What phrases really annoy you?

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Originally Posted by MissBGlam /img/forum/go_quote.gif Gamers have weird phrases. If me and my brother are playing a game and he wins he'll always yell "You got Owned!", "Owned", or "You Got Pawned" I hate that mess with a passion!! And then instead of saying "the" they say "teh" (sounds like tay). So they'll say "This is teh awesome" And I just sit there and go "Please use some correct english!!" I play online on xbox and people say that alot and i'm going to have to agree, it's VERY annoying and retarded.I also hate when people say "and like" a million times.

I hate when people say "actually" all the time. I also HATE "ya know what I'm sayin"...Yes I know what you are saying. I heard it!!!

I am sooo guilty of saying "like" all the time. It's bad, but it's part of my personality. I also say "okay" after sentences. For example.." We went to the store...okay" or " I love you....okay"

Originally Posted by puncturedskirt /img/forum/go_quote.gif I play online on xbox and people say that alot and i'm going to have to agree, it's VERY annoying and retarded.I also hate when people say "and like" a million times.

My friend and her fiance are gamers and they ALWAYS say "you got pwned" WTF??
the only phrase that annoys me is the word "preggers"

i don't know why, it just does


Originally Posted by Nox /img/forum/go_quote.gif I have to disagree with you, Tony. Depending on where you are in the country, it might be part of that region's vernacular. It is self-defeating to look down upon somebody just because of how low-class they are perceived to be when they speak. Somebody could be doing the same to you, and you might not even realize it.
Even Queen Elizabeth uses "whatnot" it in her speech, along with "or whatever".

But just to be clear about the word, in *classic* English, a "whatnot" is a backless shelf.

Yes this is quite right. I was educated at a very good School in London and can speak very nice if i so wish to, it is wrong to state that someone who speaks with a certain accent/class may be badly educated, where i come from in South London alot of people talk in slang, which is cutting words short, but it certainly does not mean they are not educated, for instance my youngest brother is a Consultant/Surgeon with a South London accent, i rest my case. The saying that annoys me most is "you get me"
Yeah I would say WOW phrases, which is F***ing annoying. Only because I hate wow and how they brainwash people. AHEM *my man* so i be hearing " PWND. FTL.FTW." stupid phrases like that.

LOL.. this thread is funny. Some of these phrases annoy me too! I know I have more but I can't think of them right now

Originally Posted by ivette /img/forum/go_quote.gif the only phrase that annoys me is the word "preggers"i don't know why, it just does

I hate that one too, and I don't know why either!

"k thnx" (in that spelling..online) bugs me all to hell.

"Keep away from my donuts biitch. K thnx"


Originally Posted by XkrissyX /img/forum/go_quote.gif Yeah I would say WOW phrases, which is F***ing annoying. Only because I hate wow and how they brainwash people. AHEM *my man* so i be hearing " PWND. FTL.FTW." stupid phrases like that. My man too..I feel for you
oooh 'lolz' annoys me! wtf do you need the z for? AND...

when people use retared typing in text messages or emails - like,

"r u cuming 2 the movies 2nite?" GODDAMNIT get your grammar right! ARG! lol

Originally Posted by Tony(admin) /img/forum/go_quote.gif I agree with you here
"and whatnot" cannot be more annoying. A buddyy friend told me that it's a sign of lack of education and/or speaking ability. LOL

Well, we know I have an education! LOL! Besides, I don't say "and whatnot," I say, "or whatnot!" LOL!
ok here is a question - do those of you who hate 'preggers' also hate 'hubby'?? just a thought, lol

Originally Posted by Aquilah /img/forum/go_quote.gif Well, for a while there, between BB8 and the people at work, the phrase "It is what it is," bothered the sh!t out of me! I've gotten over it... I hate that. Stoopid BB8. UUUGGGHHH!

Originally Posted by Retro-Violet /img/forum/go_quote.gif you know it makes me feel bad cause i say a couple of the things that have been listed. Same here.

For me, its when people say "hecka".

My pet peeve is medical speak that medical professionals can't pronounce but should be able to. For instance prostate and they say prostrate...uugghh.... Also the word oriented. Like if I'm saying "the patient is alert and oriented". A nurse I work with always says orientated. It drives me crazy, but I'm shallow that way.

Originally Posted by pinksugar /img/forum/go_quote.gif ok here is a question - do those of you who hate 'preggers' also hate 'hubby'?? just a thought, lol I don't use either word. So, yes I hate them both

Originally Posted by StereoXGirl /img/forum/go_quote.gif I can't stand "my bad". I've hated it since the first time I heard someone use it. lol. I work with a 50 year old that says that. umm can you say "grow the hell up'?

Originally Posted by Aquilah /img/forum/go_quote.gif Well, we know I have an education! LOL! Besides, I don't say "and whatnot," I say, "or whatnot!" LOL! My "and whatnot" is pronounced "blah blah blah" when I can't think of what I'm trying to say.

Originally Posted by BeneBaby /img/forum/go_quote.gif I hate when people say "actually" all the time. I also HATE "ya know what I'm sayin"...Yes I know what you are saying. I heard it!!!
I am sooo guilty of saying "like" all the time. It's bad, but it's part of my personality. I also say "okay" after sentences. For example.." We went to the store...okay" or " I love you....okay"

I'm guilty of "ya know what I mean". but don't use "like" ever. so there
Originally Posted by BeneBaby /img/forum/go_quote.gif My friend and her fiance are gamers and they ALWAYS say "you got pwned" WTF?? Haha, Yeah..It's usually gamers that say it and they say it ALL the time.

Originally Posted by ivette /img/forum/go_quote.gif the only phrase that annoys me is the word "preggers"i don't know why, it just does

I hate that too and so does my boyfriend, I think it bothers him the most."Preggers" "Preggo" "Preggie" DURRRRRRRRRRRH


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