What phrases really annoy you?

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Originally Posted by Jobunny /img/forum/go_quote.gif Oh and I really hate twee sayings like "if you're down look up" and "Don't worry, be happy". I want to shake people that say that. That's probably mean haha. I had a complete stanger say "don't worry be happy" to me one time. My father had just died and I was out eating lunch by myself at the mall while I was looking for a dress for the funeral. The ******* walks up to my table and says "you need to smile. It can't be that bad. Don't worry, be happy"......................I lost it and screamed at him in the middle of the food court that my dad was dead and to mind his own effing business. I bet he didn't do that again for a while.
Originally Posted by Nox /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I have to disagree with you, Tony. Depending on where you are in the country, it might be part of that region's vernacular. It is self-defeating to look down upon somebody just because of how low-class they are perceived to be when they speak. Somebody could be doing the same to you, and you might not even realize it.
Even Queen Elizabeth uses "whatnot" it in her speech, along with "or whatever".

But just to be clear about the word, in *classic* English, a "whatnot" is a backless shelf.

You're not disagreeing with me but rather my buddy. LOL :p /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20">
But...I disagree with what you say though, most of the people I hear saying "and whatnot" have no idea what they are saying and it's purely a habit of vernacular, are mostly thugs and are NOT speaking the queen's English.

Originally Posted by pinksugar /img/forum/go_quote.gif ok here is a question - do those of you who hate 'preggers' also hate 'hubby'?? just a thought, lol Hubby is not a word I use....but I don't mind when other people say it.
Originally Posted by pinksugar /img/forum/go_quote.gif oooh 'lolz' annoys me! wtf do you need the z for? AND...
when people use retared typing in text messages or emails - like,

"r u cuming 2 the movies 2nite?" GODDAMNIT get your grammar right! ARG! lol

lol, actually one of the things i HATE to hear people say is God----t!" it just makes me cringe, i cuss with the best of them but this i would NEVER say and hate hearing it.
Thats kind of a bummer because some of the phrases that some people listed are some of which I like to say....but oh well

I don't like it when people say, "it's the best thing ever since sliced bread." OKAY, since when was sliced bread so fascinating and innovative?

It's just whacky!

LOL. Interesting thread!

I don't really have any phrases that annoy me. Wait, I do have one "omgawd" lol

i just remembered.. i hate it when people say, "like i care?" or "it's none of my business, duh" HELLO. i talked to you or ask you a question because i wanted an answer!!! an opinion get it??? not cause i cared if you care.. LOL

well, another one is my pet peeve online, wHeN pE0p1E tYp3 lIkE tH1$...

pls... and PLS... dont do that, why waste time??? argh.. go figure


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