I had all four wisdom teeth pulled July '05. It wasn't that bad. They give you a syringe to "irrigate" the pits until they are healed. You are not allowed to eat solid foods for 3 days after the procedure (drink lots of soups). Then you can start moving "soft" foods (think yogurt, etc)...stuff that doesn't need to be chewed much. Then, you start eating the harder foods.
The most painful part of my wisdom pull was the dry socket. Sometimes the blood clot in the socket dislodges (for any reason) and you get these shooting pains in your mouth. Owwwwwie!! But, it's easily reversible, so once I got it packed, I was fine.
All I can say is that I dealt with my wisdom teeth for 6 years before I had them pulled. And, after all of the pain went away and I was feeling "normal" (about a week later) I realized that it was the first time in 6 years that I didn't have that slight "headache"...where it's not a headache...but this dull, achy feeling in my head. Since I've had my wisdoms out, my teeth have shifted slightly back into place (it got to where I couldn't floss my teeth...they were so smashed together) and I'm completely head-pain free (no headaches, no jaw aches, nothing). It's a good thing.
Oh, I'll answer your questions...heh. It's been about 8 months since I've had my procedure and there's a small indent...but nothing major...I had no bruising, no desensitization, no problems (except for the dry socket). Over time, the socket will fill with new tissue (just like every other part of your body). As for gummy...I dunno what you mean, it feels like tissue and it's not gelatinous goo that is there...but you know, it feels like the gum tissue above your teeth do. Of course, every one has a different experience, but for the most part, science and surgery has advanced so much that, unless something is really, really bad...most people do not have horribly negative side-effects.
It's ok to be scared...but the end results...you'll kick yourself for waiting for so long.