What's your natural hair color?

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Originally Posted by Guenevere ^^^previous thread

I did a search beforehand too and didn't find it! Thanks Jennifer!

no problem!
mine was really light blonde when I was just a tod to about 5 then it started turning dark, i thought my hair was a light brown or blondish brown, well come to find out i was sort of right. it is a really dark blone w/gold in it and almost light brown. but i have highlights in it and from where my hair was getting a little lighter from the sun my roots growing out are darker than the hair that wasn't colored. so i have 3 different colors maybe 4 in my hair. oh before i had it colored i was told my hair was a dark blonde #6, whatever that means.

my natural colour is dark brown but i like dying it red (or natural with red highlights). now its red but as usual changing to auburn. i think im going for bright firery red highlights the next time

I got my hair cut this weekend and the hairstylist said the natural color was a "very dark ash blonde"(the roots.)On me it's a really unflattering, really unattractive color, not brown and not blonde, and I've been highlighting it/covering the roots forever.

My natural hair color is very black. Sometimes it looks dark brown though.

i could've sworn i answered this exact same question yesterday! but yeah, it's black and i highlight it.

Originally Posted by pinkbundles i could've sworn i answered this exact same question yesterday! but yeah, it's black and i highlight it. Yeah, Jennifer found this thread for me! (she rocks!)
Right now, my hair has a strange, rust color to it; the red dye faded a lot... I'll give red another try, and then i'll return to my original dark brown hair

My hair is a medium/light golden brown. Or as I like to think of it, a non-color. I've been dyeing it semi-permanent red however, so now out in the sun it looks sort of orange, and under the bathroom light I can't see any red at all unless I look very closely at how the strands shine. Instead of seeing the hair reflect sort of golden I see just a bit of that red.

I HATE my natural color and am thinking of dyeing it permanent red...have done it before and can't remember what I used. I want it to look natural though. (None of that purple crud, and not unrealistically bright...more auburn, but very obvious.) I've seen a lot of pics of henna results but most of the time I sorta don't like how it comes out...shame, cause I'd like to use a natural product.

I'm going for that sort of Alyson Hannigan look. I LOVE her hair.

I'm rambling, he he.

Hmmm.... Well, I'll say it's naturally a dark brown (almost black) with natural red highlights... I've colored it a lot over the years, but generally a shade of brown or red. A few times I went black-black, and once I did blue-black, which was AWESOME!

mine is a dull mouse-y brown, i usually dye, right now i'm a redhead, but iam thinking about letting it grow out natural (but i would have to go browner first)

Originally Posted by Aquilah Hmmm.... Well, I'll say it's naturally a dark brown (almost black) with natural red highlights... I've colored it a lot over the years, but generally a shade of brown or red. A few times I went black-black, and once I did blue-black, which was AWESOME! I had black (starry night) by loreal for years and I loved it! I'm blond right now but I'm so itchin' to get back to black!!! It was funny because everyone that only knew me having black hair thought it was natural which was so funny because I'm a natural dirty blond!

i have blonde hair and have never colored my hair cuz i love being a blonde! im thinking of getting strawberry blonde highlights tho...

My hair is really dark brown. I haven't dyed it in YEARS. I used to "frost" it in high school. What I hate about my hair now though is that my ends are lighter than my roots, just naturally (I live in alot of sunlight so as it's growing, that hair is exposed to the sunlight longer, and therefore fades), and I can't correct it without dying it or cutting off the ends. And I don't wanna do either!


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