Wrinkles/ Ageing creams. What to use?

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Feb 2, 2011
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I am 45 years old and have a problem with my skin since the last few years. I have tried the whole lot of home made remedies and face packs, but to no avail.

Have tried a few cheap generic creams and they dont seem to make a difference. I am out of ideas here. I hate these wrinkles and my ageing skin :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Please recommend something.

What sort of problems have you been experiencing? Aging skin?  There are some threads here about chemical peels that could help freshen up your skin and lessen fine lines and lighten hyper-pigmentation. I've also heard really good things about vitamin c serums when coupled with Retin-A.  These treatments will make subtle to moderate changes to the texture of your skin if done repeatedly over a longer period of time.  Dramatic changes will require medical assistance and you'll need to consult a dermatologist.

I don't believe in miracle products so if you have deep wrinkles, that can only be removed with surgery.




I have tried quite a few natural remedies. Most of them offer very temporary results. All the peels and face packs, work for a day and im back to square one. :-/

On your recommendation I've booked an appointment with the dermatologist. Im really not interested in extensive medical procedures. Really scared of any kind of surgery.

Not a miricle fast fix but the only thing that is proven to work long term is perscription strength Retin-A..... 

Agreed - what you need is a product that contains Tretinoin.

Retin A is the standard.

If you go this route, ask for .02%. Anything higher will be too strong and you'll end up giving up before you see any benefits - and be right back where you are now.

While you are with the Dr, ask for a simple routine that you can follow daily.

Make sure to take pencil and paper and write everything quickly - you'll only have 15 minutes.

Peels have to be done in a series.  Much like Retin-a which is also an exfoliator.  I did mention vitamin-c in conjunction with Retin-A - both also have exfoliating properties (peels).  Still they will not have any drastic affects on deep wrinkles and will only have minimal to moderate changes to the texture of your skin. 

Well I did visit him today. He suggested botox or Collagen as a solution cause my case seemed severe to him.

I asked him for something less drastic so he wrote me some facial exercises and a cream lifecell.

I'm still researching these, before I start using them.

Or should I go for the kill with the heavy stuff like collagen?

If you are uncertain, then go to another dermatologist and get a second opinion.  I can only give suggestions in generality on stuff I`d tried.  I am 42 but I don`t have wrinkles.  Aging patterns are also genetic and as a young adult, I stayed well away from the sun so I'm currently reaping the benefits of being deathly pale ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I'm pretty certain that the suggestions of the dermatologist will show the most improvements... those are what you are wanting.  The others are slow and the results may be minimal.  It sounds like you are waiting big changes. Even with retin-a, you'd need a prescription. 

Originally Posted by divadoll /img/forum/go_quote.gif

If you are uncertain, then go to another dermatologist and get a second opinion.  I can only give suggestions in generality on stuff I`d tried.  I am 42 but I don`t have wrinkles.  Aging patterns are also genetic and as a young adult, I stayed well away from the sun so I'm currently reaping the benefits of being deathly pale ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I'm pretty certain that the suggestions of the dermatologist will show the most improvements... those are what you are wanting.  The others are slow and the results may be minimal.  It sounds like you are waiting big changes. Even with retin-a, you'd need a prescription. 
Oh this guy has a pretty good rep so i'l probably continue with him, I was searching around for review and got so many of them.

Reading this one http://www.antiagingvip.com/lifecell-h.html  I think i'm sold on this, atleast for a trial.

Also been researchig these face exercises, http://facialexercisesguide.com/6/face-exercise-3-face-exercises-for-face-skin-firming/ seem simple enough.

i'm afraid at your age the only thing that will give you real results is what the doc recommended: fillers and botox. You could try peels to treat minor wrinkles and improve skintone, but to see results they would probably have to be medium depth, which is associated with significant downtime. Retin-A is a great maintenance tool, but it won't improve deep wrinkles, it only has an effect on fine lines (expression lines excluded of course)

[SIZE=12pt]A popular product is an anti aging serum, where it delivers a higher concentration of special anti aging ingredients like peptides, vitamin c or other antioxidants. Many serums are over-the-counter variation on products that were initially used by estheticians and dermatologists for advanced skin care. With different levels of products, everybody can afford a product that will target their skin care needs.[/SIZE]

I don't know how deep your wrinkles go, but I'd get a second opinion if you're nervous about botox and collagen since that's what this doc is suggesting.  A second opinion never hurts.

For the record, I'm 47, and I don't have wrinkles.  But I've used sunblock and moisturizers on my face since I was a teenager, and started using anti-aging treatments in my late 20s - and the thing is with things like retinol, anti-aging serums and vitamin c is that you have to stick with them.  Even if you don't think you're seeing results after a few weeks, that's not long enough - long term and consistent use is the key.  But seriously, get a second opinion just to be sure that what the first doc says is the best advice for your skin.

In 45, wrinkles will appear don't take tension for it;;;Tension is one of the cause of wrinkles so try to be cool and calm!!!!

You want us to suggest a way for wrinkles so according to me you should go with anti-wrinkle creams.....There are lot many creams available in market go with cream that has some clinically proven ingredients and that doesn't have any side-effects on your skin...

Seems that this will help you!!!!



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