What motivates you to choose the colors/products you do?

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Originally Posted by Retro-Violet /img/forum/go_quote.gif when it comes to color, i tend to try it on my hand so then i can see if it goes with my skin color or not.
as with products, i kinda just check to see whats new, and try it out on my hands to see if i like the texture or smell or whatever. sometimes i'll read it on here on in a magazine and i'll go and see what its all about and ask for a sample or something like that.

yeah that's a big one for me
I chose my MU based on what I know I will wear...I try to say away from buying MU for the sake of buying MU...

i don't follow trends. i try to buy colors that will look flattering on me and that i don't have already. usually when i'm shopping with friends, i'm the one giving some opinion, because i happen to be the one wearing more makeup than they do.

Lol, I just noticed that my best friend or aunt always buy things influenced by me and they love them.

Right now I'm trying to use up certain products that I've had forever or have duplicates of. I have them all set out on my counter so that I'll just grab those instead of poking through my train case when I'm trying to get ready for the office.
