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Originally Posted by VintageSpade /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Am I the only one here that's more of a Resident Evil, Silent hill, Fatal Frame girl?
I love those too. Just played RE Operation Raccoon City and didn't like it that much. Hopefully RE6 is much better. 

I just convinced by BF to play Diablo 3 (he is usually against RPGs and hates that I play WoW).  I'm sitting here giggling with joy watching him slash at some demons.  I've been wanting to play a game with him for so long.  yay!

Originally Posted by MKCurio /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I just convinced by BF to play Diablo 3 (he is usually against RPGs and hates that I play WoW).  I'm sitting here giggling with joy watching him slash at some demons.  I've been wanting to play a game with him for so long.  yay!
Awwww! Hubby and I have been gaming for the entire going on 15 years we have been together. He got on SWTOR first and I was still stuck on RIFT (and miss it from time to time) but went over to the dark side (literally, I have a Sith character, lol) and am happy I did! It's such an awesome MMO! 

I want to play Diablo 3 so bad! 

Diablo III is so fun! I am sad that my guest pass ran out. =(

I played through the first act in about a day, and it was really fun.

Originally Posted by CaliMel /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Diablo III is so fun! I am sad that my guest pass ran out. =(

I played through the first act in about a day, and it was really fun.
it's a nice change from WoW you can log in and play for like 45min and then walk away....well walk away easier :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />  Act 2 it gets harder but then it levels out by Act3.  I'm currently moving into Nightmare after farming and completing the staff for the secret level and spending a few days killing unicorns and fist pumping bouncing rainbow clouds.

Oh my gosh I love you guys. I haven't played for a few days but I'm about to finish nightmare mode in Diablo 3, it's amazing. I honestly love video games of any kind (still need to finish ME3 and Skyrim!) :]

Originally Posted by MKCurio /img/forum/go_quote.gif

it's a nice change from WoW you can log in and play for like 45min and then walk away....well walk away easier :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />  Act 2 it gets harder but then it levels out by Act3.  I'm currently moving into Nightmare after farming and completing the staff for the secret level and spending a few days killing unicorns and fist pumping bouncing rainbow clouds.
Does this secret level have something to do with the cow bell? That thing is expensive! I need to stop wasting my money on crafting. D:

Originally Posted by autumnandicarus /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Oh my gosh I love you guys. I haven't played for a few days but I'm about to finish nightmare mode in Diablo 3, it's amazing. I honestly love video games of any kind (still need to finish ME3 and Skyrim!) :]

Does this secret level have something to do with the cow bell? That thing is expensive! I need to stop wasting my money on crafting. D:
yup it's one of the components you need to create the staff.  It is expensive but I made back the money in about 3-4 runs.  Yeah crafting is expensive, I've kinda held off on leveling it any further for now.

If you don't want to spend the $ on the staff I could run you through it.  One of my friends randomly joined my group while I was in there and he was like "ummmm where am I..and WTF?!"

lmao this thread. I'm still wondering what the first post was about. 

I love video games, but I don't do violent ones at all. Blech.

I actually still use video games to relieve stress... Okay, so arguably some can add to the stress. lol. I've played Portal, which I LOVE! Little Big Planet was a joy to play with the family. Right now I've been playing King's Quest 6. Still fun after all these years. 

Originally Posted by MKCurio /img/forum/go_quote.gif

yup it's one of the components you need to create the staff.  It is expensive but I made back the money in about 3-4 runs.  Yeah crafting is expensive, I've kinda held off on leveling it any further for now.

If you don't want to spend the $ on the staff I could run you through it.  One of my friends randomly joined my group while I was in there and he was like "ummmm where am I..and WTF?!"
I think each person from my group of friends I've been playing with is going to pitch in 25k each, so I'm good! Thanks though! :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> You do make a lot of money in nightmare if you avoid crafting, so I imagine hell mode will make me rich!

If I joined a game not knowing about the secret level I would be so confused LOL :]

Originally Posted by Kittables /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I actually still use video games to relieve stress... Okay, so arguably some can add to the stress. lol. I've played Portal, which I LOVE! Little Big Planet was a joy to play with the family. Right now I've been playing King's Quest 6. Still fun after all these years. 
I love playing LBP with family! It's like the next generation of board games, I even have a little Sack Boy keychain on my purse! Portal is one of my favorites, If you haven't played Portal 2 it's so good. They put out an editor sometime last year so there's essentially unlimited content available to play- kind of like LBP's player maps, but I think there's much more player generated content out there for Portal than for Little Big Planet! :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

omg I remember the kings quest series...LOVED those games!!

Don't you need to level crafting to be able to make the staff?  I got the mushroom, which I think is one of the first items you can get and looked into what it was for is the only reason why I know about it.  Not sure where the other items are yet, kind of randomly came across the mushroom.  Playing slowly I think I just started Act 3 (although I missed most of Act 2 from random friends games) on my highest -- I'm only mid 20's and upper teens on my highest two.

Do you think it's better to make crafting ingredients with all the greens, or better to sell them for cash early on?  I haven't tried starting the crafting yet, it was confusing me as to what I needed to do, or if I'm just mostly supposed to give the blacksmith money.

not a WOW girl myself, but really into League of Legends, Final Fantasy, Harvest Moon, and many other things!

Originally Posted by EllynoUta /img/forum/go_quote.gif

not a WOW girl myself, but really into League of Legends, Final Fantasy, Harvest Moon, and many other things!
Oh, Harvest Moon 
 ... now I'm dying to play. It's been years.

Originally Posted by Annelle /img/forum/go_quote.gif

omg I remember the kings quest series...LOVED those games!!

Don't you need to level crafting to be able to make the staff?  I got the mushroom, which I think is one of the first items you can get and looked into what it was for is the only reason why I know about it.  Not sure where the other items are yet, kind of randomly came across the mushroom.  Playing slowly I think I just started Act 3 (although I missed most of Act 2 from random friends games) on my highest -- I'm only mid 20's and upper teens on my highest two.

Do you think it's better to make crafting ingredients with all the greens, or better to sell them for cash early on?  I haven't tried starting the crafting yet, it was confusing me as to what I needed to do, or if I'm just mostly supposed to give the blacksmith money.
I would recommend just using the auction house to get upgraded gear, I've leveled crafting all the way up to grand master (I think that was the name?) and it hasn't brought in any money for me at all (I'm the poorest in my group of four, eek!) :[ What's really worked is picking up everything that's either blue or yellow, and selling things with good stats in the AH, while giving the rest to the merchants. I think it's also cheaper atm to just buy mats through the auction house rather than salvaging. :]

Originally Posted by EllynoUta /img/forum/go_quote.gif

not a WOW girl myself, but really into League of Legends, Final Fantasy, Harvest Moon, and many other things!
I couldn't get into LoL at all for some reason! I've only played FFX and FFX-2 but I love everything about the franchise (Moogles and Chocobos are so cute!)

Originally Posted by kloudes /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Oh, Harvest Moon 
 ... now I'm dying to play. It's been years.
Download the emulator! I get the itch to play it at least once a year :] I can't remember if you need a special controller or a USB thing for the emulator; I have a wireless controller adapter type USB (I can't remember the name of it for the life of me) that I use.

Originally Posted by Annelle /img/forum/go_quote.gif

omg I remember the kings quest series...LOVED those games!!

Don't you need to level crafting to be able to make the staff?  I got the mushroom, which I think is one of the first items you can get and looked into what it was for is the only reason why I know about it.  Not sure where the other items are yet, kind of randomly came across the mushroom.  Playing slowly I think I just started Act 3 (although I missed most of Act 2 from random friends games) on my highest -- I'm only mid 20's and upper teens on my highest two.

Do you think it's better to make crafting ingredients with all the greens, or better to sell them for cash early on?  I haven't tried starting the crafting yet, it was confusing me as to what I needed to do, or if I'm just mostly supposed to give the blacksmith money.
I don't think your blacksmith needs to be at any level to actually craft the staff but you do give him the plans that drop off Izual and then the Staff will show up in his menu along with the list of items you need + 50,000 gold (yay)

Originally Posted by EllynoUta /img/forum/go_quote.gif

not a WOW girl myself, but really into League of Legends, Final Fantasy, Harvest Moon, and many other things!
I still ponder trying LoL! I loovelovelooove FF! 

Originally Posted by HelloLeilani /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I still ponder trying LoL! I loovelovelooove FF! 
DO IT DO IT DO IT! it takes a bit to get into it but when you do.....

Whats your fav?

Originally Posted by autumnandicarus /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I couldn't get into LoL at all for some reason! I've only played FFX and FFX-2 but I love everything about the franchise (Moogles and Chocobos are so cute!)
I HATED LoL when I first started it! When I tell you I hated it, I HATEDDDD it. i only bothered to continue because my husband loves it. but once you actually figure out what you're doing its super duper addictive!!!

if you gals want, you can add me on there! my sn is Elly Honda. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

If you can stand the graphics, definitely try out some earlier FFs!

I think what the earlier FFs lacked in visual beauty they made up for in character depth and such amazing stories. Oh, and the soundtracks are gorgeous! Final Fantasy 6 and 7 are still among my favorite games. Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross are also my faves. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> 


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