotion sample from last july, still half full even though i keep it in my purse.

I agree with snllama. You know what might be the best thing to do? Since we most likely will keep getting skin care items in our BBs, we can use our points towards makeup items we want to try but dont want to pay full price on.

Originally Posted by yanelib27 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I agree with snllama. You know what might be the best thing to do? Since we most likely will keep getting skin care items in our BBs, we can use our points towards makeup items we want to try but dont want to pay full price on.

Yup, that is definitely a solution for people who are always disappointed with a lack of cosmetics. 

Originally Posted by snllama /img/forum/go_quote.gif

See Im kind of the opposite. Once I find the perfect foundation I will stick to it and be loyal to the company. And if I love an eyeshadow from a company Ill be more likely to buy any other product they sell. And every full-size product I have bought were from makeup samples. 

Skin care I just use it up and then I find something else that works a little better. And I never buy full-size creams or hand lotions since I barely use it to begin with. The Ahava hand lotion sample from last july, still half full even though i keep it in my purse.

I completely agree I'm the same exact way. I don't care about skincare much. I use the samples but them I'm done. Makeup, I will definitely re-buy.

Originally Posted by Playedinloops /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Yup, that is definitely a solution for people who are always disappointed with a lack of cosmetics. 

I love win/win solutions.

And of course, there is always the trade board for those who are lookin' to score makeup instead of skincare.

Those Supergoop! sunscreen wipes are awesome. Which reminds me, I need to buy more. I might look for a cheaper brand though, so I don't have to be tempted by Sephora.

Same here!

Originally Posted by Jwls750 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I completely agree I'm the same exact way. I don't care about skincare much. I use the samples but them I'm done. Makeup, I will definitely re-buy.

Originally Posted by snllama /img/forum/go_quote.gif

See Im kind of the opposite. Once I find the perfect foundation I will stick to it and be loyal to the company. And if I love an eyeshadow from a company Ill be more likely to buy any other product they sell. And every full-size product I have bought were from makeup samples. 

Skin care I just use it up and then I find something else that works a little better. And I never buy full-size creams or hand lotions since I barely use it to begin with. The Ahava hand lotion sample from last july, still half full even though i keep it in my purse.

BaubleBar just posted that they will be teaming up with Birchbox this Friday for the Buried Bauble. (They give you a hint on what item is on sale and you find it on their site)

Breaking, Breaking!!!  We’re teaming up with our friends at BIRCHBOX, for this Friday’s Buried Bauble.  Not only did our beauty-full friends pick out some must-have neon baubles, not to mention make-up styling tips to match, but they’re including an exclusive treat in all Buried Bauble orders!  We can’t tell you what the treat is… but it’s a good one.

Baubles + Beauty… it’s a match made in heaven, if you ask us!  Make sure that you’re on the Buried Bauble Email List so that you don’t miss out on this Friday’s (amazing) Buried Bauble - and BIRCHBOX’s special treat!!

The link to the email list doesnt work

Originally Posted by lilyelement /img/forum/go_quote.gif

BaubleBar just posted that they will be teaming up with Birchbox this Friday for the Buried Bauble. (They give you a hint on what item is on sale and you find it on their site)

Breaking, Breaking!!!  We’re teaming up with our friends at BIRCHBOX, for this Friday’s Buried Bauble.  Not only did our beauty-full friends pick out some must-have neon baubles, not to mention make-up styling tips to match, but they’re including an exclusive treat in all Buried Bauble orders!  We can’t tell you what the treat is… but it’s a good one.

Baubles + Beauty… it’s a match made in heaven, if you ask us!  Make sure that you’re on the Buried Bauble Email List so that you don’t miss out on this Friday’s (amazing) Buried Bauble - and BIRCHBOX’s special treat!!


it is a really great serum...  its works well for me in small doses. i have super baby fine hair..  its the worst hair ever! i would kill for a thick head of curls!   boooooooooooooooo.

anyway.. i really hope you get the serum....


LOL, I have super baby fine hair as well but it is quite long and serums work well on the length to lock in moisture and cut down on splits and tangles. I definitely have to use a light touch with them, though.

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