Who do you look like in your family?

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i look like my mom some people say, and apparently we sound the same on the phone, but i inherited my dad's personnality.

what's strange though is my brother and i don't look like each other, even when people know we are siblings they have difficulties to believe it. it led to the cruel joke that i'm adopted.

My mother. When I see pics of my mum when she was my age, it's scary how much we look alike.

I look just like my mom. Same big brown almond eyes, straight black hair and tanned skin tone.
I look like my mum (glasses and all lol), except with stronger features which I get from my moroccan dad. Also I am darker and taller and less petite.

I look like my mother!! What a surprise!! lol Hair color, eyes, face shape.... and she had nice legs too...


I favor my mother alot from when she was in her 20s. I used to think differently until I saw a photo of her while she was pregnant with me.It was really uncanny.

My family ALWAYS tells me I look like my aunt on my dad's side of the family!! ****ing hate that shit!!!

Well, nobody has ever told me I look like my mom, only a few people have told me I look like my dad, I think I have his chin, but I do act a lot like him, very quick-witted smart-asses hehe.
I look like my dad. He was such a handsome man, Not that I'm handsome. duh. He had 5 brothers and sisters and ALL of their kids look like we belong to the same couple. His mother was cherokee indian. The genes are strong. The only difference was that every one else in his family, including the kids, have green eyes. He and I were the only ones with blue eyes.

I look mostly like my mom, although can't pick out which particular features. But I have some looks from my dad as well. I have my mom's body, I think.

It's a mixture, really. But more leaning towards my dad.

His skin color, eyebrow shape, nose (but mine is pointier, not flatter like his).

Kee, the resemblance is sooo obvious, it´s crazy. Your mom´s really pretty!

I am gonna be the outsider here cause I don´t look like anyone in my family! (I´ll post a picture later for proof).

I´m blonde with blue eyes, the rest of my family is brunette/dark brown with mostly really dark eyes. To this day I wonder if I`m maybe them milkman´s daughter, but I always hear I have the height, facial structure and walk of my great-aunts (dead, I never met them) and I got the blonde hair and blue eyes from my grandpa on my dad´s side (dead, I never met him either)

so there´s literally no proof cause my family on my dad´s side was very poor so there aren´t even any pictures of them I believe.

I look like my mother's side of the family - I have the big boobs, small waist and pointy chin. LOL. My sister looks more like my dad's side

I have my dad's eyes, but my mother's face. Everything else is an average between the two of them.

I have a funny combination, I look like my maternal grandmother and my dad...LOL. I have my dad's full lips, and big eyes, but I have my grandmother's nose, and high cheekbones, my mom looks like her dad. I got my dad's height as well, my mom is 4ft11 and my dad is 6ft 5 so I'm kinda in between at 5ft 7 almost 5ft 8. Personality-wise I'm all my mom though.

No one has been able to figure that one out my entire life. I guess I just look like myself. Except my nose, I have my dad's nose..

Originally Posted by Kee /img/forum/go_quote.gif Me and my mom in the fabulous 80's! LOL!


Kee, your mom is beautiful and I can totally see the resemblance.
I usually get told I look just like my dad, I have most of his facial features. My personality is also just like my dads...calm, quiet and companionate.

Pfft, people say I look like my mom, but I know who I look like. Like nobody. The only person I slighty resemble is my own sister but other than that, Im the black sheep of the family, both in personality and looks. I did get my dads nose though, but soon Ima fix that, hehehehe


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