10 Hair myths

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Good list!

With the brushing, it depends on the kind of brush you use (Denmans and Boar Bristles are best for distributing the oils), and your hair type. Brushes are for straight-haired people... not wavies (type 2s) or curlies(type 3) nor kinkies(type 4s).

I think the "cut it and it will grow faster" myth was started by hair stylists~

Well, cutting your hair doesn't make it grow faster, but keeping the ends clipped makes it seem like it is growing faster because the the hair isn't splitting all the way up and breaking off so the hair gets longer. If that makes any sense.

Originally Posted by JoyR /img/forum/go_quote.gif I think the "cut it and it will grow faster" myth was started by hair stylists~ Lol - definitely!
Though I am curious about the "white overnight" one... In know that the hair already grown out won't do that, but I have heard that severely traumatic, stressful experiences can cause a patch of white hair "overnight" - meaning that patch will stop producing color or however it works, and that all the hair growing out from that area from that point on will be white. (Obviously this doesn't happen w/ everyone who has traumatic experiences, or there'd be lots more people with them. But supposedly IF you have a patch like it, that's why.)

I know that this actually does occur in some people - my cousin has one. He didn't have it when we were kids, but when I saw him again later in his teens (he's from my mom's side of the family, and they live on the other side of the US, so we only see them every now and again), he did have one. And no, it wasn't dyed - it was there year after year, and he often tried to cover it up with hats, etc.

So I know it does actually happen, but I'm curious about the "tramautic" cause being myth or not. I certainly didn't ask HIM about it, in case it isn't myth. (Who wants to bring up traumatic experiences??) And even if it is myth, I'm sure he hates being bugged about it, especially as a teenager.

Any thoughts???

Oh - I know too, that this myth can be referring to people who's hair goes white/gray at a young age - like Steve Martin (in highschool? early 20s? something like that). But I know that's totally different, and it's not overnight, either.

Originally Posted by Aprill849 /img/forum/go_quote.gif 2. Split ends can be repaired. Sorry Charlie, not true. Split ends cannot be repaired and should be cut off immediately or they will split yet higher and do yet more damage.

true ! last year i put a lot of shea butter on my damaged split ends, and all i managed to do is save two cm of hair i had to cut a few days later at the hairdresser.
thanks for posting !

lol @ the full moon thing
do they also tell you what spell you have to cast for that? lol.

I always thought that excessive brushing was good for hair. O_O; ...

Thanks so much for clearing things up!! ^^


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